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Everything posted by Zaknafein

  1. This long video covers all you need to know about interloper, good or bad spawn. Join in to learn, to hang out... or fall asleep to it!
  2. Why not test things. We need Adam Savage, though.
  3. The beginning was recorded prior to that patch. See pinned comment. And yes - ZakTech GPS runs on steam so works fine through geomagnetic events haha
  4. I did a custom challenge with eternal fog and constant stench lines, making animals track me in the obscure mist. Also added an edited minimap so viewers can track the player.
  5. Interloper, with torches banned and starting naked! Shenanigans ensued!
  6. So I tried playing Hunted Part 1 blindfolded. It was not easy, but certainly fun to do!
  7. In this video I try out the Breakfast at Forsaken Airfield challenge, created by Tashtheminion. Check out the first 4 minutes for an explanation, and see LongDark4Ever's Discord for an overview of how other streamers did in a tournament featuring this challenge.
  8. I run a series of Campfire Chats, where I give an overview of the current state of TLD and upcoming changes. Not sure if I ever posted them in the forums. In any case, here is the newest one.
  9. Hi everyone If you would like to get a copy of Tales from the Far Territory, either for yourself or a friend, there is a giveaway going on right now. During Part 26, 27 and 28 of the Road to 500 Days series of Interloper, you can enter an easy-going competition for each episode to win a code. The codes were courtesy of Hinterland - thank you so much! Check out Part 26 for the first giveaway here:
  10. Is it possible to survive with beach combing only? Let's find out!
  11. Hehe that is from an older video, so thank you But yeah, the instrumental is better than the voiced song, imo.
  12. A timelapse of scenery and weather in The Long Dark
  13. I decided to do and interloper run and give myself afflictions as soon as I could
  14. I went back to the earliest version of TLD, and played it from the perspective of a loper player in 2023. It was interesting to see the comparison, but I feel like the heart of the game was there from the beginning. Such a wonderful game!
  15. A video on how to survive forever, featuring the longest run recorded run.
  16. What happens if you are not allowed to enter any building that provide warmth? Well, Outerloper! A challenge where you have to survive outdoors or in caves throughout. I recommend this challenge, as it will teach you survival skills you can use generally in The Long Dark.
  17. These may now be frozen in time, but new adventures await!
  18. I decided not to stream on the 5th, and instead hopped into record myself playing the new regions blind. Is it survivable on interloper, without knowledge of the map and loot?
  19. I tried all of this twice, but did not work for me
  20. 10 veteran streamers of The Long Dark give their 2 cents on how to get better at the game.
  21. This is an overview of everything we know so far, along with some additional reflections, put in context of the new DLC.