Ability to SEE through more windows....


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Certain interiors have the ability to see through the windows - which is reality. But unfortunately most buildings do not allow you to see through the windows. It would be great if this were added to ALL interiors that have windows - much more realistic!

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This is a development technical limitation of the game engine. All interiors that you can't see out of are instanced which allows the devs to work on differnt parts of the map at once.

The other benefit is when you save in an interior only the inside is saved and not the entire game map awith all its variables, so it is faster.

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This is a development technical limitation of the game engine. All interiors that you can't see out of are instanced which allows the devs to work on differnt parts of the map at once.

The other benefit is when you save in an interior only the inside is saved and not the entire game map awith all its variables, so it is faster.

This request has been made and this response has been provided before.

It would be cool if the devs could come up with some code to simulate what's going on outside.

Is a wolf outside? Check the window and get a sound clip of growling and see a wolf shape pacing by.

Is it foggy/snowing outside? Check the window and get a view of the snow fall The game does track weather while you're inside...you can 'hear' heavy wind.

I don't know if they calculate wolf spawns while you're inside, but if they do it would be helpful to get a warning. While it would be cool to have every house work like the forestry lookouts, some bridging code to give us key information would be nice.

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This is a development technical limitation of the game engine. All interiors that you can't see out of are instanced which allows the devs to work on differnt parts of the map at once.

Well it definitely is not a limitation of the engine (Unity). And we already have some interiors in the same scene. Would be cool if all interiors were like that, but it would require some work, since the buildings don't seem to always be the same size from inside as it is from the outside :lol:

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This is a development technical limitation of the game engine. All interiors that you can't see out of are instanced which allows the devs to work on differnt parts of the map at once.

Well it definitely is not a limitation of the engine (Unity). And we already have some interiors in the same scene. Would be cool if all interiors were like that, but it would require some work, since the buildings don't seem to always be the same size from inside as it is from the outside :lol:

No, but those interiors are very small.

It is a limitation of Unity in that multiple areas of the map cannot be edited simultaniously. If they could, there would be no need for instancing.

By having instanced interiors devs can work on serperate parts of the map at once, it greatly speeds up map production, refinement and game development overall. Don't forget maps are tweaked all the time for bugs, spawns, drops, storage locations, additional art, objects etc, as are building interiors once they are created.

Yes it bothers me too and i'd like to be able to see out but currently it's not an option.

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that I know of, interior and outside are separate maps. If windows were made then the devs would have to add a fake outside or something. this would take a lot of code, I'd assume. I think the inability to see outside is kinda cozy. Maybe low clarity would be nice from windows.

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No, but those interiors are very small.

It is a limitation of Unity in that multiple areas of the map cannot be edited simultaniously. If they could, there would be no need for instancing.

By having instanced interiors devs can work on serperate parts of the map at once, it greatly speeds up map production, refinement and game development overall. Don't forget maps are tweaked all the time for bugs, spawns, drops, storage locations, additional art, objects etc, as are building interiors once they are created.

Yes it bothers me too and i'd like to be able to see out but currently it's not an option.

I'm not saying that they don't have a reason to do it the way they chose to do it. But it definitely is possible and it would be possible to work on them at the same time. Here's two solutions that comes to my mind:


Make all houses prefabs, so the scene only has a reference to the prefab, which is stored in different file.

Load scenes at runtime

You could also combine scenes at runtime.

These options surely have some drawbacks, but it's definitely possible.

that I know of, interior and outside are separate maps. If windows were made then the devs would have to add a fake outside or something. this would take a lot of code, I'd assume. I think the inability to see outside is kinda cozy. Maybe low clarity would be nice from windows.

Or you know, just make the interiors and outside the same map ;) Might be even less work than making a fake outside.

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I don't think that it would be a really big problem in case of 'rendering-issues/limitations' (in lack of a better term...).

I know just by listening to my System(s) while playing, the weather is rendered at all times.

I can clearly hear by the spinup of my fans (and see it on my temps...) when the weahter (outside) goes bad.

And that tells me that all the rendering is done...even if you can't see it.

That's a question I ask myself many times while playing TLD:

Why do they render all this stuff all the time...even if it's unnecessary because you can't even see anything of it!??

If it's really a 'different location' when one enters any kind of 'structure'...why don't just use a 'flag' that tells the game what the weather condition is when I'm in a building/hut/house/cave whatever...but not outside..and let it start to render it when it needs to because one's actually seeing it...by going outside?

What is all that 'unused computing' good for...when one can't see it at all?

That said I can't imagine that this is the reason for not being able to look through windows...therefor it should be faily easy (at least from that standpoint) to let us look through windows...

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Pegasus2 - not sure what you mean by interiors are 'instanced', curious as to what that means...sorry, I guess I am not that knowledgeable of that term.

It just means that they are not really in the same "world". They are on separate scenes. When you enter building, there's no outside anymore. That's why there are load times when entering buildings and that's why you can't see out of windows.

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  • 5 weeks later...

No, but those interiors are very small.

It is a limitation of Unity in that multiple areas of the map cannot be edited simultaniously. If they could, there would be no need for instancing.

By having instanced interiors devs can work on serperate parts of the map at once, it greatly speeds up map production, refinement and game development overall. Don't forget maps are tweaked all the time for bugs, spawns, drops, storage locations, additional art, objects etc, as are building interiors once they are created.

Yes it bothers me too and i'd like to be able to see out but currently it's not an option.

I'm not saying that they don't have a reason to do it the way they chose to do it. But it definitely is possible and it would be possible to work on them at the same time. Here's two solutions that comes to my mind:


Make all houses prefabs, so the scene only has a reference to the prefab, which is stored in different file.

Load scenes at runtime

You could also combine scenes at runtime.

These options surely have some drawbacks, but it's definitely possible.

that I know of, interior and outside are separate maps. If windows were made then the devs would have to add a fake outside or something. this would take a lot of code, I'd assume. I think the inability to see outside is kinda cozy. Maybe low clarity would be nice from windows.

Or you know, just make the interiors and outside the same map ;) Might be even less work than making a fake outside.

I think it would be harder. I don't know too much code as I'm only learning. Though I think it would be really difficult.

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