A Rare Horse or Wolf-Dog?


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It maybe a stretch but adding a rare horse/wolf-dog to the game would be neat (after so many days survived?). I think adding a craft-able saddle could be used to achieve the ability to utilize the horse. It would add a task that would be needed to be accomplished. Adding a challenge for the player would be to keep up with food supplies for the animal(s) and shelter it(craft-able?)? A benefit of having a horse is more weight you could carry. It gets real lonely, my player needs a companion in the long dark, even if it isn't another human.

The game just wants me to become Jeremiah Johnson.

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I think taking in a stray dog is a good idea. Not sure about the horse. It would be really hard to keep it fed and safe. A dog would be easier to feed and could help with protection and hunting. It could even be trained to hunt rabbits.

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lol google an Arctic Horse. Also, there is a barn in pleasant valley.

Could you post a link ?

Closest i could find was Yakut Horse, but they are not native to Canada.

Plus, i wont even seriously consider an option to return to that barn every day to stable a horse.

Horses are better at handling cold weather, compared to humans, but not that much better to be able to withstand persistent extreme negative temperatures. And even then they require a lot of care to keep them healthy.

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First of all, why wolves would hunt dogs to begin with ? There is no vendetta between those 2 subspecies. That stupidity is purely human invention.

Second, game takes places rather far from highly populated areas, so even dogs there would be rather hardy, most definitely not one of those jokes of the nature liek chihuahua. And and a healthy medium -sized dog can take on an average wolf any day.

I dont get it why some ppl are trying to demonize wolves, like they are some kind of monsters, 7 feet tall, with teeth like knifes and strength of 10 men. Not usually underfed, cunning and smart predators, who are anything but crazed bloodthirsty beasts.

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First of all, why wolves would hunt dogs to begin with ? There is no vendetta between those 2 subspecies. That stupidity is purely human invention.

Second, game takes places rather far from highly populated areas, so even dogs there would be rather hardy, most definitely not one of those jokes of the nature liek chihuahua. And and a healthy medium -sized dog can take on an average wolf any day.

No. Just no. Coyotes are known to kill dogs just outside of town here in real life. Wolves, especially TLD wolves would be no different. Don't kid yourself--A medium sized-dog would be torn to shreds by an average wolf-- and we're dealing with TLD wolves that come after humans without a second thought. :)

The games states that the wolves are not acting realistically. Perhaps it could be classified as 'demonizing' them, but the game needs a villian, and they fit the part. In the end TLD is a game, and not a simulator.

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Dog CAN take on a wolf. Unless were talking pack vs singular animal. There are dog breeds are friggin bred to hunt wolves and/or protect cattle against them. Wolfhound of shepherd would do a short work on a wolf.

Also, wolves are not enemies/villain, they are hazard. And their unrealistic behavior is reference to being unusually aggressive towards humans, not their "demonic" nature. Considering that protagonist have no problems with dispatching them, for dog it would be even less troublesome.

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I'm convinced there is no straightforward answer to the question whether a wolf or a dog would be superior per se in a one-on-one fight because the outcome of such a fight depends on a whole lot of different factors.

First of all obvious parameters like the weight, health status and age of both animals, but furthermore also the dog's breed, socialization status, general character and other factors.

Of course it's well possible for a healthy 35kg wolf (or possibly even a much lighter coyote) to shred your obese, 12 year old gentle family pet labrador to pieces. But I wouldn't necessarily bet on a malnutritioned old wolf if it had to face some young heavily muscled Pit Bull Terrier (just naming this breed as it was created for dog fights) that was particularly trained to kill other dogs either. Especially not because wolves usually don't fight to kill each other but only to set up a hierarchy (or determine their territorial borders with other packs). These are two extreme examples ofc, but I think you get the point.

It totally depends on each animal's physique and character which of them would have an advantage. If as many factors as possible were totally even (same weight, age, sex and body stature (e.g. wolf vs. german shepherd dog) / good health / both mediocre agressive and equally stubborn) then I would probably predict a tie. Most likely one with both animals leaving injured, but still alive.

I'm not talking about a rl situation where a wolf (or coyote) pack comes upon a lonely dog in their territory ofc. Everyone can picture for themselves how this scenario would probably end.^^

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Second, game takes places rather far from highly populated areas, so even dogs there would be rather hardy, most definitely not one of those jokes of the nature liek chihuahua. And and a healthy medium -sized dog can take on an average wolf any day.

Dog CAN take on a wolf. Unless were talking pack vs singular animal. There are dog breeds are friggin bred to hunt wolves and/or protect cattle against them. Wolfhound of shepherd would do a short work on a wolf.

There might be exceptions, but an average medium-sized dog (40- 60 lbs) would have a poor chance against an average wolf (males avg 95 lbs, females avg 79-85 lbs).

Wolfhounds weigh over 100 lbs, so of course they have a good chance against a wolf- but they're not medium sized dogs.

edit: Anyway, more to the point.. I do think it's plausible that a dog COULD survive... and it's a game afterall. :D My point earlier is that most domestic animals would likely have fallen to the demonic wolves of TLD. ;)

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Ahh, my bad, we just had a miscommunication regarding what to count as medium size. Im kinda used to german shepherds(almost every dog owner i came in contact with got one of those), so for me they are "medium". 8)

Wolves are often considerably larger than German Shepherds.


A lot of the dogs that are used to protect flocks against wolves are themselves large, and really serve as a deterrent. The wolf doesn't exert the energy to fight the dog to the death, it's not worth the calories, not when there is a lot of traditional prey around.

Actual starvation desperation, entirely different outcome is likely.

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Ahh, my bad, we just had a miscommunication regarding what to count as medium size. Im kinda used to german shepherds(almost every dog owner i came in contact with got one of those), so for me they are "medium". 8)

fair enough-- there is a range of size for german shepherds which straddles the line between medium and large breeds after all :)

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When I read the subject, for some reasons three images for features unfolded in my mind:

- Rabbit having a chance to spawn as

(I'd like to meet them ingame)

- Really quick wolves on roller blades (I don't know why :roll: )

- Deers with head-mounted lasers

Sorry, back on topic. :lol:

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