gut/hide curing

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when curing something (say like a wolf hide) do you have to leave it in one place or it resets it's curing progress? What I mean by this is if a wolf hide is 40% cured and i take it to a different indoor location or even a different region will it reset its progress and have to go back to 0% cured or will it start back at 40%

so far i've been leaving these things wherever i placed them and hope it's in a place i'll easily remember (sometimes going out of my way for risk of wolf attack to do so) to go back for in days but sometimes while exploring i'll find something of mine 70% cured and i know i'll probably not remember it's in that location again

And sorry if this was asked before

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You can move them and not lose progress, though overall condition loss from decay while in your backpack may show up. I move partially cured hides, guts, and saplings from one building in a region to another or from one region to another all the time.  If the item was at 40% when you packed it up to move it, it should still be a t 40% when you drop it in the new place. Just don't leave it in your backpack or the travois for days- they act as containers, and the in-container decay rate will happen, with the items despawning if they decay to 0% while in there.

There *have* been some bugs over the years that have caused things to either stop curing when dropped at the new place, and only decay, but it seems like those have all been fixed in the last year or so (I haven't had it happen for ages), and there was a bug where this seemed to only happen at a few specific named locations- this also seems to have been fixed a few hotifixes ago.

So yeah, you can move partially cured stuff around, but it's going to make you stinky while you do it if you put uncured guts in the backpack or travois. I sometimes do tend to leave the guts where they are to finish curing, and then going back to pick them up- one of the few times I appreciate spray paint and use it to mark that location so I can find it and remember to go back there again.

  • Fresh items which are partially cured may be picked up, resuming their decay but retaining their "X% Cured", which is can progress as soon as they are dropped/placed indoor again.

(Source: - the typo in the quote is not mine for a change, lol.)

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1 hour ago, ThePancakeLady said:

There *have* been some bugs over the years that have caused things to either stop curing when dropped at the new place, and only decay, but it seems like those have all been fixed in the last year or so (I haven't had it happen for ages), and there was a bug where this seemed to only happen at a few specific named locations- this also seems to have been fixed a few hotifixes ago.



The bugs about items not curing is still there so these weren't fixed properly. I have already filed a ticket.

At Lake Overlook in Mystery Lake I had fresh guts and deer hide and rabbit pelt and when I placed them on the ground on the far right of the cave the guts only said guts, the deer hide only said deer hide, and same with the rabbit pelt, there was no curing of any of the items.

The deer hide and rabbit pelt didn't have any condition at all, but if I picked them up it said freshly harvested deer hide, same with the rabbit pelt and guts.

When I picked up the items and dropped them in the middle of the cave all the items started curing. 

Indoor curing seems to be working fine and I haven't noticed the curing not working anywhere else except in Lake Overlook if the items are placed in the far right of the cave. 

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13 minutes ago, Lone Walker said:


The bugs about items not curing is still there so these weren't fixed properly. I have already filed a ticket.

At Lake Overlook in Mystery Lake I had fresh guts and deer hide and rabbit pelt and when I placed them on the ground on the far right of the cave the guts only said guts, the deer hide only said deer hide, and same with the rabbit pelt, there was no curing of any of the items.

The deer hide and rabbit pelt didn't have any condition at all, but if I picked them up it said freshly harvested deer hide, same with the rabbit pelt and guts.

When I picked up the items and dropped them in the middle of the cave all the items started curing. 

Indoor curing seems to be working fine and I haven't noticed the curing not working anywhere else except in Lake Overlook if the items are placed in the far right of the cave. 

Huh. That's good to know. Thank you! I don't use that cave often, but do shelter there from time to time to fight Cabin Fever.

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2 hours ago, Lunerse said:

Ah, thank you @ThePancakeLady, I may have been slightly confused on how to find this information cause google tends to link me to things that arent a page, atleast anymore (for example related to this, linking to gut instead of fresh gut)

Fandom usually covers most things,if not everything about tld....  Some small bits might be slightly out of date though..

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1 hour ago, xanna said:

Why the far right of the cave? What's special about the righthand side? They should cure at the back of a cave, and not nearer to front.

I had a camp fire on the left hand side of the cave and some sticks and fuel and other things to the right hand side of that so put the hides on the far right from said items.

This was nearer the back of the cave, either way the hides won't cure on far right of the cave but if the hides and guts are picked up and moved to the middle of the cave at the same distance from the front that there were dropped at on the right, then they cure.

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Leaving the stinky guts to dry as close by as possible rather than carrying them around is a good practice. I usually note where I left them in my daily log. Then it's easy to see if enough time has passed to return to pick them up after drying. I then delete the note when I pick them up. I usually carry the hides around with me and drop them when I stop since I'm trying to get a certain number near a workbench. Just so you don't worry too much about decay: ruined guts and hides will continue to dry. There won't be a % cured displayed anymore, but they still keep drying on schedule. They then become ruined cured guts and hides. You can craft with them and it does not affect the condition of the clothing you craft. Just don't put them in a container since they will despawn at 0% condition cured or not. On your person is safe.

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