Bear Trap


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Not likely to find bear traps at all really. Besides which, and more to the point, I don't think killing bears (or anything else) needs to be made any easier than it already is.

To be honest I think the only reason why it is so easy at the moment is because the AI pathing can't find it's way around fences (such as on the porch of most houses). Also I doubt IRL a bear would not even try to break the door down if you rushed inside (I know that would be hard to implement but it would be so cool).

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Not likely to find bear traps at all really. Besides which, and more to the point, I don't think killing bears (or anything else) needs to be made any easier than it already is.

To be honest I think the only reason why it is so easy at the moment is because the AI pathing can't find it's way around fences (such as on the porch of most houses). Also I doubt IRL a bear would not even try to break the door down if you rushed inside (I know that would be hard to implement but it would be so cool).

Correct. In real life the bear would just walk through the wall and grab you if it wanted to. They're scary creatures. Its not uncommon to see a bear that smells food inside a car to peel the car door right off trying to get to it :?

As for traps... I agree that it would be very unlikely to find them. In my experience bear traps are very large, cumbersome, and normally are only used by government agencies to control nuisance animals. In Ontario, for instance, every bear trap I've ever seen was owned by the Ministry of Natural Resources and deployed only once enough people had complained about a bear. Since the game starts in winter any bear traps would likely be under lock and key at the offices of the BC equivalent.

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I believe he means leg hold bear traps, not live traps (basically a big barrel with a closing gate).

and LOL.. bears are a pretty serious threat, but I challenge you to provide a link to one instance where they have peeled off a car door or broken through a cabin wall. I'm not saying they can't do it... but they're not stupid--windows are clearly the best way in. :D

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I believe he means leg hold bear traps, not live traps (basically a big barrel with a closing gate).

and LOL.. bears are a pretty serious threat, but I challenge you to provide a link to one instance where they have peeled off a car door or broken through a cabin wall. I'm not saying they can't do it... but they're not stupid--windows are clearly the best way in. :D

You would think. For evidence you'll just have to believe me on the car door. Growing up we had an old wreck we used to store our garbage in to keep the dogs out of it. One morning we came out and a bear had partially ripped the door open and peeled back the front quarter panel during the night. ;)

For going through the wall of the cabin the news shall have to suffice. See ... -1.1906614 for a recent example. Especially the pictures at the bottom.

As for leg hold traps... I didn't think those were legal in Canada for bear. Most of the time you use a bait barrel and a tree stand if you're after bear. Smaller traps may be available though.

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haha, so if the cabins in TLD are framed with 2x6's and vinyl siding, bears could 'almost' break in :D Most of the trappers cabins around here have window and door covers that are put in place when the cabin is not in use. They have many nails poking through one side (think bed of nails, but more widely spaced), to deter bears.

cars are generally pretty safe from bears.. there's always weird instances, I suppose.

leg hold traps may not be legal, but I'm just suspecting that's what the OP meant (since, as a player in TLD, you're basically a walking bait barrel ;) )

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haha, so if the cabins in TLD are framed with 2x6's and vinyl siding, bears could 'almost' break in :D Most of the trappers cabins around here have window and door covers that are put in place when the cabin is not in use. They have many nails poking through one side (think bed of nails, but more widely spaced), to deter bears.

cars are generally pretty safe from bears.. there's always weird instances, I suppose.

leg hold traps may not be legal, but I'm just suspecting that's what the OP meant (since, as a player in TLD, you're basically a walking bait barrel ;) )

True. But remember that you guys in BC have grizzlies which are much larger and stronger than your average Ontario black bear :D

And you're certainly right about being a walking bait barrel! Thank goodness the game doesn't have a "break through window" mechanic! :D

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I believe he means leg hold bear traps, not live traps (basically a big barrel with a closing gate).

and LOL.. bears are a pretty serious threat, but I challenge you to provide a link to one instance where they have peeled off a car door or broken through a cabin wall. I'm not saying they can't do it... but they're not stupid--windows are clearly the best way in. :D

I don't think a bear is able to rip open a car door; the latches are pretty strong. They can however, break through windows and rip planks off that are meant to secure windows and doors. They can rip apart wooden doors or chew through wooden planks to get into granaries.

It might be interesting to be able to have a pit trap for a bear which would require a huge investment in time for the player to dig and require several tools such as a spade, bucket and ladder. These are just kind of things to do but don't add any essential feature to the game, just diversity.

Here is a video of a bear breaking into a car by breaking a partially open window. Bear breaks into car

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Main problem with pit traps though is that they would take days to make. You'd have to light a fire (to thaw the ground) dig out the thawed dirt and repeat until the hole was deep enough to trap a bear (maybe 3m?). This also means you need a ladder, a new tool (shovel) and possibly a way to make spikes (to line the pit). For what it adds to the game I don't think it would be worth it for the developers to create.

Now, deadfall traps might work. Especially if you bait them they may kill a bear and definitely a wolf. Plus they'd be quicker/easier to make. You'd probably need mountaineering rope though to support the weight of the tree for the trap to be effective (can't see gut supporting several hundred pounds).

Of course the catch with any large traps is simple: can they affect the player? Logically they should but do you really want a game element that can kill you if you forgot where your deadfall was and wandered beneath it in a snowstorm?

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You MIGHT find an antique leg-hold trap on the wall of some old cabin as decoration. I doubt it would still be functional, though. Deadfall traps would be really really easy to implement for small game... they'd be easier to craft than snares (just need wood and sticks) and probably less likely to work so no net change to trapping success rates. Larger deadfalls would be trickier and I don't know how likely they'd be to actually work. Why are there no rocks in this game yet?

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I like the idea of a bear pit trap and a deadfall trap for large game. You'd probably have to lure the bear to get it to enter a trap. Leaving raw meat as bait should also help to draw the bear near to the trap. If it's a deadfall trap, the bait could go right under it and would be all that is necessary to catch a bear. You'd have to check this trap frequently to ensure timely harvest of your bear or other food. If it were a pit trap, I guess you would need a ladder and a shovel and something to cover the pit with. It is a hazard for the player since you could be caught in your own trap.

Traps like this would extend the life of a player who has already run out of arrows and bullets if it were not possible to forge any more after surviving months and months. Imagine a mode of survival without any tools at all. Eventually the whetstones & hacksaws will be all gone and without metal, it is not possible to craft fish hooks. It sure would be nice if they would add nets that could be crafted & repaired from renewable raw materials. Cordage would become important also for making ladders and all manner of other tools and temporary shelters.

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Imagine a mode of survival without any tools at all. Eventually the whetstones & hacksaws will be all gone and without metal, it is not possible to craft fish hooks. It sure would be nice if they would add nets that could be crafted & repaired from renewable raw materials. Cordage would become important also for making ladders and all manner of other tools and temporary shelters.

Well, if it got to the point where there's no scrap metal at all than you should be allowed to make bone fish hooks. Sure, they wouldn't be as effective as metal but ancient peoples used bone hooks and bone needles for centuries to catch food and make and repair clothing. Recall, without a sewing kit or fishing tackle you cannot repair most clothing. Having to run everywhere naked would be far more annoying than not being able to fish.

Cordage is definitely something that should be added to the game though. I would assume you could craft it from reeds or gut? It would make sense for your homemade tools to bind them with cord as opposed to non-renewable cloth. Also, ladders would be nice but I doubt they'll be implemented for the same reason the game doesn't have a jump button. If players can go anywhere than the playing space that Hinterland created becomes very unbalanced since you can no longer be sure where players can and cannot go. Perhaps in a future update though tree stands and the like may be added with a ladder you can repair in order to use? That would be interesting. Or perhaps being able to interact with buildings so you could repair the roof?

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We already have ladders for the prepper caches and we can use rope for climbing. I had only imagined a ladder for getting into and out of the pit trap as it was being dug but just as you say, it could be useful for getting up other places too (but why?) I suppose you could get onto a safe platform where the bear can't reach you and then plug it and wait for it to perish.

You could not construct a pit trap without some type of climbing aid like a ladder or rope. The climbing rope requires a special anchor rock, not found in convenient spots for bear pits.

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Well, ladders could be used for tree stands and to repair the roofs of shelters for instance. There may be many opportunities where getting up high would be an advantage. The catch being that adding an item like that into the game with no restrictions would probably break it :)

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