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Survivor (2/4)



  1. Where are these 20 thousand matches at? I'm down to my last 22 and i haven't found a single fire striker after looting the entirety of mystery lake, mountain town and forlorn muskeg, plus 50-70% of pleasant valley.
  2. I don't follow, you said survival was based purely on luck, now, you're backpeddling on that point entirely, nothing was misread at all. If you wanted to convey a different point, then you coulda shoulda woulda used different words. You said life was in the hands of RNGesus, and, in lieu of how stupid that sounds, have started back-peddling on that statement, like a politician would do. Somebody get this guy a job as an elected official! I've seen you play, trust me, there's no misunderstanding here, just a fundamental gap of knowledge between us about the game we're playing, I plan my days out in advance, so I don't die weeks later because I used all my supplies doing stupid stuff that wasn't beneficial to long-term survival, &, well, you don't. You just kinda, meander about, and anything you need gets handed to you, or you die. The difficulty you play is custom, intestinal parasites only last 10 days instead of 20 on custom, it's almost impossible to survive intestinal parasites with a 20-day-duration, but 10 days is peanuts. There's also overpowered clothing items like military jackets & fisherman's sweaters that don't spawn on interloper, on custom. Just cuz you tweaked some settings and called it "harder" than interloper doesn't mean Jack-squat, cuz, well, you're perspective on difficulty is a little jank. Speaking of which, can someone from hinterland change that? It would be nice to change some of the settings for quality of life reasons, without making the game extremely easy. "Losing isn't fun, that's why the enemy team, isn't gonna have any!" -Toxic pathfinder. -KB204, Fan of the PAYDAY crew.
  3. Luck only gets you so far, my guy. Sure, I got boots n a bow on day one, but I had to scrounge for forever n a long time for gloves. I barely made it out of forlorn muskeg without getting frostbite. (this is all before improvised cloth wraps were a thing.) I came up from nothing, & had to diligently grind to get to where I am today. I didn't get no handouts, n I've been keeping my character fed since before the well fed buff, cuz I always thought the starving meta was both stupid & OP. Sure, you can say it was lucky that I got deer carcasses at spawns X & Y, or that it only took Z days (I forget how long, but it was actually weeks, trust.) to get a hacksaw, but, if I didn't get those things when I did, I just would've figured out some other way to survive. There was cat tails right beside the deer carcass, hadrian, I didn't eat them because I didn't want to, cuz they don't rot. If I had to, would've gladly eaten them over death. There's well over 100000^20000 ways to make it to your first 100 days on interloper, and approximately 2 of them involve insane amounts of luck, there is no "insane amounts" of luck in interloper, every randomized spawn you get is essentially the bare minimum of what you could've expected. If you don't get a "lucky" item in your first 50 loot spots, then the odds are so insane that you won't get it in the next 50, that if you die from a lack of resources, your death is because of bad luck, and not a lack of skill. The absence of bad luck does not lucky make. 1 clutch clothing item per region is not lucky. You know those magical health potions they added awhile back? Birch-bark tea, they call em, yeah, those didn't even exist for my first 100 days. Gosh, I wish I could've known birch bark would've been useful at some point in the future, I could've had enough of it to overencumber myself with the overpowered health elixirs by now. People have it easier now, then ever before on interloper, n you still think luck is the only way to get by? Then you're so ignorant, that you're too dumb to learn. Gitgud if you wanna survive 100 days, get insanely lucky with no skills at all, if you wanna survive until your luck runs out. GG's, my guy. Go watch accurize play this game, n then come tell me interloper survival is luck based, LMFAO. It's not, you learn the mechanics, you die a freaking ton, and then, you find out what gets you killed n what doesn't. This game isn't even that freaking hard on its highest difficulty setting my guy, luck isn't required, all you need is the absence of horrible luck, and, well, I was gonna say a level head, but, considering I mostly play this game when I'm too sleep deprived for battlefield 4 or apex legends, but not tired enough to sleep, (feels like I haven't slept in the last 9 years, freaking insomnia, yo.) I think I can safely say that's not the case. You survive by luck because you play on a difficulty that supports it. I didn't get lucky, that one wolf that got scared off when I was too tired to run, he ran because I grinded my way to a wolfskin jacket & bearskin bedroll. If he didn't run, I would've lost 1 of my steaks, or fallen back on my bow skills, or started a fire, or downed a coffee, or gone through a transition. (loadzone's, I call em.) this game has a lot of mechanics, and a lotta choices to make, (like almost killing yourself in pleasant valley, harvesting cat tails you really don't need at all, did I mention this was before well fed was a thing? Yeah, wouldn't have had to leave any of them behind, if that was a thing back then.) and if you can't survive without getting lucky 3 times an in-game week, that's your own damn fault. Get good at the game, then come talk to me. You're just like that guy I used to play apex with, prufork was his screen name, telling me how it was my fault I died, because I ran out of the ring to go hit the map room & died because loba's jump drive didn't get fixed in the lost treasures update like they said it was. I know the mechanics of the zone, I know how long it takes to travel from point A to B, and I know how far that broken tactical ability of Mrs andrades is supposed to go, I died in that round of apex because respawn entertainment doesn't play-test their freaking updates, not because I made a stupid choice, and I survived in the long dark, because I'm good at the freaking game, not because I got lucky. You both argue those points aren't true, because you just don't know the respective game well enough. You're both grade A examples of the dunning Kruger effect, and you both got a much more detailed explanation of how & why you're just freaking wrong, than you deserve. "EH, WHAT DID YOU THINK YOU WERE GONNA DO? WIN?!? AGAINST ME?! HAAHAAA, TAKE CARE, BROTHAH!!!"-Gibraltar, search & rescue extraordinaire. -KB204, average, everyday gamer.
  4. Wait, what? I thought there was a predator grace period on this difficulty, furthermore, how are you dying to the wildlife? It's voyager, you lose like, 2 hit points every struggle.
  5. You're obviously in your first 100 hours of gameplay, play the game a bit more and you'll find they're a lot easier to get around once you actually know the map & what you're doing. Pro gamer tip, wolves will slow to a crawl when trying to follow you up a steep incline, once you get to the top, you shouldn't even need an entire stamina bar to get far enough away that the wolf simply loses interest.
  6. How the hell did you manage to die 9 times? I've been suicidally charging after the local paw patrol hoping to end my first playthrough, but they don't do any damage, especially not with this military coat. I had so many good clothes on day 1, my temperature going down indicator only had 1 arrow, and I wasnt even shielded from the wind. When I went into a wind-shield spot I WAS WARMING UP!
  7. You're asking so nicely that I want to, but, I genuinely can't bring myself to do it. There was a series he had awhile back, think it was called against all odds, n, yeah, he was being so dumb that I don't even know how he got to a second or third episode. It truly amazed me, how him surviving from one hour to the next relied entirely on luck, with literally none of his actions pushing him to live longer, it was like he was actually trying to die by "accident" for the content. I'm sorry I couldn't link a video, but I've got no patience to do that, i haven't gotten a proper night's sleep in months. If it's any consolation, you should be able find a video of him playing in ways that will lead to your (eventual, not instantaneous.) death on Stalker difficulty just by picking a few videos at random and watching through to the end. He spends every minute of every day wastefully, has no mindfulness as to whether or not he'll actually make it from point A to B without setting up a rest stop on the way, or, he'll get himself killed at point B because he didn't bring enough loot from point A to survive there, and decided to set up shop anyway without doing a second trip. It really shouldn't take you long.
  8. This game mode is so freaking boring, I'll turn the revolver I found in the second building I entered on myself & empty the cylinder before 25 days is up. If this was voyager with interloper weather like I've seen people suggesting, it wouldn't be so bad. But, it's voyager weather with more blizzards than interloper and a constant -10 degree temp debuf, which makes the voyager weather almost as cold as interloper sometimes. Obviously, not everybody here plays interloper, but, what of the people who do? You offer us nothing, hinterland? Sure feels that way.
  9. Idk If this is really the place for this, but I haven’t played in awhile, n the lost n found box doesn’t seem to be working correctly, I don’t think any changes have been made to the trappers cabin since I’ve played last, and I know no changes were made to the actual shelves all my stuff that was put into the box were sitting on, n all the meat that was outside has disappeared, n is not inside the box. I know that I’ve played since the box was introduced, and none of my stuff was moved into one then, so idk why now all of a sudden. Also, both the brand new bow that I was going to equip when this one broke, and the ruined bow that were laying around are nowhere to be seen, inside the box or out. N I’m quite upset about the ruined bow because that was my first bow of the playthrough. Also it’s really very very annoying that I have to spend 10 hours making a brand new brand new bow because the game decided to delete my old brand new bow. Do you even know how long I’m going to have to spend getting my sleep schedule back on track after hammering out 10 hours on the work bench? Of course not, you just like wasting my precious resources!
  10. I don’t think the existing guns in the game really fit with the balance of interloper. Furthermore, players in interloper should have to go further, as they always have, sawing their own stocks from wood, forging their own receivers, and crafting their own ammo, the only thing that’s “free” in interloper is those plastic bottles we have an infinite supply of to store our water in, n I think even those will go, in time, too.
  11. Will we ever be able to use the new milling machine so that interloper players can craft some kind of improvised guns?
  12. Could we expect to see the implementation of a fitness meter, that would grant small bonuses like less endurance loss when running, more endurance, and maybe tiny boosts to carry weight and movement speed in this iteration of the long dark? I think it would be a much better way of making me go outside and be active then cabin fever, which just moves me from the trappers cabin to the cave in the transition area to Milton just a couple hundred meters, maybe a kilometer away. For one day, a day spent in as many time progressing UI windows as possible. Also, I know it would be very very hard to implement without turning the game into Skyrim, but could we maybe see the addition of a small hop or vault, something to help out maneuver those wolves. Is there anything in the works for fire temperatures affecting cooking times? Because my God, real fire cooks food fast. You have to be careful not to overfeed the flame, burn the meat before it even cooks. lastly, if I slaughter all the deer in a area, does that affect the respawn rates? Or is there no simulated breeding going on while the deer are off screen? Any plans for it if not?