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Posts posted by Glacia

  1. Im recently switching a bit from standard Interloper to a more expanded custom settings, exactly interloper with guns enabled (Gunloper) but also the BRA in medium, so all items are avaliable and tools spawn as usual.

    I have a mixed feelings about this settings, mostly because i think it's not bad at all but certain things are just dissapointing.

    First of all, the avaliability of tools feels unrealistic, with a very little exploration you can get all tools without effort, and there are a lot of them scattered around the world map. I remember playing stalker two years ago and seriously getting tools was much harder than now!  Im pretty sure the loot update have changed this.

    The second curious point lies about 'Early game power spikes':

    In fact, you are still playing on interloper settings with cold and bad weather/massive animal damage, this is not a walk in the park. But if you manage to loot core locations, likely PV plane, AC and TWM summit, you end with 95% of the best clothing pieces and almost all resources needed!

    This is exactly what im experiencing right now, more than 10 days without losing a sole point of condition for freezing, because my clothing have more than 32*C. At day 50 this power spike ends and you actually face 'Interloper' again, no matter what clothing you manage to loot. You can experience a very easy early game until the days 40-50 temp limit, where things becomes harder again.

    ¿Overall?  Complete and diverse settings, fun to play but largely ruined by massive loot/resources locations and easy locations for core tools.


  2. 6 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    So then, why not eliminate the standard difficulties altogether and just use the custom menu right off the start?

    Because every survival game (With various difficulty modes) needs some easy and understandable options for new players. 

    Imagine a new player buying the game and not even knowing what is a timberwolf, how the mechanics works and basically nothing. The game settings are perfect as they are, custom only needs a few tunning options like the feat progress and other suggested features.

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  3. On 4/11/2023 at 1:09 PM, ManicManiac said:

    I can understand the disappointment and all... but all things considered; I'd say that Interloper was never "feature complete" (in terms of game content).  I might remind folks that rifles, revolvers, hunting knives, hatchets, top tier "manufactured" clothing items (Expedition Parka and so on...), and the majority of TWM cargo containers were always absent from Interloper.

    This isn't 100% true at all. Interloper was always feature complete in terms of mechanics and gameplay, except for the gunsmithing and related items/features for the firearms.

    The firearms are not the feature, the feature it's hunting and self-defense. You can do that with just a bow, it's just a different way to do but enables the player to do all tasks related to hunt.

    The same applies to improvised tools, inferior clothing and so on. Even with regions nerfed like the cargo containers and CH absent houses, you can still do the content just with changes.

    This is completely different if we talk about the tale. The tale is not just a 'Loot finder' tool, involves repairing several new structures with new items, mandatory navigation during auroras, new mechanic with the handheld radio and of course, the lore.

    Signal void it's a completely new concept, even if it uses most of the base game mechanics. Most players do not care about the new balaclava or special food, instead they want to experience the tale.


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  4. After firestarting nv3 tinder/cattails head and other items becomes fully useless.

    I see no reason to not let players use newspaper or another common tinder items as another stick-like item, giving no more than 5 minutes of burn but still noticeable if you have a good amount of them.

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  5. 28 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

    Have you found the bunker in HRV yet?

    Not really, but i don't expect it to be in an easy place.

    29 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

    because the placement of it makes it almost useless for what it offers.  

    If it's not that hard to reach (Being easier to reach than milton trailer), it have a workbench so can serve as a temporary base for certain tasks. You don't need to live in the bunker, just travel to use the workbench sometimes.

    Something similar happens with the cannery worker residences, you don't go to the cannery everyday, just one time every various weeks to craft and then go back.

  6. The bunker near spence it's actually a great addition to the game. It doesn't matter if it's empty, it's a safe and warm place with a bed and you can cure stuff here. Also 12 scrap metal pieces to loot in safety, for the forge.

    It's very near the forge/workbench so if someone wants to live long term on FM, now it's more doable. Before the only reasonable 'base' was one of the transition caves.

    Im pretty sure the same applies to HRV but ten times better, acting as the only base for the region.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Serenity said:

    I think the amount is a bit much though what with there being a a blizzard every other day. Before it took a long time for the loot to refresh. Don't get me wrong, I think there should certainly be stuff on Interloper. And probably even more than before. The old loot was a bit low to make it a truly interesting mechanic for my tastes, but now it seems a bit overtuned.

    Indeed, the amount of loot refreshing every blizzard it's considerably high and likely unbalanced. However the loot tables are good, the problem lies about the frequency of the items washing at the coast (Every blizzard).

    This system should be perfectly balanced if items wash every 2 or 3 blizzards than after every blizzard, but anyways im not sure if a change is needed. Beachcombing it's mostly for very late game and at this point you just play for a challenge or casual fun; If you get a lot of items isn't that bad anyways, you already should have everything at this point.

  8. 46 minutes ago, Dan_ said:

    After a few more hours beachcombing CH, Crumbling H and DP with exactly 15 more storms, I still haven't found a single set of quality tools or flares of any kind, even though everybody else seem to be swimming in them. Is this is an issue for older saves? I have a 270 day-old survivor doing all this beachcombing work, and I'm swimming in fish, cloth and saplings. Just found my first skill book but no sighting of flares or quality tools. 

    Question is: do they only spawn in lockers, corpses, loose on the ice? What is the catch or trick I'm missing? I've been running up and down the full coast everytime, and no luck so far.

    Likely it's pure random but im experience right now different common loots. For a example, when i started on my run at day 350, quality tools spawn very frequently and even more than one in just a blizzard (Im playing at bleak inlet).

    However im not getting any quality tools for a lot of time, and im getting other loots like ketchup chips more frequently. I have experienced this with other resources like leather or marine flares for a example.

    MAYBE the new system works in a way of 'Rounds of certain items', like you get several quality tools or other resource in a small amount of time, and then it becomes very rare to let other resources wash more commonly. This makes sense to give a diverse amount of renewable resources over time, but however i can't prove this.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, cattailstalker said:

    I haven’t found any medications (natural or manmade) in the revamped beachcombing.  This is playing on just vanilla interloper.  Mostly just finding meh clothing in poor condition - so basically one piece of cloth - which is fine with me.  

    I wouldn’t want beachcombing to risk becoming too overpowered for interloper difficulty…personally, the enjoyment comes mostly from the novelty/thrill of spotting and retrieving ‘treasure’ washed ashore, rather than the actual loot itself. And I think it’s even more fun now, seeing the new ‘containers’ it spawns in, adding more ‘life’ and immersion into the game world in what I think is a very creative way. 

    Painkillers are very common, and Antibiotics very rare. Emergency stims are not avaliable on interloper, but they are rare on lower game modes.

    Currently beachcombing it's incredible overpowered on stalker/voyager/pilgrim, the loot it's just very abundant and good, there are people even looting 3 hatchets from a single canoe.

    This is different on Interloper, the loot tables are very balanced and now everything it's easy renewable. Also as you say, the new system it's more inmersive, diverse and fun to play!

    Someone on reddit have posted a full loper beachcomb data, on this link:


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  10. 22 hours ago, Glacia said:

    Im curious if anyone have been found Antibiotics or reishi, i haven't seen them on Interloper or Stalker.

    I mean.. fully exhaust reishi takes an incredible amount of time. But in the hypothetical case of doesn't have any reishi left and you get parasites, you are inevitable dead, because antibiotics/reishi isn't renewable anymore.


    Antibiotics can wash, but rare.

    About renewable fire, marine flares are common and matches/firestrikers very rare.

    You can get all avaliable clothing pieces on Interloper from the different containers on the coast, except for the ear wool wraps.


  11. 6 minutes ago, Dan_ said:

    Is it possible to get the big boat to spawn on Loper? I have been getting the canoes and overturned small boats with paddles, no luck on the big boat so far. 

    Isn't confirmed still, but unlikely.

    The reliable source of scrap metal it's dismantle quality tool for x3 pieces, scrap metal it's incredible rare to find alone.

  12. Im curious if anyone have been found Antibiotics or reishi, i haven't seen them on Interloper or Stalker.

    I mean.. fully exhaust reishi takes an incredible amount of time. But in the hypothetical case of doesn't have any reishi left and you get parasites, you are inevitable dead, because antibiotics/reishi isn't renewable anymore.


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  13. On 4/4/2023 at 10:53 PM, Obsidian Productions said:

    Interesting. Thanks for the response. Lol, I guess I've gotten so used to being able to just access stuff.

    It's a new feature, once you visit the far territory you can start as usual on new runs choosing the DLC regions. It makes sense because exploring from the entrance and knowing the connection and paths can help you a lot in your gameplay.

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  14. 31 minutes ago, Shadox said:

    Do you have the impression that the items you get from beachcombing differs from area to area? So different things in BI and CH? I never use blue flares apart from fighting t-wolves, and i still hoard my 10 i got left on my interloper main character. I just found red ones so far from beachcombing. And i dont plan to return to BI before the last 2 whetstones are gone and sawmill is required :P

    I suspect region may change the loot, it makes sense to loot marine flares on bleak inlet. You get common flares on interloper? I haven't see one yet.

  15. 18 hours ago, Glacia said:

    Note that for the first time in 9 years, firestarting is now fully renewable (Maglens have clear day requirement). While flares are not very common, finding a few can bring the survivor the bit of fire-starting needed to endless survive and without needing the requirements for the maglens.

    Also it seems matches are also renewable on stalker, so even easier!

    Also, marine flares seems to be a common drop, not common as sticks/reclaimed wood but not rare. I have looted 3 in one round after a blizzard at bleak inlet, this is more than enough to keep the fire for fishing without spending matches.

    And of course flares can be used for the intended reason:  Fight timberwolves. Not very usefull outside BI anyways.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Glacia said:

    Confirmed loot for Interloper:

    - Marine Flares.

    Not sure if common flares are avaliable.

    Note that for the first time in 9 years, firestarting is now fully renewable (Maglens have clear day requirement). While flares are not very common, finding a few can bring the survivor the bit of fire-starting needed to endless survive and without needing the requirements for the maglens.

    Also it seems matches are also renewable on stalker, so even easier!

  17. 16 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    Come on - it's literally 24 hours that you have to spend outdoors (if you happen to have managed your indoor/outdoor balance poorly enough that you actually got cabin fever)... and fishing huts and caves count as being outdoors... and there's a ton of caves in this game.  Not to mention the fact that your fires last longer the colder the surrounding air, so there's a definite benefit to cooking in caves (where the fire is sheltered anyways).  You also don't have to stop your normal outdoor activities...  You could go off to the Ravine and pick up birch bark, hunt deer, and stone rabbits to your heart's content... cook it all up in any one of the 3 caves (one of which even has a bed) in the zone and never have to worry about a predator... a pretty fun way to spend 24 hours in this game.

    Experienced players almost never face cabin fever because of the adapted playstyle, and even if you get it, you can cure relatively easy.

    That's my point, cabin fever isn't problematic or hard to deal, but offers nothing interesting to the game. I think people complaining or asking for removal, just do it because they find the feature as an annoyance, not because they have problems to deal with it.

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