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Posts posted by Glacia

  1. 2 hours ago, Blizzard Walker said:

    So far I have binge beach combed CH after 20 or so blizzards over a 50 day period - playing Voyageur. Some locations repopulate with loot even without blizzards.

    The boat has appeared three times.  First time loaded with loot.  Second and third times contained just fish and a can of sardines.

    Loot item variety is extensive.  Below is a list of items that DID NOT appear, subject to change as they may yet appear:

    - Weapons - NO bows, revolvers, rifles or flare guns;

    - Clothing - NO expedition parkas, gauntlets, wool ear wraps, cowichan sweaters, fishermans sweaters, combat pants, snow pants or balaclavas;

    - Materials - NO metal, lead pieces, dusting sulfur, stump remover, gun cleaning kits, bedrolls, mag lens, lanterns, pots, gunpowder, acclerants or car barreries, 

    - Equipment - NO heavy hammers, can openers, sewing kits, prybars or ropes, 

    - Food - NO coffee or tea

    One conclusion is that broken arrows are so common via beach combing that I won't need to go forging to make them on Voyageur.

    Thanks for your info gathering washed items, there are various items spawning on your list, albeit rare at the point of most people think it's impossible to get.

    Revolvers can spawn very rarely on containers, as well as ammo. 

    Flare guns and flare shells are incredible rare but possible, even on Interloper!

    Metal pieces becomed more common recently, i think HTL have touched a bit the system without noticing the players. Quality tools are rare now.

    All clothing pieces avaliable on Interloper but the ear wool wraps are avaliable via beachcombing. Containers can even have flight jackets, combat pants and other mid-tier clothing. Im not sure if items like the fisherman sweeters can spawn on lower settings, but it's likely.

    Im gathering info to write a detailed table on the Wiki, but since loot tables are confusing and unbalanced right now, im gonna wait a bit more for later patches.

  2. The next region for the DLC it's the Industrial Mine, the web says it's an open mine with hidden secrets of the island, related to Signal Void and likely the next tale. 

    ¿What do you think about the new region?

    I can imagine the region with two parts, a big mine with complex caves and travel systems like HRV but man-made, and an open basin with more natural resources.

    Like a mega blackrock mine, with more mechanics (like the chemical hazards) and way way bigger.


  3. Deadworld has becomed possible thanks to the new beachcombing. Before it was only a challenge of how far someone can go, but now it's possible to survive with BC fish, carcasses and BBT washing on the coast.

    It's indeed fun to try 😁

  4. 1 hour ago, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

    I've concluded that, at a minimum, all the wolves in a zone need to be terminated before I go stumbling around at night with a radio


    You can fight the cold with enough coal, teas and stuff, but you can't do anything if a aurora wolf oneshot you. The only way to have a 'safe' experience it's fully cleaning the region before the aurora night.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Batteries Locations:

    Desolation point:

    - Inside the Hibernia complex.

    If not avaliable here, you can find more on the multiple cars scattered on the region. In the worst scenario, a battery spawns inside the Quonset.

    Pleasant Valley:

    Inside the radio tower.

    If not avaliable, you can find multiple bateries on various spots, like the farm, several cars or thomson crossing.

    Blackrock (Needs further testing):

    - Inside or near the radio tower.

    If not avaliable, search in one of the multiple cars near or look inside the prison.

    Forlorn Muskeg:

    - Uncommon right next to the tower, on a container.

    You can find bateries on spence's, thief camp or in the worst scenario, you could go to broken railroad, a batery spawns inside the maintenance yard.

    Mountain Town:

    - Uncommon right next to the tower, on a container.

    In most cases, you should look in the several cars scattered on the region or the farmstead near the basin.



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  6. 3 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    It seems strange that Loper would be that much more generous with them than pilgrim.  Where are they located on Loper... I'll give it a quick test.

    * One hidden inside a crate of the maintenance yard (Inside the building), you need to break the crate.

    * One in various spots of the hunting lodge.

    * One inside a bag on the basin, likely for preventing players to get locked on a run if they run out of stamina in this place.

    * Another one on several spawn points, sometimes also in the maintenance yard and maybe it's not 100% guaranteed.

    The stims are largely the same on this region compared to pre-DLC.

  7. 20 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    Also:  How many stims available in Loper?  Seems unlikely to be able to use up 2 or 3 every time you use the radio.

    Stims are for a emergency, in the best scenario you are not gonna need them. Stims are not very common on loper but not that hard to find, for a example there are 4 guaranteed stims only on broken railroad.

  8. 24 minutes ago, Shadox said:

    Mind to tell where you found the Batterys for the Signals? Im struggling to find them on my old save, where i looted about every container. No loose placed battery aside from the one in FA has been there so far :(

    In FA you can find two, one right next to the transmitter and other inside the near building.

    If you're lucky, most transmitters will have a battery right next to them or very near. If isn't the case, the only way is carrying one from other place.

    Note that the update adds new batteries in certain places, for a example there is one inside the maintenance yard, usefull for the FM transmitter.

    • Upvote 1
  9. I have losted a 70 days run on Interloper for wandering at night searching for hidden caches of the Tale, even being playing very safe, a wolf oneshoted me even having 60% protection and full condition. This makes me wonder what is the safest way to complete the Tale without dying in a second from a wolf attack.

    First of all, the dangerous thing are the Aurora Wolves, not the temperature. Aurora Wolves have an erratic behaviour but the most dangerous aspect it's their damage, if you end in a struggle you are likely gonna loose a 80% condition or dying instantly, plus one or two bleedings and other afflictions.

    The most dangerous places are the ones with unusual or irregular ground shape, so when a wolf charges, it's gonna do a 'zig zag' and you are likely gonna fail the shoot and end in a struggle. This scenario should be avoided at all times, it's highly advisable to fully clean a zone during the day before searching it during an aurora.

    Additional advisable resources are:

    - Carry 2 or 3 stims with you, and other basic first aid supplies.

    - Kerosene/Acelerant plus coal to make quick rests between places. 

    - Coffee or reishi/rose hips.

    The best scenario it's actually:

    1: Fully clear the region or at least the spots you are gonna explore, before the Aurora.

    2: Carry enough coal, acelerant and food to heat to keep exploring without losing a lot of condition.

    3: Keep stims and emergency resources all the time, and have an emergency plan if things go bad.

    4: Optional but advisable: Use the niche Ballistic Vest. Having 90% of more protection it's the only way to deal with otherwise guaranteed deaths for ending on a struggle.

    Im having a lot of fun with the Tale, it's completely unforgiving and hard.


    • Upvote 1
  10. Beachcombing have enchanced survival on coastal regions, notably Bleak Inlet have a niche of being the arguably, safest region in the entire game even on Interloper.

    This may sound rare but once you get to the worker residences with enough fishing tackles and common stuff, didpatch the bear and the place is safe for around 50 days. Just a trip to the cannery every 10 days to kill one timberwolf and control population, and done, everything 100% safe.

    Having beachcombing in the front of your home gives a lot of resources, and pickup everything takes very little time, unlike CH with a massive coastline. BC gives all resources needed to have everything renewable, plus the milling machine to have tools at perfect state and unlimited food with fishing.

    Definitely worth to try 😉


    • Upvote 1
  11. The limitations of the Accesory slots it's an old problem, because keep releasing items for this clothing slot it's almost meaningless, players are not gonna use them im most cases.

    For a example, there is nothing wrong with the Rifle Holster, but you don't have a lot of reasons to use it because stronger accesory items exists.

    A lot of players suggest a separate slots for different accesories, like an extra slot on foots for the crampons or switch the ballistic vest to a inner torso pierce rather than being an accesory. I don't see this happening, but could make a lot of sense.

  12. On 4/18/2023 at 1:23 AM, ajb1978 said:

    Please state your honest opinion about the state of the game. Story, Survival, DLC or Base content, whatever your stance.

    For base content and game? It's a masterpiece and incredible solid, at the point of most players feeling as a complete/finished game. Very polished and an excellent work of art and gameplay. This have been this way for years.

    I have a mixed feelings about story mode, for two reasons:

    First of all, the story features two main plots without connection between them: The geomagnetic apocalypse and the disease around the island, with astrid having the cure. The problem of having two separate history plots comes with a non-solid explanation of what is exactly the reason of a story mode, ¿What are the devs trying to tell us with the story? This may be explained with the episode 5 and future tales, but currently the story isn't that good and considerably confusing.

    It doesn't mean it's bad, it's just inconsistent. The episode 4 it's a jewel of gameplay but have a terrible plot and offers absolutely nothing to the story, i really hope episode 5 give a good close to the story.

    About the DLC:

    I really like the new additions and concepts, but i still think the DLC have been released so early, damaging the players experience. Several bugs, consoles getting content later or buggy content, controversial changes or changes without impact on the game.

    I don't expect anyways the first parts of the DLC to be very good. But i really want to see the game polished for the late year, at least the bugs fixed and so on.

    It's a very ambitious project and gives the game several fresh features! 

    Overall i think the game it's still the masterpiece that i have been played for around 2 years now. Besides controversial changes or bugs, things have becomed better in most cases and the DLC have future.


  13. One of the upcoming features in the roadmap it's the improved fishing system, quoted from the site:


    The current system, expanded and made more interesting.

    Im curious about what HTL it's gonna do with fishing, but i think it's gonna be something like beachcombing. Fishing isn't a bad system on their own for pure survival reasons, actually it's very efficient, safe and effective source of food.

    However most players never fish at all, just because it's boring and uninteractive.

    A lot of things can be doed to make the system more fun and dynamic, but those are my predictions for the upcoming changes:

    Cloth, Socks, Shoes, Leather and maybe other basic resources as loot during fishing. Every game with fishing system have the usual clutter rewards like socks, trash, rocks or other minor items, which makes sense. In TLD the 'clutter' items are actually usefull, for a example even a very rare drop of ruined shoes and socks let a TWM player have a renewable source of otherwise non-avaliable items on that region.

    - More variety of fish, and likely related to enchanced cooking.

    - More ways to fish, like new manufactured fishing lines (Already avaliable for years on the game files) or baits to improve the % of fishing.

    - A very rare bottle or other item with a hidden message inside. Once read, you can go to a hidden location with special loot, working like a memento but related to fishing loot. Unlikely anyways.

     I don't think fishing needs a lot of things to be fun, but im pretty sure a fresh-system could encourage more players to use fishing.

    • Upvote 1
  14. Im gonna polish a bit my explanation of why beachcombing should be balanced a bit, not because of my experience playing the system but for the general game mechanics and the philosophy of TLD.

    Beachcombing was introduced to provide the player a semi-reliable source of otherwise non-renewable resources, and of course the fun experience of 'treasure hunt' on coastal areas. For years, the system works as intended, rewarding most essential resources for very long term like saplings and cloth/leather.

    HTL expanded the system to be more fun and rewarding, rather than mostly just related to gather resources for very very late game. There is nothing wrong with this and most players actually love the new beachcombing, however the system it's very borderline about what BC it's supposed to be for the game.

    ¿An alternative and fun source or certain items..? Or.. a system capable of giving a player enough resources to almost survive with just BC rewards, or at least a lot of resources enough to hold a player on a region for a lot of time.

    TLD it's a dynamic game, no matter if you play on Pilgrim and get and inmense amount of supplies on a town, eventually you move and look for more resources and things to do. The same goes for hardcore players rushing high loot areas and all kind of playstyles, all valid. But beachcombing it's just a 'Just wait for a blizzard and then do a small walk to get a rain of resources!'.

    Hatches are so common that players are dismantling them for wood; arrows and arrows materials are also incredible common, enough to replace arrow crafting, and so on..

    If we look at how certain mechanics were designed to encourage players to have a dynamic playstyle (Cabin fever, well feed, etc), it's hard to understand why BC it's so powerfull right now, it even goes against a lot of core concepts of the game like looking for your own items and crafting things.

    The system it's incredible, just needs a bit of tunning to make it balanced. This is my opinion anyways, and a lot of players may see the system ok even if it's overpowered.


    • Upvote 3
  15. On 4/12/2023 at 12:23 PM, Smellyfries said:

    Fire-hardened arrows are really good for leveling your archery skill on rabbits without wasting durability on your regular arrows

    However, they waste durability of your bow, making them considerably resource expensive.

    12 hours ago, DaGnome91 said:

    AND it makes them bleed ! Ok, it's very slow, but it works...

    Surely?  Because regular wolves and other animals do not bleed with the arrows, likely a bug.


  16. I have a question, im on a new run and i have found 6 prepper bunkers around the world, all abandoned/empty.

    The wiki says 6 bunkers will always be abandoned and the other 3 always fully stocked, ¿But how this work exactly?

    It's pure random at world generation or you need to first enter 6 bunkers and then the other 3 could be fully stocked? If it the first case, im just having an atrocious luck.

  17. 1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

    I wonder if the blizzards are turned off then would we definitely get nothing at all or would the old system still be there..  I doubt anyone would turn them off though or if htl considered that people would do so .

    There are two systems related to beachcombing in the game:

    - The 'Classic' system:

    Random items wash in the coast every few days, not related to blizzards, you can get them without needing a blizzard. However, blizzards re-spawn all of those items (Most times). In settings with very low blizzards, this could be the mayority of the BC loot.

    - The new system:

    Containers, pallets and other items spawn after every blizzard.