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Posts posted by ajb1978

  1. On 8/17/2019 at 3:43 PM, Raphael van Lierop said:

    Do you have opinions about the Emergency Stim?

    I like the emergency stims so much I never use them....  I'm one of those "better save my potions for emergencies" players, then finishes the game with an inventory full of potions.  I use them rather liberally in Challenge modes, especially things like speedrun attempts, where a health boost and being able to run like a goober comes in handy.  But survivor mode, where my brain is geared towards extreme long-term survivability, I have an unhealthy hoarding obsession.

    Putting a condition on the Go energy drinks was a smart call.  I would hoard those too, but once they start dropping into the teens, I find a reason to use them.  I think e-stims would benefit from this as well.

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  2. Honestly no, I see a moose I get excited and immediately drop whatever it is I'm doing and hunt the moose.  I've derailed my own plans on numerous occasions because I see a moose and GNNAAAHHHH MUST HUNT!!

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  3. 2 hours ago, Jolan said:

    I love what you've written. 

    And well.... this explains why one of my surviors kept writing "found another dead military guy, wtf? Was there  a war no one told me about?" 

    Glad I was able to entertain!  And I don't know if you or anyone else has noticed, but the names of the characters in that little fic were all sourced from Bram Stoker's original Dracula.

  4. It could also be very early or very late into the aurora cycle.  There's a brief period of time before and after the aurora where the flashlight works, but everything else is off.  This is because "Aurora" is a weather type, and the weather types don't turn on and off like switches, there's a ramp-down period for the current weather type that coincides with a ramp-up period for the next cycle.  I've even had one aurora end, only for another to immediately start resulting in a more protracted period where all of the lights are off except for the flashlight, although that's pretty rare.

  5. On 8/11/2019 at 8:14 PM, Martin Prchal said:

    @peteloud That's weird. I thought that level 5 cooking gets rid of all parasite risk.

    It does. I think the issue was that he may have been at level 5 when he ate the meat, but it was cooked prior to that level. My current run (nearly day 400) my diet consists primarily of bear, with the occasional moose, and never once got parasites. 

  6. 18 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

     I make old-fashioned soap, and make my own lye. And it is a rather tedious project.

    Hah!  Funny, I just had a thing of lye arrive today.  This weekend I'm going to try making soap using some lard I rendered off of a few pounds of bacon, and then filtered/chilled. For molds, I took some thermoplastic and wrapped it around bricks of gulf wax I had laying around.  They're a little awkwardly sized, but I can cut them in half for nice sized bars of hand soap.  In retrospect I should have used an actual bar of soap to make the molds, but I'm usually about 3 drinks in when I come up with these crazy weekend schemes.

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  7. It's too late to report this as an actual bug, because I've gone and contaminated the crime scene like a proper prat.  But I share my tale of terror and near-demise as a warning--and daresay I a lesson--to others.

    It all started in Milton.  I left my Paradise Meadows homestead intent on putting a bullet in the moose down in the basin that dared insult my mother.  I climbed down to the terrace and intended to nap off my descent so that when I reached bottom I was in peak form.  Upon awakening, I was greeted with a lovely message, something to the effect of "Yo dawg, couldn't save yo' game, fool.  Make sure yo hard drive ain't full."  My hard drive is not full, so I immediately made a backup copy of my save--an act which ultimately saved the day.  A blizzard had erupted at that point, so I started passing time an hour at a crack from the back of the cave, and each time I got that same "Unable to save your game" message.  Distressing...

    I called for a full retreat, scaled the rope, and went back inside the Paradise Meadows Farmstead.  This is when the demons attacked.  I appeared in the middle of the house, not right by the door.  And to my shock and horror, the interior had been reset.  Mostly.  Random objects had been restored, containers previously filled had vanished, containers previously looted were now searchable.  A strange random pile of stuff on the floor beneath me was all that remained of my previous stash.  And as I had chosen Paradise Meadows as my primary base...this was a devastating blow.  All of the secondary clothing I had collected, all of the ammunition, dozens of liters of water, hundreds of cloth, leather, gut, hide, medicine....all of it... gone.  Gone....

    I exited, hoping that upon returning the glitch would be restored but alas, upon leaving, the door was mysteriously locked.  I still had the key from when I originally found it like I dunno 48 years ago, but whatevs.  I unlocked the door again and was greeted by the same sorry state of affairs.  I drank myself into oblivion, walked out into traffic, got eaten by a whale, it was horrible.

    OK so in actuality I just ALT-F4ed that mother, and copied my backup save game back into the appropriate folder, reloaded TLD, and loaded that save back up.  Once again, I was back in the cave where I had napped after my initial descent.  Scaling the rope again, I found that the house was exactly as I had remembered it.  The glitch was gone, and that horrific nightmare was just that: A nightmare.

    So let that be a lesson to you.  Especially in long-term survivor mode games...back up that file.  You are always one crash away from disaster.  And unlike a missed shot/bear mauling, I do not consider a game crash to be a fair death.

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  8. 7 hours ago, stratvox said:

    I dunno. For me, if you lose your well fed while at 3% condition it doesn't seem unreasonable that the player fades into the long dark instantly. I mean, sure it sucks, but there's plenty of situations of suck that can happen in this game... it's part of its charm! :D

    Yeah I'm on board with that.  Maybe all those painkillers and emergency stims he'd been popping finally caught up, and the 'ol ticker called it quits.

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  9. 32 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    Finally back to the game, now that my new rig is here, updated and set up. On my toaster, i thought the game was gorgeous. On my new rig, getting ~300fps on all Ultra (except SSAO turned off...), OMG. The game is even more gorgeous, and I didn't think that was possible. So happy to back t playing again, and the game showed me some love. With lovely scenery, and with not having Old Grumpy Bear rip my face off on Day 1, lol. Enjoy. I did. :)

    Sure, just go ahead and light a fire next to an LP tank.  There's no way that can end badly. :P

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  10. 5 hours ago, Gazbeard said:

    You don't need to haul it all back to Milton - leave most of the guts to cure in the Mountaineer's Hut for repairs and bowmaking when you get bored on other maps and come back to TWM. 
    Also, leave most of the meat uncooked outside the hut - even if it degrades to 0% before you come back, you can still cook it and boost it up to 50% condition.  If you cook it and leave it, there's no way to reheat / refresh the condition.

    Oh I did leave the guts, and swapped the fresh hide out for a cured one I'd left behind the last time.  And I left 4 steaks behind for when I return, to get re-situated, but I'm still hauling the rest back to Milton.  That's "home" this time around.  The other regions are vacation homes.

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  11. Bloody hell it happened again!  I'm holed up at my main base in Milton, and I'm like...oh dear, I'm out of cured leather.  I check my notes, I have 33 stashed on Timberwolf Mountain, guess it's time for a field trip.  I arrived, slept, grabbed my leather, turned to leave...ANOTHER MOOSE.  I was not planning on hauling a moose back to Milton but I mean I guess I can work out the logistics of that.  Too much food is a good problem to have.

    Edit: Got 'im in one shot :) (I only had 9 rounds to begin with up there.)


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  12. 8 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

    Now that I have all my feats, I just play Custom and disable it every time.  Too much overhead trying to manage it and detracts from my enjoyment.

    I almost did, but I left it on because late game after I'm well settled, it can very easily turn into a battle of "pass time, sleep, pass time, sleep" then hunt a bear every 7 days or so and repeat the same routine.  This at least forces me out of the house to do...SOMETHING.  Gather sticks if nothing else.

  13. I would like to see a separate buff introduced as a reward for maintaining each separate sub-condition.  Currently, staying well fed gives you the Well Fed buff.  But what about the other three?  Just spitballing some ideas here...

    Well Rested: Avoid going into the red on Fatigue for 3 straight days, your sprint/climb bar decrease more slowly when in use, and recharge more quickly.

    Well Hydrated: Avoid dehydration for 3 straight days, your thirst decreases more slowly as you're already pretty well hydrated.

    Warm to the Core: Avoid Freezing for 3 straight days.  Your body is strengthened overall, reducing your risk of food poisoning, dysentery, infection, and frostbite by half.

    Excellent Health:  Avoid condition loss of any sort for 10 straight days.  You gain an additional +5kg to your carry limit.

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  14. Oh yeah it doesn't take much to destroy complex electronics like microprocessors, but everything?  An EM field of such magnitude that it can power an elevator through induction alone, or knock out a diesel engine (which isn't even electronic) I should think would strip electrons off of atoms entirely, annihilating life at the biochemical level.  Remember that elevator brakes default to "on", and those brakes are designed to hold the elevator plus max occupancy...so say 1000kg just ballpark.  Imagine how powerful the field must be to be able to generate enough induction current to release the brakes on that elevator....  And the diesel engine, sure maybe knocking out the lights wouldn't be too hard, but to completely knock out a non-electronic engine?  Daaaaayuummm....

    I know at some point we have to suspend disbelief, but if we're talking about an actual EM pulse capable of the total systemic breakdown of all modern technology, including those that don't require electricity, would be several orders of magnitude greater than a nuke going off over Kansas. Just saying!

  15. This has the potential to be another vigilant flame, where it improves the game overall, but a small but vocal minority hoot and holler to no end about how it breaks the game.  Frankly, I'd be all for it, especially if we get some additional choices like the option to cauterize a bleeding wound with a lit flare or torch, which instantly resolves both the infection risk and blood loss, in exchange for a Burns affliction that has to be healed separately.

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  16. I'm entirely nonreligious so any one book is as good as another.

    Except the skill books.  Those things actually have something to offer besides something to torch, so even after I've read them they get put on display!

  17. Besides the chance to scare off wolves, it's also pretty warm and offers good protection.  Of course layering two expedition parkas is my usual route, as it offers double the warmth, 50% better wind resistance, and 5% better sprinting for the same weight.  Although the wolf coat does provide 15% defense, coming in third behind only the bear coat and moose cloak.  So that's something to consider if you have problems avoiding wolves.