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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Do the rest of you still get that feeling in your gut when looking down and it is a LONG ways down?
  2. Mine would have to be: A sunny day in PV...
  3. ...can be used for crafting and repair... Hmm...future content?
  4. hozz1235

    Hot Springs

    Gives a significant warmth bonus when immersed but suffer from wet clothes (if worn) and possible hypothermia if exposed too long after exiting.
  5. Heck, should be able to get 20 mugs worth from that!
  6. Since we're all alone, we don't need to worry about anyone below... TheLongDark 2021-04-05 17-33-18.mp4
  7. I would say so. HRV has a pretty good supply of caves/ice caves.
  8. TheLongDark 2021-04-03 20-00-56.mp4
  9. TheLongDark 2021-04-03 20-00-56.mp4
  10. TheLongDark 2021-04-03 18-55-07.mp4
  11. I constantly see moose scrapings around the Milton-HRV Cave Transition but have yet to bag a moose there. Has anyone else?
  12. hozz1235


    "I could eat a horse. I've seen locks on horses..." We need horses in the game to support Astrid's comments!
  13. Mine has to be a tie between a hatchet and a knife. Yours? Crow feathers don't count!
  14. My first computer as well - with a tape drive...wow, look at us now.
  15. Good point. I agree the game is beautiful as is. I also agree that I would encourage players to try it "vanilla" before modding (which is what I do with all my games). But to not allow mods to "force" them to do that is a disservice (IMHO).
  16. Good point, but I would like to point out that that is your perspective - that modding ruins games. Personally (and I'm not ashamed to admit it), I have played TLD with mods ever since their inception. Has it ruined the game for me? My 2,000+ hours will attest it has not. Just the opposite in fact - it has extended my enjoyment of the game. To each their own.
  17. Mods already exist, and have for quite some time, whether Hinterland officially endorses them or not. Right now, they are rogue. Wouldn't it benefit all to have them officially supported and managed?
  18. Just remember, we already have a WIDE range of difficulty through Custom Settings. This makes that range wider, but the premise is the same...