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Everything posted by matchstick

  1. My opinion when I wound is to wait and go later looking for the crows circling. They'll lead you to a body. I think they disappear after three days however.
  2. My opinion when I wound is to wait and go later looking for the crows circling. They'll lead you to a body. I think they disappear after three days however.
  3. 1st game (noob) day 160, Voyageur. ML, at the cabin south of Unnamed Pond. The one with the outhouse. Moose spawn, and all I brought is the revolver with 9 shots. But I am level 4 with the revolver. Determined... I position myself and... a headshot. The moose runs off. After 20 mins he's back. Another great position and another headshot. I can tell he's wounded moving slow and groaning like he's wounded. Atop the sticky-out tree I hit him again. His charge gets him stuck under the tree with me on top. I plug him again and again. With one bullet left from my original nine he finally croaks. I have eight confirmed hits, watching the revolver register on the right of the screen after each shot. Either this revolver is a paultry 22 caliber or they nerfed it, big time. Anyone else find this out?
  4. My intention was not to open a can of worms... I hope everyone enjoys TLD. It was a topic to discuss what kind of things we experience in game that jar us out of the enjoyable appreciation of surviving in this game. That's where I was going.
  5. My intention was not to open a can of worms... I hope everyone enjoys TLD. It was a topic to discuss what kind of things we experience in game that jar us out of the enjoyable appreciation of surviving in this game. That's where I was going.
  6. ManicManiac, well put. And you're correct. However process improvement is also something to consider here. When you mention a movie for example, we're not in a cinema to experience reality. We're transported to somewhere/somewhen else. We enjoy the story (hopefully). As an audience our expectations DO stem from reality - which is why The Martian was so good. As much care was taken to make that movie fit reality, while still being fiction. Filmmakers and game developers both choose to take liberties, however immersion breaking those choices may be. A thought-provoking topic to be sure.
  7. I was chatting with some friends, and we were talking game immersion. Where you feel part of the environment... A few games were bantered around, one of which was TLD. I'm amazed by how good and immersed we can get. Very enjoyable. Question is, what game element breaks it for you? I was at camp office on ML, and realized that I can't take one step onto the porch. One step up. Even walking in the snow, a low mound stops your walking progress dead. Anyone else get jarred by these small things, or am I just picking nits.
  8. I'm a noob. 1st playthrough, day 125. About day 75 I turned off the music and the complainer (Astrid XXL whiney) and began listening more. I think owl hoots are an indicator of no imminent threats. Anyone else experience this? Also the bear respawn on Voyageur is quick. 5-7 days perhaps. Now I'm wearing him.
  9. I agree, the darkness is part of the game and we adapt to it. I'm going to give Hinterland the benefit - it's not real, just a game. However enjoyable!
  10. Quick question, anyone find the wolf coat scares away the wolf only about 15-20 percent of the time? I'm on Coastal and I'm wearing it, but rarely works. Just curious...
  11. jeffpeng l think you're correct about the revolver. It will kill a deer or wolf one shot crit, but not the bear or moose. It's OK, game balance and all.
  12. Some interiors are pitch black, others seem like they're easier to navigate with tiny ambient light. I was at signal Hill and left my lantern to save weight. A trick l learned was to layout your bedroll like you're going to sleep. I found I could navigate using the green/red outline of the bedroll to indicate walls, shelves, etc. You may know this already but l found it useful.
  13. I'm a noob, first game. Day 60, went to PV and needed the well-fed. So a bear wandered into the area. Popped him with an arrow. I ducked into a car before getting mauled. Seconds later he walked by with an arrow sticking out from between his eyes. Lucky! Thankfully he dropped next to the car -- with a nice windbreak bonus.
  14. I 'm clam happy. Got the moose, day 55 on my first playthrough. Costal townsite, coming down from above after shooting a bear. Built a fire and shot him with my revolver. After chasing him - four or five shots and one arrow later -he down... Curing the hide in Quonset. Yay!!
  15. Hmm. Shot the moose, with the revolver. Did his panic thing. Shot him a total six times with the revolver (missed one or two). He never went down. I'm sure I hit him several times, at least four shots. Never saw him again. Searched for four days. Nothing. I don't have a rifle on this map. What in the blazes did I do wrong? Anyone? Is the revolver that weak?
  16. Looks to me like the 45 long Colt is closer than the 357. Shorter and fatter.