Granola Ebola


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Don't eat anything below 50% condition, don't cook meat below 50%, don't eat raw meat and you can throw the antibiotics away ;)

There is no need to carry the antibiotics or Reishi tea around with you all the time but the chances of food poisoning, even from cooked meat is random and the condition plays a large factor.

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Not to forget about Sushi freshly caught :D

Sure you won't get poisoning every time but I never got poisoned when following those rules. Having antibiotics on you or not on the other hand is a question of how you live, stationary or on the move. I tend to the latter and hence always carry some with me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With all the posts elsewhere about getting the game more in line with "reality," I kinda chuckle that no one has lambasted using antibiotics to treat food poisoning ;). Salmonella et al is caused by bacteria but not by infection of the person eating the food (which possibly *could* be treated with antibiotics). Rather, the bugs infect the food & produce toxins that make a person mighty sickly when they are ingested. No amount of heightened immune response will help that. But hey, it's just a game.

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Cannot use anti-biotics after food poisoning as of latest version on Xbone, is this a glitch or a game mechanic?

Also i have never had food poisoning from dry food in the game, i thought it was nigh impossible to get poisoned, i eat dry food regulary at below 30 and sometimes even 20%, never did i get poisoned.

But then i do get poisoned by eating 88% wolf meat i had just cooked the other day.


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