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Posts posted by Glacia

  1. 11 minutes ago, conanjaguar said:

    … does this mean that we’re afflicted by both insomnia AND cabin fever?

    You can still disable cabin fever on custom games. Anyways, while cabin fever can be incredible annoying, most regions have effective spots to prevent or cure cabin fever 😉


    7 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

    , it might actually be a blessing in disguise, considering some of the many issues that have surfaced since the dlc release

    As Hinterland say, PC early release it's because fixing bugs and problems is much easier and faster than in consoles. And release later the game on consoles was a very smart choice; imagine how chaotic and problematic the game should be at this moment in all plataforms with the current bugs 😅

  2. I just had this bug. When i exit the Riken, i warped to an starter location on desolation point with an initial gear, as his would have started a new run.

    However, when you get the wrong warp, the game do not save automatically.

    If you get this bug, exit INMEDIATLY the game, and then you can start again from your last save, without losing progress.

    Anyways it's a game breaking bug!


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  3. On 12/7/2022 at 12:47 AM, Admin said:

    Fixed an issue where items spawned unintentionally in Memento Caches on Interloper games. Items will consistently spawn correctly on new games.

    I have a question about this fix, may we know exactly what wrong items are no longer spawning?

    Because re-starting long interloper runs it's obvious not a good idea 😅, but we can just drop or ignore the few incorrect items without starting a new run 😉

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  4. Here my two cents about this topic:

    Since the DLC announcement with a 'Battle pass' dynamic (This term was changed later) , several people started to get confused about how exactly everything it's gonna work, even if HL give accurate info and announcements.

    I think there is not exactly a 'Problem with the communication' (Except for the lack of patch notes) , it's more about a non-traditional DLC dynamic that confuses players and not everyone likes how a 12 month campaign works.

    And that is the problem, there is nothing wrong with the released content at the DLC launch (It's very good actually), but most players were disappointed when they see only the 5% of the features by which they get hyped. 


    The DLC 12 months campaign it's an experiment, just as HL stated long time ago. They want to keep the game updated often instead of droping a massive bomb of content and let the game stay for a very long time without changes or new features.

    And it's fine, but of course not everyone feels the DLC dynamic as a good experience. Anyways, i think this is a very good start and the bugs are getting fixed at record times, soon we will have a very solid base for the upcoming year full of content 😎



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  5. 2 minutes ago, dfw11411 said:

    I'm not experiencing any of the issues you've reported. 

    They are likely fixed now, steam have received various updates.

    9 hours ago, Glacia said:

    - Some hidden mementos seems buggy atm, you can't complete or loot the mini quest.

    I was wrong about this. Mementos are mostly a clues about traveling places, few of them are actually related to loot. For a example, the memento at the car outside of the PV farm, gives info about the cave who leads to mystery lake. Also unlocks a permanent icon on the map, so you can use as a guide.

    Not very interesting for old players but is an amazing feature for the new players.

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  6. Im not at home right now so i can't give a complete opinion about the post, but i think every player can say this:

    4 hours ago, Revelation_jeff said:

    .  Better more clear communication on what content is in game NOW instead of the future content stream and what is coming with each upcoming update.  We need more understandable goal posts with the road map.  Tell use the features coming and when we can expect them roughl

    Everyone seems confused right now, some people even thinks cougars are avaliable right now. Without a proper patch notes, most players are not sure about what have been added and what is coming in the next year.

    My suggestions:

    -Add a new section on the game menu, maybe something like "campaign". This section show the current avaliable features and the upcoming, in a time line.

    - After every update, let the players get an emergent window on their menu at least one time, explaining the new added feature. For a example, "Patch 2.3.1, travois are now avaliable!".

    - And also update the DLC page and post accurate patch notes on the forums/steam and other media.

    This should help to avoid confusion and let the players (well, at least most of them) know exactly what have been added to the game.


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  7. Same here, im taking a break after playing almost non-stop.

    While nothing it's very important or game-breaking, i have experienced a lot of small issues:

    - Sometimes when you open containers, furniture, etc, your character moves and the animation ends faster. You need to reopen the container to loot the items, if there was one.

    - Several actions like harvesting saplings sometimes don't play their sound.

    - Some hidden mementos seems buggy atm, you can't complete or loot the mini quest.

    But nothing terrible, just small details.

    About the gameplay, i find everything fine and enjoyable. The loot refresh is very good, you need to relearn and explore everything again!  I think this is the best feature of the patch.

    Several things have changed and they were not announced, we need to learn and discover everything, for a example there are new items spawning on interloper, and if im not wrong, a lot of places have been nerfed and are now colder (TWM hut, but i can't confirm 100%).

    Overall, great content. It's a great start for several upcoming features and likely the game is gonna get much better with the next updates!


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  8. Even with exhaustive testing, a global launch will always have a chance to have errors. 

    Please be comprehensive and respectful, this kind of issues can happen always in all games, it's how developing work. No one is gonna die for waiting one or two hours for a fix 😎 

    Ex-mmorpg developer here, it happened to me that i was working around six months with something and 'Everything works perfectly, even with people testing!' , and at the launch an unknown error or mistake broke everything, leaving all the players out of the game and causing a massive chaos.  The feeling it's horrible.

    Just relax 😉

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  9. Most TLD updates/versions cause a mod breaking, but this does not apply to all mods.

    For a example, the 1.95 version it's, currently, the last mod-breaking version. But there are mods created around early 2021 (And not updated) still working today, while several mods are now broken or have been updated.

    This update it's something new and HL have changed a lot about the save system, and likely the entire code of the game. We should spect a full-mod breaking version, but as said before on this topic, this can be fixed updating the mods 🤩

    On 12/1/2022 at 11:36 AM, ajb1978 said:

    If some modder figures out how to convert old saves to work with the new release, pretty sure there's a Nobel prize of some sort for that.

    Unlikely, but i think something can be doed to attemp a partial restore of an old save. 

    The save location it's currently  %LocalAppData%\Hinterland\TheLongDark . In this website , you can edit your save. However, editing the current save it is not useful, but you can use the stored data to try a 'Restore' of your old save in the new ones. However, it's likely the new saves will not be compatible if you 'Copy-paste' an old save, but MAYBE you can just edit manually the fields that define what your old save was (Stats, progression,items, etc), without making the new save incompatible and maybe making it work as a way to keep playing your old save with the new content.  Not sure if this could work, but surely not.

    • Upvote 2
  10. 3 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    but I think most interloper players prefer FM in order to manage the cabin fever risk and they don't like the narrowness of the entrance to the zone.

    The office of the maintenance yard it's a safe place to sleep/hunt and does not contribute to cabin fever risk. You can literally stay in the office forever, using as a main base than the maintenace yard itself.

    The most problematic aspect of the BR region on interloper early game it's how dangerous can be. Avoid wolves at narrow places can be tricky, and there are a lot of places in the entrance where a wolf can appear without making sounds and attacking you inmediatly.

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  11. 1 hour ago, UpUpAway95 said:

     In truth though, TLD has been moving away from that concept for ages now as more areas and more "luxury" items were being added with every update.  For example, with the addition of mills, the limited availability of whetstones was no longer an issue.  Perhaps it even began with the addition of beachcombing, when many finite items (e.g. cloth, matches, saplings) became restockable (albeit very slowly).  It became truly possible to survive forever in the game world.

    I have to disagree with this. Infinite survival have been possible for years, even without several now renewable or 'luxury' items.

    Even if the game is hard and it's maded to make late-game a hell, the players will always find a way to survive. I still remember the guy who survived around 5000 days, staying naked in the traper cabin and using tons of snares to catch endless rabbits.

    Anyways, there is not an only or 'intended' way to play. Every single player give their runs a sense or goals, from the pilgrim players with a massive stockpile of supplies to the hardcore inteloper players, all the ways to play the game are valid.



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  12. 1 hour ago, A Lamp said:

    Perhaps it won't even be available in interloper, but one thing is certain: Due to all the fear and criticism the idea got, it will most likely be toggleable in custom mode.

    Or even in any run, just before the start.

    Im not sure about the Trader, there are several fair and well-made posts against and in favor. However, no other feature have been so controversial and shocking in the community before.

    I think the best idea for TLD developers it's actually tell us what exactly they want to do with the trader and what is the concept/purpose of the feature. Then, let the community give a more accurate feedback and if needed, discard the feature before it comes to the game if it just feels bad for the game atmosphere.


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  13. With the current info, likely the trader it's actually a person and we could interact directly with him/her. 

    There is currently a theory on Reddit, using the dev diary as a proof, of course this can't be confirmed at the moment.

    Im not sure about the trader, i think people magnify a minor feature that can't really damage the game concept or feeling. As said in many older posts, you can just ignore the feature if you don't like it, surely the trader it's a rare event and most of the time you don't use the feature at all.

    I think TLD it's a game capable of implement several new mechanics, features and feelings without breaking the core game concept, instead, making it much better.


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  14. As an interloper, i can't choose my starting location so im not sure of what im gonna do first.

    My usual route/goals:

    - Get the hacksaw and hammer at any region.

    - AC as quick as possible, loot the backpack/crampons and some loot and leave.

    - Unlike most players, i usually ignore TWM summit unless there is something i really need like the ear wools.

    - Loot the best regions, mainly PV, CH and ML. 

    - Once i have decent clothing, tools and resources, the next step is making a Knife and at least 10-20 arrowheads. The 'Real' game begins once i have the Bow and arrows, everything else can be doed earlier or later. I always use the maintence yard as my mid-long term base, this is even better with the new region starting at BR.

    However, with the global loot refresh and new content, im sure things are gonna change a lot and loot/resources become more unpredictable. I think the best idea it's using one of the central regions (PV,ML) as a base, and explore the world periodically. If i manage to survive, im likely gonna explore/loot the entire world map and then, travel to the new DLC regions.

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  15. 14 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    It's always been a good region. Just a bit of a trek to get there.😊

    Of course, but now it's much better. It have everything you need before traveling to the new regions, even the Forge.

    The region have always been 'Unfinished', it's not a bad region but there is not several interesting things besides the 'Safe' forge. With the new content, the region now feels amazing!