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Posts posted by stratvox

  1. Poe, ERB, H.G. Wells, and a growing amount of Lovecraft is public domain, and they both have lots of stuff that'd be in the right size range to be practical to read while sitting next to a fire in a cave while a blizzard blows outside.

    Finding a copy of Paradise Lost in the Gray Lady's house in Milton would also be quite cool given the obvious echoes to it in Episode Two. Tom Thomson's paintings are all public domain now, I believe, so finding a "print" of Birches in the attic of the Barn in PV would be pretty damned cool imho, esp. given that you can basically go up that rise opposite the road from the barn and look right at it.

    There is a lot of scope to run this kind of stuff as little easter eggs throughout the game. It's not actually possible because it's not public domain, but I always thought it made more sense to hear Gould playing that piano piece on the radio during an aurora. The Idea of North could be another good choice by Gould. And something like a flickering display of "La Paysagiste" by Jacques Drouin from the NFB on a TV during an aurora (mebbe a big ol' curve front console TV from the 70s in the PV Farmhouse) would be super all right to come across. 

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  2. Yeah. Obvs I can't really know. but it's entirely possible this will be destined to be fixed down the line. Software dev is balancing dev time, reward, plus of course the question of what's viable on which hardware. They could maybe fix it for people with latest gen video cards, but the majority of the userbase is almost certainly still running gtx1060 era cards, and a lot of the time keeping the game viable on older hardware (and consoles!) means making hard decisions.

  3. 15 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

    anyways, the wind is also visibly blowing thru the interior of the cabin and the wind shield indicator is appearing on my screen.  hmmm, okay I get that an old cabin might be a little drafty, but seeing the wind blow thru the cabin?  ummm, is it just me or should that not be happening?

    Pretty sure that's a straightforward limitation. I've observed the same thing for many years in places like Mountaineer's or in caves. I can understand how trying to properly clip the effect to make it look like it's outside but not inside could be seriously computationally intensive... and depending on how the clipping is implemented it may not be possible without a major rewrite of the weather code.

    5 hours ago, Shadox said:

    You know if it protects from Glimmer Fog?

    It does not. Neither of the cabins, nor any of the caves protect from Glimmer Fog. I haven't completely verified for myself, but I suspect that the only place that does is the deep basement in the Hangar.

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  4. I've found it to be pretty mild, but insanely difficult to avoid. Like the others here have said I suspect it's not intended to be seriously debilitating on its own, but combined with starvation or an animal struggle could be what tips you over the edge. I've had it a few times (I've been living out at the island cabin; I'd love mindful but there's a serious paucity of food there) without it being really brutal. I've had my sleep interrupted a couple of times from it... in the custom game I usually like playing I only do low condition recovery while sleeping and I could see it being much more serious in that context. At first I was a little irked that I couldn't avoid it in the backs of caves, but now that I've seen how minor it is I find it far more understandable. I still need to do more testing (for example, the rate of insomnia risk accumulation is 1%/10s real world time is one finding, and it doesn't matter if you're outside, in a building, or in a cave) because I think that the rate of condition recovery while sleeping is slower when one has insomnia, but I haven't figured out a way to directly measure it yet.

  5. I'm thinking about the fact that people that get lost travel in circles. In TLD, we walk in a straight line always. I think keeping the straight line is a good plan, but if one ankle is sprained it would be cool to have the path of travel curve in the direction of the side that is sprained. I was thinking this because I was walking through a blizzard in FA and had a LONG walk to make, and with a sprained ankle. Given how hard it is in some places there to see where you're going, having your path curve when ankles are sprained would make sprains much more serious when circumstances are exactly wrong....

    • Upvote 1
  6. 43 minutes ago, yoli said:

    I am still in progress but somewhat questioning the level design in some areas: why do we have these endless tunnels like before Transfer Pass, and again when entering Forsaken Airfield (this is not a tunnel there but corridor within mountains). These are sooooo boring to walk through. I am not sure to get the point of such a level design. I understand the interest of taking a while to get to the main region Forsaken Airfield, but couldn't the way through be... less boring? Well it is not always boring, but these tunnels and corridors... please no!

    Besides this I love the game of course, but this part is a little off to me.

    The main reason for the long walks is to  weed out the players who don't plan adequately basically. Sub par clothing or leaving on those walks with an empty stomach will come at a cost.


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  7. I was not mad in any way; in general, I experienced very few problems. There are some bugs I've discovered (and submitted to the zendesk page; I'm sure I will find more) but by and large this has gone as I'd expect. I have an advantage, though; I work in software and have an idea of what kinds of things can go wrong on release day, and the various ways little things can add up to big problems (ask me about how to better manage node's heap sometime... actually, don't) and let's just say that I lost the delusion that things ever launch perfectly; sorta like when playing music nobody ever plays a clean show. 

    A big part of the reason I like this place so much is because there's no mealy-mouthed bull from you folks. As for the folks who are losing it over the fact that it wasn't perfect, well, I feel bad for ya son I got ninety-nine problems but bs ain't one. Shit happens, and it esp happens when you're working in a small dev team; it's not like these guys have the thousands of devs on staff of a bungie or a ubisoft. It might be a good idea for folks to go to and reflect. Personally I've seen enough bad behaviour both online an irl where someone buying something thinks that the twenty bucks they're laying out means that they have the dispensation to be shitty to people. Hell with that.

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  8. On 12/8/2022 at 5:07 AM, FluffyComeHome said:

    You know AirBnB has gone downhill when you want to check in but find a sleeping bear floating at the entrance. I was forced to seek other accommodations. However, his snoring sound followed me halfway across the lake. LoL

    I have also noticed that after 10 days in Voyager, I have only seen two wolves. Not sure if they have become endangered in the Far Territory.

    Also, it seems that when we pick up clothing we don't automatically wear it. That was they way it worked for a long time, but I could have sworn the more recent iterations of the game had us putting it on automatically if there was an open slot for that type.



    I had exactly that at exactly the same location. Took me a sec to figure out what it was; it was a challenge to figure out what I was looking at!

    I don't think it's really floating, I think it's sleeping on top of that rock but it's not exactly aligned properly.

  9. So, fired up a new one, decided to do Voyageur to begin with because I probably want to start trying to get the blizzard and coffee buffs, and because I like rifles and expedition parkas and stalker just has Too Many Wolves. Started out in a random location and got MT. Now been there and HRV for a total of nine days getting my stuff together for the trip; I'm very close to being ready to roll down to FM to make arrowheads with a dozen or so arrow shafts and a bow. Was coming back in the evening from the plane crash site where Will and Astrid first came into this place and got a nice shot of Milton. 

    Would like to be further along but I needed to do some urgent urgent stuff on the company firewall for the core and web dev teams at work, and that took me down the iptables and tc rabbit hole. At any rate, I got one nice shot, sort of like...

    A Great Bear Ghost Town


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  10. When they released this update all the save files for survival mode were invalidated. We're all starting brand new games; I always pick random and I ended up starting out in Mountain Town. Nearly done looting the village, then it's going to be down the ropes into Forlorn, hope that there's a hammer somewhere, and get some arrowheads going on, then it's on to BR to look for the new exit to the transition region.

    Kind of sad saying bye to the ~1200 day and ~900 day games I had going on, but ... sometimes those are the breaks. Haven't had much chance to see what I'm getting, but the loading screens are super super fast now... which forebodes well for the future.

  11. A last photo dump before the morrow. A night on the lash in HRV:


    Started down in the valley below, and as I made my way across and up I passed by Stairsteps as the sun set.







    I made my way across the map under the auroral light and made my way back to my usual stomping ground.

    I also went to Pleasant Valley and spent some time in the Forest Cave.



    Early morning; cold, and the light has that ethereal quality. 

    Now I'm up in Blackrock at Bricklayers. Still no bears in TWM, and the bear that used to live near Bricklayers over near where you can jump across the river to get right next to the Pen seems to be gone as well.

    I'm almost thinking I should run him back to HRV because the living is definitely a lot easier there so that he ends up in the happiest of hunting grounds once his universe passes into obsolescence, stasis, and silence.

    I read in the interview that the new Airfield level is going to be comparable in size to PV, which is definitely cool. Pleasant Valley can be a very good place to live with plenty of food and lots and lots of places to live that are absolutely long term viable. It'll be cool to have another level that is comparable, and hopefully also with unique features all their own. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow; it'll be cool to get tossed into the deep end once again, see what I find myself with.


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  12. 16 hours ago, JackTrysGames said:

    And if any of the three charge at you, and you don't have a shelter nearby or an ultra-rare distress pistol in your holster, you're done for. Run over. Return to menu, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

    On 9/16/2022 at 3:33 PM, SpanishMoss said:

    That's definitely not true. I've deterred a charging bear with a revolver, outright killed a charging moose with both a revolver and a bow, and also killed a charging bear on several occasions with a bow.

    The time I killed the moose with the revolver was super special; I was on the bridge in DP when it charged me. Dropped it like ten feet away from me.

    Deterring the bear took me hip-shotting with the revolver until it was empty, but ... it worked, which was good because my back was against the cliff at Foreman's and I didn't have anyplace to run that was going to work.

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  13. 8 hours ago, xanna said:

    @k0s0ffI wonder if there's anything Hinterland can do accessibility-wise for players with this colour perception issue? @Admin

    Could go into Options -> Display and try the Noir setting, which makes the game black and white. It has far far more contrast then the polychromatic version.


  14. 12 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    It can be confusing sometimes but it's the moose I don't get!  Never bleeding out just  seems odd to me .

    I think this falls under the game dev version of Mark Twain's old dictum about writing: "Never let the facts get in the way of a good storygame".