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Posts posted by UpUpAway95

  1. Really not worth complaining about since you don't have to light a match or lantern to see where you're walking if you have a fire going in either a stove or a fireplace... just grab a torch out of the fire itself and carry it with you as you walk around.  It will shorten the duration of your fire that's in the stove or fireplace, so just quickly check after you grab the torch to make sure there is still enough of a fire to finish whatever you're cooking and add fuel as needed.

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  2. 10 minutes ago, Kane Parry said:

    I have done the same but I think it did survive as after following the blood trail I couldn't find any body at all 

    If you get a blood trail, the animal should eventually bleed out and die... unless you go inside (triggering a load screen) before it dies, in which case there is a chance it will reset.  I have only had a couple of occurrences where an animal leaving a blood trail did not get recorded as a kill in my journal.  One of was bear just last week and, in that case, I did go inside to sleep and am quite certain that is when the animal reset (which is a bug in the game).  The other was another bear last year when I did the same thing - went inside to sleep and the animal reset.

    I have failed to find several corpses of various animals, but the kill count in my journal has always recorded a kill whenever a blood trail was left (except for the two cases I mentioned above)  The blood trail usually stops some time before the animal drops as it slows to a walk.  It can continue to walk without bleeding in any direction and for quite some time (particularly with a bear)..  I often find corpses where I did not really expect them to be.  Listening for crows helps.

  3. I have scored a crit hit on a wolf with the revolver.  I have also scored a few hits that were sufficient to cause the wolf to eventually bleed out and die (denoted by the fact that the wolf leaves a blood trail in the snow rather than just seeing blood spatter when the wolf is first shot).  The most common of course is there to be blood spatter when shot but no trail left in the snow, which indicates that the wolf was wounded but will recover from the injury or a total miss where the wolf will merely scare at the sound of the shot.

  4. 34 minutes ago, Helmsley said:

    The rifle aim... where is the sweet spot? I feel like the aim is all over the place. Missing again and again when i know I was a hit.


    With the rifle, I'm sighting a little to the right and slightly high.  The most important thing I noticed is to be sure to not take to long to aim.  It seems to me that as the targeting stamina meter depletes, Will/Astrid is more likely to have started to lower the gun on their own.  Previously, the gun would just start to sway, now they actually fully lower it  and place it in the cradled position which brings the muzzle down and around to the left.

    If you are indeed hitting the animal, then it may be a loss of collision issue... that is, they are going right through the animal without harming it.  This could also be why my arrows were completely disappearing (likely under the snow, although in my case they were killing the rabbits.  I have noticed an inconsistency with the aiming of stones.  On one run I started, I literally couldn't miss a rabbit even when I intentionally threw the stone so that it would be about a foot off the mark.  On the next run I started, this effect wasn't there, but some of the stones would appear to go right through some of the rabbits without harming them at all.  I think it's possible that rifle aiming is varying the same way from playtrhough to playthrough (or player to player).

  5. Arrows completely vanishing.  My first arrow fired since the update - no problems with aiming since I clearly nailed the rabbit first try... but the arrow has completely vanished.  The shot was taken in an open area between the Trapper's Cabin and the Deadfall Area where rabbits frequently spawned.  After collecting the rabbit and thoroughly, thoroughly checking that entire area, I cannot find the arrow anywhere.  I've seen this happen to a few Youtubers as well since the update.  Please, Raphael, check into this.

    ETA;   I'm finding my arrows easily for the shots I miss, but the arrows disappear completely whenever I hit a rabbit.

    ETA:  I finally killed a rabbit and got my arrow back, so it's not a 100% occurrence... but it's still frequent enough you should be able to replicate it.

  6. I'm not having a big issue with it.  The sights on the rifle do seem to be a little off.  I think one factor is aiming fatigue.  You really can't take too long to aim.  The longer you take to aim, the more likely it is that your character drops the gun slightly when pulling the trigger (actually starting the animation of lowering the gun completely just as you pull the trigger).. which makes sense to me since the rifle is heavy.

    I haven't tried out the bow yet.

  7. 11 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

    Yeah, most likely a bug, but Raph says the team is working the issue(s).  I kind of find the pain mechanic a little odd... oh I mean it makes sense "treat pain with pain meds" intuitive and I like it.  Their representation of pain is some blurry edges and a neat sound dampening effect - and I like that too.  However, now I find that the pain part is not all that bad and I find myself option to just let it pass.  So now I have no use for rose hips and painkillers... Treating the pain will still not allow you to resume your normal physical activity... and I am far to stingy with cloth to waste a bandage on anything other that a bleeding wound. 

    This is not a complaint... Just an observation.  I used to always make sure I had pain meds on me for sprains... now I don't carry any :D  Heck I don't even bother to pick it up.
    I just keep an extra bandage on me in case I get a bad sprain and I really need to run.

    I hear you.  I'd hate to see them remove the option to sleep away sprains and pain though since it is quite possible to be caught in a position where you just don't have any painkillers or bandages or cloth.  I think that painkillers and bandages should lessen the effects with the notation of "sprain treated" rather than the current "sprain healed" and then it should take an additional 4 hours of sleep to heal the injury.  If you were unable to treat it first with painkillers or bandages, you would have to "suffer" the full-strength effects until you reached a place ot sleep and it should require 6 hours of sleep to cure an untreated sprain (as opposed to 4 hours to cure a treated one).  Additionally, the pain should never outlast the injury itself.

  8. 23 minutes ago, RossBondReturns said:

    I totally get that. Everyone has their individual play styles.

    To be very honest I love that sprains are more costly now. I also love the blurring effect for pain it really brings the pain to life for me.

    I'm not hating the pain thing.  I just don't think its working right.  I just got another sprained ankle.  This time I thought I would let Will just limp home without treating it at all.  When I entered Gray Mother's house, I got a notice that the pain had healed (I guess the time just expired on it without any treatment.  I still have the sprained ankle though, which says it still requires 4 hours of recovery time and a bandage, apparently.  I'm now just going to bed with it... we'll see what happens.

    ETA:  Sure enough, it healed with just 4 hours of sleep.  No bandage.

  9. Just now, Tbone555 said:

    So is it just me or are the wolves a lot more tame in this update? There's been several occasions that I've been within 5 - 10 feet from a wolf, on stalker, and the wolf pays me no attention as if it didn't notice me. They're much much easier to sneak past and less of an obstacle over all since I can just walk right past them now

    Haven't played yet on stalker post this update.  I'm thinking that they run away a lot sooner in Pilgrim though.  I used to be able to sneak up on a wolf feeding on a deer in order to shoot it to get its pelt, but now they seem to be running away before Will even gets in sight of them.  It could be that I'm not yet trying to sneak up on them though since I only just found the revolver and still need to find a rifle or bow and arrows before I'll be able to kill them.

  10. Just now, RossBondReturns said:

    While I tend to run around heavy...I am now being very careful about that. That said I've never been a TLD hoarder so to speak. I don't bring everything in a region to a central location, to mee that seems pointless. I take what I need and move on.

    I usually have two or three locations where I put stuff.  In Mountain Town, I'll have a stash at Paradise Meadows and another at Gray Mother's.  I don't like leaving stuff in the other buildings in town since it's mostly food and clothing and I ultimately find myself looking for both later on again.  Moving it means I don't have to think about going through each house a second time.  I also like to clear the plane crash site completely so I don't have to go back (and I used to do it in one trip... a very slow trip and I usually got a sprain or two).  I think I probably should have just ignored the sprain mechanic and did it the same way this time.  On Pilgrim, Will doesn't have to worry about getting attacked, so I could be mean and just turn off his whining and let him limp home fully loaded.

  11. 21 minutes ago, RossBondReturns said:

    The Slope Warning Indicator does go off in front of Grey Mother's house and being 5 Kilos overweight is a risk I'm trying to avoid right now.

    That combination even after a good night's sleep could indeed produce a sprain.

    Also my response was to my friend Icehole and based on his screenshots and questions.

    I'm trying to be very good about not getting overencumbered, but it makes for a lot of extra trips to and from Gray Mother's house while looting Milton.  I just found the revolver at the place crash.  It took me 4 days worth of trips to get to and from the plane crash with loot without being overencumbered... and I still got several sprains.

  12. 28 minutes ago, RossBondReturns said:

    Since the Revolver is a single handed weapon you can hold it with one wrist sprain but not both.

    Also you are both over encumbered and more than 3/4ths tired so I'd expect to stumble and get a sprain as you did in your situation.

    I had not found a revolver at that point in time.  The only weapon I had access to was, in fact, stones and I did not have one equipped.  I wasn't tired at all, having gotten the sprain while literally getting out of bed after a full night's sleep.  I was about 5 kg overencumbered because I had cooked 7 kg of venison up just before turning in to bed and had not gone out to the porch yet to dump it in the snow to slow its decay.  (It was a wolf who had killed the deer in front of Gray Mother's house and, because I'm on Pilgrim mode, it ran off as I approached so I could harvest the deer without having to kill it.)

    After getting the sprain while getting out of the bed, I literally just crawled back into bed and slept 6 more hours without bandaging or taking pain killers.  After that time, the sprain was noted as having healed, but the pain remained and would not go away until I finally decided to take two pain killers.  Then, and only then, it went away immediately.

    ETA:  Thinking about this, I'm willing to bet that even though I asked for 6 more hours of sleep, the game woke me immediately upon the sprained wrist being healed (2 hours).  Now, the question is does the pain remain for a total of 4 hours regardless of the nature of the sprain.  If so, it would have had 2 hours remaining... but that still can't explain though why it went away immediately when I did take the painkillers.

    I'm also wondering if I'm getting lag on the sprain notification such that, rather than getting this sprain while getting up from bed, it started when I was getting into the bed and just couldn't start quick enough before I went to sleep for the night.  The same sort of thing could explain by getting a sprain the game day before while entering Gray Mother's house.  That sprain maybe should have happened as I was climbing the hill to her house, but only showed up after the door loading screen had completed.

  13. 11 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

    I slept 4 hours at a time to make sure I wasn't getting too cold... so I don't recall exactly when the afflictions lifted.  I slept a total of 12 hours, but the afflictions were all gone long before then.  I will no doubt do it again tonight... I am really stingy with cloth so I am not likely to ever use bandages unless I need to stop the bleeding :D 

    I am definitely of the opinion that the pain mechanic got "stuck" on my sprain (a bug? - trigger, unknown).  I just sprained my ankle and immediately bandaged it and took 2 pain killers.  I noted that the duration remaining on the pain after taking the pain killers was shown as 3 hrs 40 mins and the visual effect did disappear after that time.


    So, the clock should have run out on the pain from that sprained wrist within 4 hours (since a wrist reportedly heals quicker than an ankle).  The fact that it healed immediately after I did take the pain killers (after having slept 6 hours) tells me that it should have expired on its own... unless taking the painkillers is mandatory to getting rid of pain.   However, the fact that my earlier sprain healed completely without any pain killers and 4 hours of sleep shows that taking pain killers is not mandatory.

    It's not consistent... something is bugged.

  14. 2 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

    Pain and Sprains will both heal naturally over time... I was stuck in Milton Basin with a double sprain and no way to treat it.  I slept off both sets of pain and sprain in the near by cave.  I was able to climb back up and make my way back to Milton the next morning.

    How long did you sleep?  I slept 6 hours.  The sprain healed, but the pain did not.

    Conversely, a different sprain earlier healed completely (both sprain and pain) with 4 hours of sleep.

    Why the difference?  Something is not working right.

  15. On leaving the Hibernia Plant on Interloper difficulty, I walked right into a bear.  It scared me so bad, my movement on the stick caused Will to back right into a pile of debris in the yard such that he got stuck and couldn't move.  Fortunately, the bear couldn't path there and ran off whimpering.  I still had to reload the save and redo everything I had done since sleeping in the plant, but at least my save wasn't deleted due to death.

  16. 1 hour ago, ajb1978 said:

    Because recovery is more complex and requires additional (mostly) nonrenewable resources for a fast recovery.  Formerly to fully recover from a sprain you pop a dose of painkillers or drink rose hip tea, you're good.  Now you have to do that, in addition to use a bandage.  And while you still have the option of resting 2 or 4 hours to heal wrist or ankle sprains (respectively), the actual injury treatment has become twice as involved and now consumes two nonrenewable resources.  (Beachcombing notwithstanding.)

    So, you would say that my sleeping for 6 hours should have healed a sprained wrist completely.  However, it did not... the sprain was noted has having been healed, but the pain did not go away even after 6 hours of sleep.  I literally had to take the two pain killers to get rid of the pain and its associated visual effect.

  17. Sprain mechanic - I don't believe this is working as intended.  I recently obtained a sprain just after waking up in Gray Mother's house as I turned to walk away from the bed.  I was overencumbered (probably by about 5 kg) since I had cooked up 7 kg of venison that a wolf had killed in front of the house just before going up to bed and did not go out to drop it on the porch first.  After I got the sprain, I immediate went back to sleep for 6 hours.  The game indicated that the sprain had healed, but the pain indicator would not go away until after I took 2 painkillers.  This is odd since I don't think I should experience pain from a healed sprain.   I don't think the sprain itself should have occured despite being overencumbered since I was on level ground and well rested from having slept through the night.

    In addition, I received a sprain the previous game day as I opened the door on Gray Mother's house to enter after looting a nearby house.  I was about 2 kg overencumbered but had successfully walked up the hile to Gray Mother's house without receiving a sprain.  Again, this was level ground.

    If I had to guess, I would say it has something to do with when I turn my character (Xbox controller)... regardless of what sort of terrain he is on.

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  18. 3 hours ago, atomic said:

    Each time I go thru this part of the Ravine chills run down my back. Every time I run over these rails I think I'm about to go down. Especially this part is nervewracking... any one fell down here?


    My first time across it... Yep, learned the hard way to never attempt that bridge in anything even remotely close to a blizzard.  If I hadn't fallen, I probably would have died from the cold before I got completely across to shelter anyways.

  19. 8 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

    I've been pulling in some 5.5 kilo fish!  boo yah!!  anyways, just hit level 5 in game.  i musta crafted a lot of hooks and read all the books 'cause I leveled up just shy of 460 total kilos caught.  

    I never thought to check whether crafting hooks contributed to leveling fishing the same way crafting arrowheads levels archery.  I didn't craft very many until I had to start using them to get the sewing achievement... and by then I already had Level 5 fishing..  I did read every Angler I found, but it's always possible I missed finding one.

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  20. There are two different difficulty settings for Wintermute.  I don't know if you can change the difficulty midstream or if you're already on the easiest one, but perhaps it is an alternative worth exploring before giving up entirely on the story.

  21. 16 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

    I wasn't trying to belabor the point.  I am slowly closing in on hitting this goal myself so I was just trying to gauge how long it may yet still take.  Fortunately, it seems my average sizes are improving over 1kg per fish but even at that slightly higher weight(s) I am catching, still gonna take a fair bit of time to complete.  Appreciate your contribution to the discussion!

    Fish are quite a bit heavier at Coastal Highway, so fishing there means you'll have to catch fewer fish overall.

  22. 13 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

    since you have achieved level 5 with the bow, are you at least now able to improve on you hit percentage since you can crouch and shoot now?  I crouch down and the deer practically walk right up to you.  Hard to miss with a bow at point blank range while crouching?

    Sorry, you're right... The journal shows the title as "Fish Caught (KG)"; so it would have been 508 kg of fish that I had caught when the level changed from 4 to 5.

  23. 4 hours ago, atomic said:

    I have 53 rifle hits and I am sure I read some books to increase the skill, still I am far away from level 5. Could it be that the quality of the hit matters too? I mean I'm not a very good shooter, so maybe one shot kill hit gives more advantage than just a hit where the animal is able to run away?

    I needed far less bow hits to reach 5, because I fabricated a lot arrows and bows. Damn I am really bad at bow :(

    Can't wait to confirm that 322x mending to reach 5. Just need 12x more, but I'll wait until my clothes are a bit more "used". :D



    It's certainly possible that critical hits count for more than hits that would just cause the animal to bleed out after running for a ways.  I was playing on Pilgrim, so I didn't have to worry about being attacked by anything and, with the rifle, I could aim while crouched.  Basically, my technique was to watch how the deer in area path'd, then work my way to a position where one would eventually come towards me and where I could stay behind some cover, I would then carefully aim as they got close and I was basically able to ensure a head shot every time... or else I simply wouldn't pull the trigger.  If the rifle started to sway, I would just lower it and raise again so it would be steady when I fired.  I also did some practicing on other save files.

    I had a lot more total misses with the bow (ETA:  than the rifle - hitting only about 70 to 75%) since I couldn't draw the bow while crouched.  However, essentially all the hits were critical since what I hunted with the bow were rabbits -- and they always die if you hit them at all.  I did forge about 60 arrowheads and made arrows (which goes towards the skill) and reduces the number of hits you need.  I also shot a few wolves, but only as they were feeding on deer kills.

    Mending was the issue since I wanted to get the achievement before Day 500.  I had been so good about not mending until the condition was at the point where it would just get to 100% that I was way behind on what I would need to get the achievement "on time."  That's when I took the advice here and began mending every time the condition dropped below 100%.  Since I had scrapped all the clothes I wasn't wearing, cloth was not ever an issue... even when I resorted to mending my bedroll almost every night (which takes 2x cloth).  Had I not changed strategy, I'd probably still not have reached Mending Level 5 by Day 1000 of the run.

  24. I'm now done with this achievement and this particular save file.  He jumped from TWM on Day 500 of his achievement acquiring ordeal.  May he RIP.

    Here's the data as I recorded it.  It may help others trying to get this achievement to have an idea how many times they have to repeat some of these actions.

    It took a total of 322 mends, with having researched all the Sewing Primers I found.  It took exactly 200 mends to go from Level 4 to Level 5.

    It took exactly 50 rifle hits to get to Level 5 (after researching at least 2 Frontier Shooting Guides and 2 Advanced Guns, Guns, Guns).  I did find more of the shooting guides, but was not allowed to research them after researching the Advanced Guns.

    My journal showed 61 bow hits, but I believe it reached level 5 around the 50-hit mark.  I researched every "Stay on Target" I found.

    I caught a total of 508 fish.  A few were caught after I leveled up, so I believe the total needed there (after researching all the Angler magazines) is 500.

    Since the other skills reached Level 5 long before I became concerned about getting this achievement before Day 500, I have no idea how many repeats it took to get to level 5.

    I can't remember for certain now (and the file is deleted), but I'm fairly sure I did not have the Book Learning feat active for this file.

    With my achievement hunting days over, I'm moving on to more exciting playthroughs.

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