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Everything posted by Bearimpaler101

  1. The cinder hills coal mine? I thought that Was a transition zone and I've been there and theres no elevator
  2. The broken lookout radio tower by the way and what mine elevator?
  3. Same here it would be cool if all the people you helped you know Jeremiah the gray mother Molly Dimitri gwen father thomas all came in episode 5 and save mackenzie and Astrid from mathis
  4. That s wrong hunters blinds the doors of them are about the size of the bears feet
  5. One thing not to do go to bleak inlet or black rock thinking why I got a full revolver and a flare I'll be fine you wont
  6. What id do if I could survive for more than 2 days on interloper hunters blind or somewhere like the trappers cabin go out shoot go back in etc.
  7. I do not believe you can get game achievements in epic only on steam
  8. Hi I never got to play winter's embrace cuz I didn't play till 2020
  9. The heads inside look like furballs but the stalk tastes good but... there impossible to chew there as tough as the old bear witch I just wanna say the old bear is unfair I was doing the hunted got to the cave to mystery lake and he attacked me without standing up and roaring so I didn't shoot him with my distress pistol because he was supposed to roar (I'm digressing...) But yeah cat tails are edible and flammable but watch out the car tail head of wet burns but doesn't light on fire
  10. I started a voyager and went to get with loads of stuff and I got the moose satchel via the ice caves and then I went out of the ice caves and went over a log then came back and I was holding my baby sis and she whacked the controller I fell into the river of imminent death cat tails and hatchet but there is no way out there taunting me and there was a way out of you had 60000 health you need to call down a waterfall
  11. good tips I have a life straw just not in the picture my parents won't let me near a hatchet unless there staring at me and the d book sounds great still is never eat wild mushrooms to easy to miss up harmless but distusting ones with dangerous and good tasting
  12. Today I emptied my rifle into a bear in hrv and it ran at me so I fell into a flat rock and it went under me but couldn't get me haha sucker
  13. Unless you're like why I've gone upside down I can cling on to that oh no I can't and now I'm at 6%health
  14. Yeah the sprain risk should be upside down it lets you stick to baseicly anything including downward facing rocks