Timberwolf Mountain


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I died on my first trip to Timberwolf Mountain so I tried again and WOW! Is this map cool or what?!

The rope climbing adds another dimension to the map and it feels really big and although I suspect it's not as big as Pleasant Valley it definitely feels bigger than Desolation Point.

The gameplay in this map is awesome too, it seems really easy to get lost and there is far fewer "safe" places to camp out.

I won't put any spoilers in this thread as I hope people are willing to explore the map for themselves.

Let's just say that it's a map worth exploring... =)

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Totally awesome map for experienced players to start a new game. With starting clothes and gear only it's pretty challenging not to freeze - and to find enough food ofc. I'm finally dying again (without doing self-imposed challenges), thank you so much Hinterland team! :D

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Fun story.

Started the map in Stalker...ran around looking for shelter, found a cave with a hatchet and some other stuff inside.Meanwhile my condition was at 50% by this time.Made a fire, thought the fire would at least keep me at 0 temp.

It didn't so the fire didn't do shit(apparently I haven't played much after the new fire temp mechanic was updated)

Thought what the hell, lets explore.....found nothing, condition at 20%.

Figured fuck it, "climbed" a rocky hill to look at the view and just died there...better than dying to wolves every second game.

Second time playing the map....wanted to just explore the map..went Pilgrim.Ran around, found a cottage by a lake, that had a hole in the roof and a rope in it.Cool

Went further, saw a turbine at the bottom of some valley.Thought I'd use the rope.It did not let me interact with it in any way(maybe I need some more gear or tree to tie the thing ?).Figured fuck it, lets die, jumped down the huge cliff overlooking the valley, where the Turbine was.I fell in steps, but SOMEHOW survived with broken legs and god knows what else.

Turbine was empty, but if you went inside, the rotor assembly with the blades went invisible.

Got bored, closed the game...

EDIT: Went back.After falling from that high I still had 66% condition.Like WTF.Decided to explore more.Went through the huge crevice/canyon that led to the Turbine and.....jumped off the cliff again xD

This time I did not fall in increments, so I just fell to my death.Great map, bad pilgrim

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Totally awesome map for experienced players to start a new game. With starting clothes and gear only it's pretty challenging not to freeze - and to find enough food ofc. I'm finally dying again (without doing self-imposed challenges), thank you so much Hinterland team! :D

Yeah, this map has so many good things going for it.

I think what I like best is that the mountaineering hut by the lake doesn't stay warm at night...I loved having to keep a fire going to stay warm at night. I wish all indoor locations was like that!

Played 4 new games and died every time...like you they could probably drop me anywhere on the other four maps and I'd have food stockpiles, rifle and good clothes within a few days with no risk of dying.

Not so on this one!

And I have yet to find a rifle in this map...I kinda hope there isn't one... =)

I don't think I will start in any of the other maps again...

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Totally awesome map for experienced players to start a new game. With starting clothes and gear only it's pretty challenging not to freeze - and to find enough food ofc. I'm finally dying again (without doing self-imposed challenges), thank you so much Hinterland team! :D

Scyzara dying... that must be one hell of a map. ;)

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This map is hard as hell to survive. Check out my my 7 day struggle to get off the mountain alive.

Um... where is that 7 day struggle?

It wasn't that interesting lots of long periods of having to do little but sleep and mope because of hypothermia and I had to cut it for upload time for GTA 4. Only so much bandwidth.

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