NEED Binoculars!!!


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Here is a good reason to have binoculars. I was starving. Only hope of survival was to shoot the bear, which I don't like to do because it scares me.....Yes...I get scared. Anyway, I shot the bear....twice. Panicked and ran into the farm house....went to sleep for an hour to wait for it to die.........its GONE!!!!! I MUST go to the peak now to see if I can find it anywhere. If I had binos, I could cover a LOT of ground just by looking.

They're also a good idea as they are a weigh down and an option....a good, fun thing to have in a game. Also, who on earth lives in the wilderness without a set binoculars......I'll bet I would have had some in my plane when it came down during the storm!

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At the rate you starve, pinning your hope for survival on locating a single target that you shot is not very sure thing. You should always try to have at least 2 avenues of calorie replenishment.

I like to focus on fishing and hunting early on and later on adding trapping to supplement and force multiply. Solely using hunting is pretty fickle because you will make out well one day, and very poorly on others.

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