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Posts posted by ajb1978

  1. Is there any way to avoid glimmer fog? Indoors, in a cave, underground, nothing seems to work. The only thing I haven't tried is that basement of the main hangar, which is impossible since the region is FAR too large to get there from anywhere else, unless you're already right there.

    Edit: Finally lucked out and was able to get back to the hangar. The basement does begin to steadily reduce Insomnia risk. While I wish there were more locations available, at least Insomnia isn't too bad of an affliction. I never actually got woken up in the middle of the night.

  2. The embers in Fire Addons will allow embers to last a lot longer, if you don't let the fire get too hot. Basically the logic is, a hotter fire burns through fuel more completely, while a relatively cooler one won't. Resulting in embers that last a longer duration. While realistic I don't find it terribly useful in practice. I mean it's not THAT big a deal to just remember to add more fuel to a fire before it goes out.

    The Ember Box is actually part of the Fire Pack mod. It's a reusable but short-lived firestarter that decays 5% per hour, and can be repaired 50% with a charcoal. An ember box can actually contribute towards a more realistic style of play where you cook your food and boil your water as you need it, vs. leaving it outside in the snow and boiling up hundreds of liters of water in bottles that magically appear out of nowhere.

    I personally like the Ember Box, coupled with Realistic Water Management, to where you might literally not have a means of carrying water with you. In which case you boil up what you need when you need it, drink your fill, and dump the excess before heading out. Does it make the game "easier" being able to start fires essentially at will? Maybe. But I mean I have never once run out of matches, ever. On vanilla I just wait for sunny days, mag lens up my bear/moose and a 50 liters of water, so one might argue the Ember Box solves a problem that doesn't exist. But as a counterpoint, it can completely change the way you play the game, which makes it a surprisingly interesting item to have. And interesting gameplay is better than difficult gameplay IMO.

    Of course you can also craft a bow drill using the same mod, which decays only with use. To me, THAT makes the game too easy. The Ember Box you at least have to diligently maintain, as you can't even go a single day without repairing it or it'll go out.


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  3. An upgradeable, portable campsite. Gets heavier the more amenities you add to it, but with the travois it becomes manageable. At its most basic it's a repairable reusable snow shelter. But then you can start adding things like a cook fire, which is just one burner, but is 100% windproof AND can be lit with a mag lens. Then maybe later build a portable workbench, which doubles the time required to craft items because of how cramped it is, but hey...it's a portable workbench.

    Don't mind me, I'm just spitballing. That's one of the best parts about this whole game/experience--it's fun to speculate on the "what ifs". Especially since on occasion, those "what ifs" become reality.

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  4. Spoiler alert.


    Episode 4 is my favorite thus far. Not only does it start you off with nothing, you can be reset to nothing if you're not paying attention. This makes the crafting system SUPER valuable in this episode. Plus with how unforgiving the region is, all the survival lessons you've learned up to this point become vital. On the other hand you get a  moosehide satchel, rifle, bow, revolver, flare pistol, noisemakers, and no survivors to carry around.

    This is the episode I invariably spend the most time on, since I sort of revert to Survival mode. Straight out of the gate, I start hunting down side quests. The warden? Ehhhh he'll be fine. I've got loot to hoard and pants to sew.

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  5. 2 hours ago, RossBondReturns said:

    But with each major update I uninstall melonloader...mainly because I want to experience what Hinterland has changed and improved themselves.

    Same here. I personally like realism mods like Better Water Management or Better Fuel Management that make containers a resource, but sometimes it's nice to get back to basics. i.e. magic water bottles!

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  6. 1 hour ago, Bigfatcat999 said:

    Only qualm on the game, Bucks, (male deer) lose their antlers in the winter.

    In Story mode Will comments about not usually needing his parka "this early in the season", so it's implied it's still pretty early in winter.

    Of course that logic falls through on 1000+ day survival runs...but meh. So does the lack of anything except winter.

  7. On 11/22/2022 at 2:37 PM, JackTrysGames said:

    Remember, the only thing functioning after the Aurora were party lines.

    So odds are Molly was calling Astrid, and she picked up before Will could answer the phone in her stead.

    At this point, bad luck is the only thing keeping the pair apart.

    Had that happened, Will would've heard Molly and Astrid talking. That's how party lines work. Every phone rings, everyone picks up, and if the call isn't for you, you politely hang up. There is nothing at all to stop someone from eavesdropping though, which is why I'm like 99% sure it WASN'T Molly. Because Molly clearly states, she just has to keep letting it ring until Astrid picks up. The fact that it only rings a couple times (assuming you actually go to the phone and don't stand around waiting) and then goes dead is not Molly's MO. Molly will call and let it keep ringing and ringing until someone picks up.

    Now had Will picked up and said "Hello", and THEN the line went dead, I'd say that could reasonably be Molly. She was hoping for Astrid, someone else picked up, so she'll just try again later. But it didn't--it simply went dead before Will got to it.

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  8. I personally don't use the notes much because frankly alt-tabbing to Excel works better for me. The game pauses while not active so I can take my time writing down each item I have stored away, the quantity, and the starting condition. I can use formulas to display the expected current condition of items based on how much time has passed after the starting condition, I can search it, copy, paste, etc.

    About the only time I use in-game notes is to leave myself a reminder for next time if I've been drinking and am not confident I'll remember what I was up to.

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  9. Pretty sure it's nobody at all. Or I mean in-game it's "someone" in the sense that the phone just didn't ring itself, but it's not named character. The Hunting Lodge is a LONG ways away from Pleasant Valley. Considering how busted up the infrastructure is all the way from BR to PV, there's no reason to think they're on the same circuit. Maybe they were at one point, but not with the way all the lines are torn up now. Plus Molly said that all she has to do is keep letting it ring until someone picks up. The call in the lodge only rings a couple times and then goes dead.

    I suppose you could argue that Molly let it ring a couple times then hung up because she had to go pee or something and realized it wasn't a good time to be on the phone. But there's really no indication at all that it was Molly. It's 100% pure speculation. Heck, it could just as easily have been the priest, trying to figure out who the hell keeps calling and letting the phone ring over and over.

  10. 10 hours ago, Sgt Socks said:

    Ah Item Piles. Now *that* is a magnificent mod. I loved making massive piles of sticks and firewood. Kept me happy for hours 😁 I think if I could only have one mod it would take a lot to beat that one.

    It's done WONDERS on load times for places where I have obscene stick hoards. Instead of having 1000 objects being rendered, I instead have twenty 50-stick piles. Same burn time, much less load time. It's something I've been begging for in the wish list since practically day one, and I'm glad the modding community delivered.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Sgt Socks said:

    Fantastic AJB! I'm guessing the use of Place Anywhere, Remove Clutter and Moveable Containers? Those three mods made such an incredible difference to the depth of play for me. I made Trappers a cosy little den like your magnificent workroom 🙂👍

    Place Anywhere, Item Piles,  and DIY. Remove Clutter only works for interior locations, but if it worked outdoors I'd definitely get rid of some of the debris on the floor.

    When you use Item Piles to combine loose scrap metal, it turns into a cardboard box full of scrap. Those "bricks" are actually boxes of scrap metal, stacked high enough that you can't actually see the metal protruding from the top.

  12. Shotguns have been romanticized by video games (I think Doom deserves most of the credit there), but the reality is they're either a powerful long-range weapon (slugs, which makes them like a rifle), or they're a medium-short ranged deterrent, which makes them like the revolver or distress pistol.

    With slugs, you're basically just using it like a rifle, so...yeah. No point.

    With shot, the pellets spread out to maybe about a foot, but because the individual pellets are so much smaller they reach terminal velocity much faster. So yeah, shot is going to start losing its effectiveness at 50 meters, and beyond 100 it's basically just like getting shot with a bunch of BB's. (I got hit by birdshot once while on a duck hunting trip in my teens and it didn't even penetrate my coat.) And also not all shotguns are created equal--are you using birdshot or buckshot? What gauge? 

    So the next most common argument I've heard is "OK well why not use shotguns to hunt birds?" Great! You mean those crows circling overhead that would be absolutely disintegrated by a shotgun? Or all the other birds that are thousands of miles away, having migrated south for the winter? There are no birds to hunt, not anymore, and introducing birds wouldn't make any sense because of migration patterns. Shot isn't going to be effective against anything else we have in the game.

    So basically what we have here is just another rifle...so why bother at all?

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  13. I normally don't like "sleep/pass time/sleep/pass time" endgame scenarios but in this case that's exactly what I'm doing. I went around to all of my other bases and hauled a lot of the rare gear, along with a lot of scrap cloth and metal, back to Paradise Meadows which is my "permanent" home (even though I'm hardly ever there). Right now I'm holed up in Pleasant Valley with a barebones gear setup, doing nothing but fishing, gathering sticks, and filling jerry cans. Once the last jerry can is filled I can make one last trip to Paradise Meadows and put the game down until the update.  The night prior to the update I'll probably log back in, light a nice roaring fire in both stoves, then cook up one last meal and exit the game.

    It might seem sentimental, but just killing your character or aborting entirely seems cheap to me. After all this character and I have been through, I'm gonna send him off right or die trying! Or I guess he'd be the one that dies trying. 

    (Wasn't there a movie recently where if you die in a video game, you die in real life? Or did I dream that? hm...)

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  14. Just wanted to relay a bear hunting story a buddy of mine at work told me today.

    So this goes back over 30 years, but at the time he was 17 and skipped class to go bowhunting. Specifically, a black bear. So he goes out, sets up a tree stand, and just hanging out waiting. He set up bear bait by putting some food on the ground, then piling logs and debris on top of it. The idea being, the bear would smell the food, then go digging into the pile which would both stimulate a bear's natural scavenger instinct to lower its guard, while also slowing it down and ensuring it would remain in one place for an extended period of time.

    It worked. So he lined up a shot, took it, and punctured both lungs and nicked the heart. (Found out later.) The arrow punched clean through the bear and lodged in the dirt, and as expected it didn't immediately drop. It let out a growl and ran off. Expecting it to be like a deer where it runs off maybe 10 meters and then promptly keels over, he climbed down out of the stand to ground level to chase it.

    But the thump didn't happen. The bear was nowhere to be seen. He started to panic, and then heard his very loud WRRRROOOOWWWWLLLLL in the distance. Thinking he'd just mildly inconvenienced yet heavily angered a quadrupedal murder machine, he broke into a full sprint heading back to his truck. He arrived safely and promptly peeled out, drove to a nearby gas station, and called his friend's dad. He explained that he cut class and shot a bear, and that he thinks it's out to kill him. He explained the whole story, and the guy just bursts into laughter. Saying something like "That wasn't a growl, that was the bear dying. When it dies it loses control over its diaphragm, and the last dying gasp sounds like a growl."

    Anyway that guy was cool, calls the school and pulls his son out of class with some nonsense about a forgotten appointment, and sends him to go back this dude up. They go out and find the bear dead, which weighed about 200kg all told. Between the two of them they dragged it back to the parking area, hoisted it into the truck, and drove off to have the kill tagged and registered.

    He got a nice European mount of a bear skull, a bearskin rug, and a pretty good assortment of bear steaks and sausages out of that kill, all told. According to him it was fatty, gamey, and kind of tasted like venison plus unsweetened blackberries. He even processed some of the fat to produce bear oil, which is a thing I didn't specifically know existed, and I'm not sure what you'd use it for. But yeah. There you go.

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