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Posts posted by ajb1978

  1. 11 hours ago, peteloud said:

    Drink too much.

    Every time there is a bit of a wait, and my left hand is free, I pick up my glass of plonk and have a sip.

    Hah same here!  Although for me it's mostly when traveling.  I tap Q (my custom hotkey for auto-walk cruise control), and occasionally course correct with A/D or the mouse.  Which frees up my hands to take a drink.  TLD is the only game that happens with, just due to the amount of time where I don't need to be actively doing something, but I can't just get up and walk away.

    Another TLDism is I will go about doing some daily chores, while my character in the game is cooking food or boiling water.  Since I have a 4x day length multiplier, 3 in-game minutes pass for every minute of real time.  So if it takes an hour and a half (roughly) to melt and boil a full pot of water, that's a half hour in real-time I can get stuff done around the house.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Themadlad94 said:

    When I was playing in Desolation Point, I was hunting rabbits with the revolver. I reloaded my revolver(I only shot 1, so their was 5 rounds left)and noticed that the round I shot was gone, as if it disappeared. A revolver should hold the spent round until the user manually removes it, as it has no way of ejecting it itself. Is their anyway that this could get fixed?

    I pointed this out in another thread, but your character removes the spent casings off camera.  If you were to have reloaded your revolver immediately without putting it away, you would have seen that the cylinder was full.  The character would lower the revolver off screen, and when it returns, the spent casing is removed.  They then load a fresh round into the cylinder.

    If however you fire your revolver, holster it, then bring it out again, the cylinder will show one round missing, as it is implied your character has removed the empty casing already.

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  3. I think solar panels, yes.  Milton may be remote, but it's not completely archaic.  The Orca station supports electric cars, which is something I only see in cities with populations of maybe 50k or greater today.  It stands to reason that if in the near future, Orca gets enough electric cars to warrant a charging station, people probably have solar panels too.

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  4. 1 hour ago, piddy3825 said:

    How often do you or did you use the magnifying glass?  This seems to get little use or does it?

    I use it almost exclusively, after I get settled in every region.  I use matches or firestrikers while I'm looting and getting all my ducks in a row, but once I have a solid grasp on the world, I will sit on stockpiles of raw meat or fish until a clear day allows me to use the maglens to start a fire.  I typically have hundreds or thousands of matches in reserve, depending on experience mode.

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  5. Based on the timestamp of my screenshot, I earned mine October 3, 2016, at exactly 2:40pm.  I basically started grinding campfires out on the ice in CH, over and over, until it was done.  This was back before you could re-light campfires, so people interested in grinding campfires now can make this work by finding some nice cave somewhere, starting 3 or 4 campfires, and just cycle through relighting them.

    If you prepare with an extreme abundance of sticks ahead of time, once you start that first fire, you can just start grabbing a torch every now and then and use that to light every subsequent fire.  Just toss it in when it gets to 20% or lower, and harvest a fresh one.  This is the method I use to level my firestarting skill to 5 without wasting matches.

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  6. My game crashed when capturing a screenshot so I have nothing to share...but the image was kind of sad.  A blood trail and bear footprints, leading to a dead bear, just outside the mouth of his cave.  All he wanted to do was get home, but even his last wish was denied.

    Edit: Happy ending though.  When I loaded back up and went to re-hunt that bear, he dropped in one shot.  Merciful.

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  7. So I'm on a mission. Total domination.  Every buffer memory, every note, every cairn....break down everything (with the exception of my chosen safehouse for each region, because shelves are useful).  But I just can't.  I just can't trash Jeremiah's cabin.  That poor old hermit, living the sweet life, free of responsibility free and clear out in the wilderness.  I don't know where he is, but I just can't ruin his house.

    Anyone else have anything they just can't bring themselves to do?

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  8. Seeing as how it's irrelevant now that Redux is released...what were the contents of Jeremiah's Letters, back when that was still a side quest?

    Will joked that it was old romantic correspondence letters, but seriously...what was it?  Surely it can't have been anything deeply confidential, or Jeremiah wouldn't have trusted them with some rando that gave him a handful of deer hides he'd ripped off ravaged carcasses.  The curiosity is killing me.

  9. In my opinion the best way to implement well being would be to take into account how frequently you suffer afflictions or suffer condition loss.  A combination of cabin fever, and well fed.  Similar to CF, if over the past 6 days, you've spent most of the time with condition loss or an affliction, your character's attitude becomes negative, and condition recovers 50% slower.  If you make it 3 days without suffering condition loss or a negative affliction, your character's attitude becomes positive, and condition recovers 50% faster.  Suffering an affliction or condition loss ends your positive attitude, but doesn't immediately make it negative. You just return to baseline.

    So there becomes an incentive to take care of your survivor, but the game is still playable if you choose to ignore it.

    • Upvote 3
  10. 13 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

    I didn't mean to get off topic, but what I've been experiencing was in the relatively open ground at the engine in Echo Ravine.  The wolf would ping me, I would pitch a stone - hit him, but he would just yelp running scared but straight in my direction... and not away from where it was struck by the stone.  That's why I was curious about it.  This also happened to me (but resulting in a struggle) on the path past the abandoned lookout in Costal Highway on the way to Pleasant Valley.  I hit it in the nose with a stone.. it didn't turn and run away, then bounce back... instead it just yelped and ran straight toward me... it reset as I was trying to sprint past it (while it was yelping and fleeing) and promptly chewed my face.  :( 

    I could see that happening.  Those areas look straightforward to us as players, but there's plenty of uneven terrain and obstacles in those areas that can affect pathing.  I wouldn't call that normal behavior, but I wouldn't call it a bug either.  It's more reliable in wide open areas, like the ice in CH, the muskeg, the fields in PV, etc.

  11. 31 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    I was wondering the same thing. Same, LMB does not pick them up, only RMB to move them around.

    I figured it out :)  When you RMB items, its weight is now added to your own.  Prior to that, it was advantageous to carry a heavy object around by RMBing it, instead of picking it up, because that essentially allows you to carry it for free.

    Back then I noticed if I had an item RMBed, and I walked up to an area transition that you could walk through, the RMBed item was automatically forced into my inventory.  I haven't bothered to do that since Hinterland fixed the "RMBed items are weightless" exploit, but I tried it again with the battery and yup.  It goes right into your inventory.  It has to be an area transition that you walk through, such as the rail tunnel connecting ML and FM.  Presumably an explorable cave would work as well, although I haven't tried that.
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  12. 44 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

    I'm curious if they are set to just flee in a random direction when they get spooked and I am just terribly unlucky... of if there is a bug in that behavior.  (if anyone can share any insight please do)

    There's different intensities of fear.  If you strike terror into them, such as a surprise attack and a non-fatal hit with a weapon that causes bleeding, they will take off running for a minimum of about 10 seconds (I haven't timed it, that's an estimate), but that can persist for well beyond the 10 seconds as long as the wolf can see you.  Essentially, if you sneak up and inflict a bleeding wound without the wolf seeing you, if you then stand up and stay within line of sight, the wolf will continue to run around in a blind panic.  This also occurs if you win a wolf struggle, regardless of how you win.

    If the wolf first sees you, a hip-fire that inflicts damage but doesn't kill actually causes the wolf to charge you, same as if you'd aimed your weapon.  Depending on distance and personal skill, it's possible to put 2 or 3 more rounds into a charging wolf before it gets to you.  These additional shots, regardless of whether you hit or miss, will not inspire fear in a charging wolf.

    A startle is something like a surprise attack that misses and hits the snow near them, or scaring them with a rock/flare/torch.  That will cause them to run away briefly, but only for like 3-5 seconds.  If you are not out of sight or crouched by the time they recover from being startled, they will be right back on your tail.

    Regardless of whether it's mortal terror or just a startle, they will attempt to run away from you immediately.  If they are near any obstacle, then they turn in a random direction.  Which can cause them to basically bounce off a tree and head right back in your direction, or even come running directly at you if they were up against a wall to begin with.  They won't just run around the tree and keep going more or less in the same direction, they always bounce around like a billiard ball any time they encounter an obstacle.  Once the fear ends, they try to resume their normal pathing.

  13. 11 minutes ago, Hawk said:

    This is what I was talking about when I said that the challenge wasn't finished yet. :)

    I have nothing whatsoever to back this up, but I'm betting Part 3 is going to be something along the lines of "The Bearkiller Rifle was destroyed, but you survived the attack.  The bear is now sleeping.  You must sneak away, and your only hope now is to reforge Spence's old bear spear."

    Basically the final chapter of Episode 2, except you are playing as Jeremiah in a world where Will never showed up.

  14. 3 hours ago, Ice Hole said:

    Battery weight sure surprised me too. 

    Battery has different levels of decay.

    Wonder what the decay rate is?

    How did you get them in your inventory?  LMB does nothing for me, I can only reposition with RMB.

  15. I think it'd be interesting if the car batteries were used as a sort of key item.  Like you encounter a maglocked door that can only be opened during an aurora...but the problem is there's live wires all over the place so you can't get to it.  The solution: Bring a car battery when there isn't an aurora, to power the lock and safely open the door.

  16. 5 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    and one of the QGS, with batteries lining the shelves in front of the cash register.

    How would that have been possible without using a mod or save editor?  We can only RMB the batteries around.  It's not possible to take them into your inventory, in order to carry them through an area transition.

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  17. So I stopped and took the time to check out the gravestones outside the church, and I noticed that all of the named graves were for people who had died very young.  The oldest was just 25, two were 17, and Lily was just 16.  Is there some plot significance to the fact that all the graves are of people who died young?

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  18. 1 hour ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    I don;t agree with Ski boots making you immune. Highest protection, sure. But not immune. That's just a wee bit too OP, IMHO.

    I would say the only time you should be at risk of a sprain in ski boots is if you suffer a literal fall (Edit: Or get thrashed by wildlife).  Not walking-on-a-slope kind of fall, I'm talking an actual fall where you suffer clothing damage, which would explain why that hard fixed ski boot ankle joint didn't protect you.

  19. 1 minute ago, Martin Prchal said:

    I would make different footwear have different degrees of preventing sprains. Running shoes wouldn't do anything, but the trail boots should help you carry all of your sticks around 😊.

    This.  Have your hand gear affect your wrist sprain chance, and foot gear affect ankle sprains.  The heavier the item, the less chance of a sprain.  And those 4kg ski boots, have those make you straight up immune to ankle sprains.  That would make them worth wearing.

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