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Posts posted by Glacia




    For ages, several items have been in the game data, most of them are discontinued features or features that never saw the light. You can't get those items on your runs, the only way to use them it's use the developer console, only possible to do using Mods. 

    This simple list shows the most relevant hidden and unavaliable items in the current game data:


    Flint and Steel: Maybe a previous version of the current firestrikers, or a discarded feature for a renewable fire source;  Flint and steel it's one of the most rudimentary tools for starting fires.



    Wolf Carcass: A portable wolf carcass, you can even harvest but it's buggy. 



    Fresh Leather: Maybe the common leather was intended to be cured just like the animals leathers.



    Clothsheet: You can harvest it for 8 cloth pieces. Surely another way to harvest cloth just like courtains are right now, and it's the closest thing to a 'Blanket', one of the most requested features.



    Nylon: Unknown purpose, ¿Maybe for crafting something?



    Compression Bandage:  As the item says, the compression bandage prevents moving of the injured part of the body. This is likely a more realistic first aid mechanic, currently using a bandage instant heals sprains.



    Jeremiah Bear Coat:  Not sure about this one, wintermute have several items before the redux update, even a Jeremiah Knife. I can't confirm if this item have been used in the game at any point or if it just a discarded feature for wintermute.



    Brands: Discontinued feature; now you can pick up torches of a lit campfire. Brands was used as a most rudimentary self-defense tool, you could shake it to scare wolfs. Recently, several people have requested the return of the brands as a more balanced approach than the torches, currently overpowered and considerably unrealistic.



    Fire Axe:  Another version of a common Axe, likely a item variant, surely better than the regular axe. It is possible that the fire axes finally come with the new DLC, because item variants have been confirmed.



    Handheld Shortwave Radio: Unused item, if you use it, the game crashes. This item will be added as a feature in the upcoming DLC.



    Hunting Rifle (Variant):  Another item variant. This item will be added as a feature in the upcoming DLC, now with the name 'Vaughn Rifle'.



    Line: Unused item, the purpose it's self-explanatory and it's likely a fishing discarded feature.



    Shovel:  Unused item, there is currently no animations or mechanics related to the tool, you can't use it. Several players speculate about a possible shovel feature in the upcoming DLC, because the burdock must be dug. However, this item was not announced.


    There are many other items without interesting features, like duplicated items or placeholders, the items mentioned above are the most relevant.

    The reason of why i write this post it's because this info is public since many years, but there is not a list to show them. Also, several items will be avaliable with the upcoming DLC!





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  2. 1 hour ago, A Lamp said:

    Coincidentally, both planes noses (or how it is called the part where pilots are) are pointing toward Coastal Highway area (even tho TWM's plane lost it's nose, it's still pointing toward CH).

    Really makes sense.

    The only problem i see, is the new DLC region being in the same place (Or very near) Perseverance Mills. It's likely the new regions are gonna have their own map or the world map gets updated.

    Also... the coastal highway/PV mines currently have 3 floors, in survival they are splitted and the elevator only works for the 1st and 2nd floors (And only at aurora); the second floor is currently ruined, following the events of Wintermute, but using the Mines to traveling to the abandoned railways also makes sense, it matches the current speculation map and it's near the CH tunnel.

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  3. On 9/3/2022 at 5:42 PM, APixelatedLemon said:

    the lodge was used as a base for a group of environmentalists/eco-terrorists called Forest Talkers

    Is this confirmed?  Because the lodge it's very close to the yard, if not a part of the yard. The aurora buffer memories of the yard have several info about how maintenance yard employees report the attacks of the forest talkers, if they really have been using the lodge as their base, this would mean an story writing inconsistency.

    On 9/3/2022 at 5:42 PM, APixelatedLemon said:

    While inside the lodge there is a phone call, but we are not able to answer it in time to talk to whoever is on the other side.

    The episode 2 happens at the same time when episode 3 go by, it's surely Molly but this can't be 100% confirmed.

  4. DLC's contents are focused to, esentially, give content to all kind of players no matter their playstyles but more more importantly, whithout them needing to know the entire game map and regions. This can apply to almost every game, not just TLD.

    I mean, imagine if the connecting region it's blackrock, in a very hidden cave with complex and tricky enviroment and predators...

    For most experienced players it's 'Ok, i can do that anyways', but this scenario can be atrocius for new players or just casual players. A considerable part of the DLC it's about the satisfaction and accessibility for all players, and because of that i think the traveling region should be one of the 'Easier' ones, in a not-so hard place (Coastal highway tunnel it's among the best examples of a good place to start).



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  5. Update on the starting region speculation:

    With the new teaser on twitter, we know the railines start at the heart of the island, then leads to the far territory. 

    However, the post says 'Remote', something strange because the current and well-known railines are not remote.. not exactly. The only remote section of the railway is the broken railroad region, and maybe.. because this region was active before the earthquakes.

    If we understand the 'heart of the island' as Mystery lake or Coastal Highway, again the only two possible options are:

    - Broken railroad

    - Coastal highway blocked tunnel.

    However, and because the 'Remoteness' of the railway lines, maybe it's another whole railway currently not visible on the game regions. 



  6. On 11/12/2022 at 4:35 PM, Sgt Socks said:

    However, HRV is an acquired taste. It very much divides opinion. There are many who dislike it.

    Yes, there is no consensus about this region, several players love it but for a lot it's incredibly tricky and confusing.

    I see HRV as an attempt to make the purest survival experience in the game, and it's incredible well done. Unlike 'partial-wild' regions like TWM, you don't have a single clue or orientation about HRV, it's just a vast and wild region without an evident route, you need to learn and explore everything.

    Even after +500 hours of gametime, im sure i have only explored about 30% of the region. Sadly, HRV isn't a good place to stay and explore in Interloper (If you want to explore the entire region).

    Maybe one day i give a try to explore the whole map on easier game settings 🤠


    Also, while HRV can be confusing and stressful, there are easy routes to loot the important stuff (Bedroll cave, preper cache cave, and maybe signal) and leave the region quickly. 

  7. 31 minutes ago, Strelok said:

    I was so close to make a post about this too. Those are really like 4 times the size of normal ones. Even more eventually.

    It's probably a joke or easter egg by the developers, actually the giant BBT works the same way than the usual ones. Also you find the giant BBT on a 'Hidden' forest at AC, i don't know if you can find more in another regions.

  8. Before the new DLC arrives and the saves get wiped, im trying different playstyles on interloper runs.

    On my 500+ played hours and several succesfull loper runs, i always choose coastal highway for mid-long term, but recently i started to test several non-popular regions. Broken railroad it's maybe the most unique region in terms of playstyle, because of how you can exploit the maintenance yard office and use it as your main base, rather than the main building.

    First of all, the maintenance yard itself isn't very warm or interesting, yes you have the Forge/Workbench and a lot of reclaimed wood (Seriously, a lot). But the outdoors office it's maybe the best place in the game to avoid cabin fever, cook efficiently and most importantly, killing wolves/bears without any risk.

    How to 'Exploit' wolves:

    Wolves do not enter the office, they flee once they reach the door/window, but they always charge anyways if you aim. You can stay a few steps behind the main door or the window (Mostly, the window) , then wait for the wolf and shoot him in the head.  Even if you fail the oneshot or the shot misses, the wolf stops at the door and flee, so it's always a no-risk scenario.

    Also, you kill the wolf very near the office;  the office have a warmth bonus and you can make a campfire inside, so you can harvest the wolf without losing condition. Also, it's literally meat coming to your door!

    About the Bear:

    Unlike wolves, the bears does not flee until they reach the door/window, instead they run in circles around the building. However, if you stay in an specific spot for around 10 seconds, the bear will end stuck in the window, with the head exposed for an easy one or twoshot kill. The bear doesn't even attack or flee, as long as you stay a few meters behind the window; so it's a guaranteed and risk-less kill.  Again, you can harvest the entire bear in your warmth and safe office, even on a blizzard as long as you have a campfire.

    NOTE:  This is confirmed to work if you have a campfire inside the building, im not sure if this exploit works without a campfire.

    Interloper predators are incredible dangerous and this place is one of the best in the game to gather bear/wolf resources. Also, you should never get cabin fever because a single night sleeping in the office it's enough, just put a campfire and goodbye cabin fever!


    Im around day 50 on my run, and this place is just amazing. However, the region have some problems:

    - You have the Forge and an endless scrap metal resource, but there is not coal in the region. The most close location if the cave at FM, the one thet connects to Milton.

    - You need to bring tools to the region in order to stay permanently, it's highly advisable to have a hacksaw and several costure kits (Hammer is mandatory). 

    - Earlier or later various resources becomes non-renewable without traveling to other regions (Cloth, saplings). This also applies to every region without beachcombing, but the isolation makes this problem worse.


    And various good features aside from the office:

    - Weather it's fair, not good as CH but not as bad like pleasant valley. 

    - Auroras are frequent, the maintenace yard have several lights outside, you can oneshot aurora wolves if you stay on the safe light. Just bait them to the safe spot, they do not charge at you and stay quiet, becoming an easy kill. 

    - Small region, you can travel and gather resources very fast without much condition loss from the cold.




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  9. 13 hours ago, mfuegemann said:

    There is a detailed review of weapons in a wolf struggle by GunTech:

    Thanks for the info, the post it's incredible accurate and usefull, however it's a bit outdated right now (almost 2 years), im not sure if the wolf struggles have changed since the post, but it's unlikely anyways.

    It seems the Prybar is the best weapon only if you fail the oneshot and the wolf it's already damaged, killing the wolf and ending the struggle almost instantly in most cases (In any other scenario, the other tools are always better).  

  10. Recently i am using the Prybar as a defense weapon even if it's considered the worst 'Weapon' in the game, but im not sure about how exactly the prybar works against wolf struggles..

    If you use the prybar in a common struggle, like a wolf ambushing you, it's only effective to scare the wolf but the hammer have better results (And damage).

    However, if a wolf charges and you shot an arrow but don't get a oneshot (Like hit the wolf in the back), if i use the Prybar in the struggle, i kill almost instantly the wolf and end the struggle very fast. This doesn't happen to me if i use another weapons like the knife, im not sure if this is an intended feature, a bug or something else, but this works 90% of the time.

    I make several tests and this is likely intended, there is always a chance to fail the struggle (For every weapon) and the wolf survives, but it's incredible unlikely. The prybar seems to be the best tool to use if you don't get the oneshot with the arrow.

    This 'Weapon' saved me a lot of times on my interloper runs, and i always keep one with me if a fail the shot of the bow!

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  11. With the upcoming DLC, several changes to loot tables were announced, one of the most important ones is the rebalancing of the entire world loot tables and economy.

    As stated in the post:

    We’ve redone all the loot tables, all the pre-placed loot, and rebalanced the loot economy across the entire game. The Resource refresh will go live for all players when the Expansion launches

    Blackrock have been a controversial region since the launch of perilous constrait, due to several reasons but mainly because there is not a lot of reasons to explore and stay on the region. It's incredible isolated and hard to reach/leave, the loot it's incredible low for a hard region and the exclusive features of the region are not very rewarding or interesting.

    I don't know if blackrock will be improved with the upcoming DLC update, or even if the global loot and economy rebalance was already done, but i think this a great opportunity to fix blackrock problems and let the region be much better than now.

    Leaving aside the common changes like loot and pre-placed items, i think this changes can improve blackrock drastically:

    - Noisemakers can only be crafted at blackrock >  Noisemakers can be crafted at any workbench in the world, buy you still need to unlock the blueprint at blackrock.

    Ballistic Vest offers a lot of protection but is heavy and unreparaible > Ballistic Vest offer less protection, it's lighther and can be repaired with cured leather; also the vest protects you against injuries on the torso (Other parts of the body remain exposed).

    - You can craft ammunition and repair tools at the blackrock cannery >  There is also a Forge at the blackrock cannery.

    This also fix the isolation problem of the region and opens new possibilities of short-travels for TWM and AC bases.

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  12. 11 hours ago, Sgt Socks said:

    There is a massive jump between medium and high difficulties (and I should think low to medium too, but its been years since I tried that out).

    I don't want to play Loper levels where every five steps I have to light a fire.  I also don't want to play where a full set of even reasonable (rather than great) clothing means the cold is no problem even in a blizzard. This is what medium difficulty is like.

    While not optimal, there is a mod called Extreme temperature drop. You can customize the temperature drop cap and the days until the world reaches the lowest temperature, for every difficulty mode.

    Of course a game base feature should be better, but at the moment the mod works incredible well for editing the temperature setting.

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  13. 59 minutes ago, Dum_Gen said:

    it seems to us that  for HL it is much more important to earn more money on the DLC rather than fulfilling their word in reasonable timeline.

    First of all, a company goal is earn money, one way or another. If you can't understand or don't support this is okay, but it becomes your opinion, not what is right.

    If a game gives you more than 5+ years of content, updates and support (Both story and survival mode) for free, sorry but your point doesn't make the slightest bit of sense.  They clearly not greedy and even if this was the case, again it's how the world and companys works.

    1 hour ago, Dum_Gen said:

    And then when we IMO rightfully complain, we are called trolls and our opinion is dismissed as irrelevant and pitiful

    It is. Having the right to complain or criticize does not mean that you are right about what are you saying.

    And whether you like it or not, no one cares about complaining posts; nothing it's gonna change, the developer notes are very clear about the release timing of story mode/survival contents, take it or leave it 😎

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  14. 7 hours ago, Honest said:

    by the way, does Hinterland hear to the community thoughts and ideas like picking them up and implement the fitting ideas into the gameplay? Because if the answer is "no" then I can save my time writing down too long posts and yours for reading it 😉

    It doesn't work that way, not just for TLD but for all kind of games. It is not like 'Say something and we apply it to the game' , it's more like 'Give your feedback so we know how the players feel and what they think about the game, so we can offer you better content and experiences, at the proper time'.

    Several suggested ideas on this forum have been applied to the game in the past, and even now the next DLC have long-awaited features like the Thermos.

    So yes, they hear us, even if they don't give a direct answer 💖

  15. 18 minutes ago, GeneralJConnor said:

    But my goodness in the responses on the steam thread about the Dev Diary there has been a LOT of vitriol.

    There are trolls and hateful people on every platform, for every game and no matter the context. Some people are just looking for attention or a place to say their bullshit, altough the only thing they achieve is being pitiful.

    However, most of the players have good will and even if they criticize, it's with logic and in a respectful way.

    After all, TLD community it's incredible healthy and friendly :coffee:

    Haters gonna hate 😎



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  16. Chapter 1:  The plane crash

    Maybe the world wants me to spawn in Milton; i feel very lucky spawning at the plane crash, exactly the same spot of my old run (Like 1% or less maybe?).

    The start looks promising, Milton is an incredible place to loot even on NOGOA settings. Also, a good amount of cattails and reishi/hips!

    I looted the entire region (Except for the trailer and hidden cave, im gonna check it later, likely in my HRV trip), i found a really, really good clothing around the town, and even tools. With the region looted i can only move or start to harvest the numerous deer carcasses around the map, which seems the most logic option, but after learning a lot about deadworld gameplay, im changing my run goals.

    Carcasses start to decay once you interact with them, you can let a carcass stay in the place indefinitely and go back to loot in a proper time. As long as i known, the materials don't decay in the carcass over time.

    Understanding this is essential for the run, because there are a lot of important items with fast decay that they won't last for a lot, even 20 days is enough to lose items forever (Ear wraps are the best example). With this in mind, the best idea is do an usual interloper route (PV plane crash, TWM summit, Coastal highway, HRV, AC and basically every place with valuable and decaying loot).

    The plan:

    - Loot PV, CH, ML, TWM (Summit included), AC and if needed HRV (This one is optional because you are likely gonna have all the best clothing at this stage).

    - Don't waste food or resources staying in a region for too long, im gonna keep moving fast before the temperature drops.

    - Once i have everything i need like the best clothing, tools and materials; it's time to grind abilities and start a 'Carcass harvesting' trip around most if not all regions.


    Also i discover that crafting animal clothing is not the best option, for several reasons:

    * The difference between common clothing and deer cloth isn't noticeable, also deer hides are non-renewable earlier or later.  Also, the most important material in the run are the guts, you need them for fishing and guts are non-renewable on this gamemode. The only way to survive indefinitely is crafting hundreds of fishing tackles with all the guts harvested from carcasses, with fishing level 5 the broken chance is 1%.

    * You waste a lot of time and resources.

    * Maybe you want a wolfskin coat, you can only craft one with all the rare wolf carcasses around the world; however it's incredible tricky to do and like the deer cloth, is not renewable or repairable.

    The best option is use the best avaliable normal clothing and avoid crafting any kind of animal clothing, you don't even need to harvest the skin from the carcass.


    Next trip:  Mystery Lake





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  17. After months im trying again this custom challenge, but with fishing set to Medium rather than Low (Other settings remain the same).

    Even failing to achieve long-term survival, i really enjoyed my last run because of how different the game feels than the traditional gameplay; you travel around a empty and cold world foraging and searching for corpses and poor resources in a desperate attempt to survive.

    Some notes:

    - If rabbits are off, Snares effectively are useless too. You can craft and try to use but you are never gonna catch a rabbit.

    - BBT is a semi-reliable renewable food source, because there are not a lot of them and every region have more or less. The best use for BBT is the condition recovery than the small 150 calories; i find this an optional but interesting feature because adds another task to do in late game in order to reach long-term survival.

    - Fishing at medium sounds decent, but actually you need to level up as fast as you can;  fishing efficiently needs a lot of resources and time at lower levels. I mean the challenge is still incredible hard even with better fish %.

    - New routes and regions are now viable thanks to the lack of predators (Im looking at you, blackrock).



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