Eating it raw.

sir ice

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So I read an article about eating raw coffee, and what I learned was that coffee without water wakes you up more than coffee with water. I was thinking that players should be able to eat coffee bags without putting them in water.

edit: raw was the wrong word to use. I meant dry.

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You mean like "Ranger Dip"?

That is when you take a pinch of ground coffee and pack it in right next to your lip, like dip tobacco. SInce the caffeine is essentially going straight into the bloodstream, as opposed through the stomach and all that jazz ( as well as being diluted via water), you tend to feel the effects much faster, and much stonger, than just drinking the coffee.

I did it, once. Not a fan. I might have taken too much coffee, but I felt awfully sick and such after a few minutes. Jittery and shaky like a MFer. Sure as hell woke me up, though.

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+1 to this idea! i'd also like to add that coffee in this game doesnt give any kind of boost to your character's sleep meter. it should decrease the speed it drops, letting you stay up a bit later to do repairs and craft. however, after a bit of time, say, an hour or so, your character will crash, which will make his sleep meter fall faster for the next 3 hours until you get some sleep, or take another pinch or cup of coffee or a soda or something.

i drink so much coffee in real life that i dont personally have crashes anymore, i've gotten so used to them :P but i remember my first coffee crash. and i couldnt hold my eyes open. but yeah. if i were in that situation, i'd definitely be ranger dipping during those long nights of repairing and cleaning my gear, making sure everything is in order for the next day. (i never tried ranger dipping before. but i think i may test it out. the post above me is the first i've heard of it :P )

anyway. yeah. love the idea :)

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