The Ghosts of All That Was


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In spite of a couple of close calls with the prowling wolves of the Town of Milton... today was (for the most part) another day spent prospecting for gear and supplies.








Ha! More purification tablets.  Sure... saving time on water prep is always welcome. :D 





:coffee::fire::coffee: I think back on it, I think I will need to go back to the credit union tomorrow.  I think I forgot to crack the safe. :D

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There was still some daylight left after prospecting Grey Mother's house... also the weather had very much improved.  I had intended to leave the other houses and structures to search on the way back from Hushed River Valley to Broken Railroad, by way of Milton Basin and Forlorn Muskeg.  That having been said, I did want to go check out the area around radio tower...

This has proven to be a very tense and risky spot today...  For the rest of the afternoon/evening, this wolf very stubbornly would prowl a circle all the way around that house.  Its only when it eventually wanders across the street that I found a decent opportunity to slip past.  Even so, I had a couple of stones on hand just in case, but thankfully I didn't need to use them. :D 




Hmm... on the way back down, it looks as though the wolf may have been following me... and had eventually wandered back down.  I don't remember hearing any snarls... and I don't think I was carrying anything that would have increased my scent profile.  Hmm... perhaps I had cut it too close when I initially snuck past after all. 🤔

I had to wait patiently again for a safe opportunity to get back to Grey Mother's house.  ...that wolf today was on a stubbornly inconvenient skulking route. :D 

A good night's sleep in a proper and supremely comfortable bed... what a treat. :D 

*I have to remember to go back to the Credit Union tomorrow.
I'm really doubting myself now... and I really think I forgot to crack that safe. 🤔

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I managed to get a relatively early start...



The vehicles held some valuable finds. :D 

I'd promised Grey Mother I'd come back to visit Lily and pay my respects whenever I was in town.  ...I keep my promises.



20240616213209_1.thumb.jpg.a5ff8d679fe33d64c2b278bb638de436.jpg20240616213620_1.thumb.jpg.e38f5b0daf229283f7da5d2c95eb9a0f.jpg did the church, but I decided it was better to leave most of it behind.

The hilltop trailer is a good place for me to stash more non-essentials... I'll have to in order to make weight for the climbs to come in Hushed River Valley.  For now though, there's more on the road ahead for me to prospect.

The nearby cave was empty... moving on.
Oddly enough... I haven't seen a single wolf prowling around on this side of the river.  Interesting, I'll have to do what I can to take proper advantage.







The weather took a rather sudden turn for the worse... and it feels like it's threatening a blizzard.
Also, I see a bear there on the middle of the Spruce Falls Bridge.
It being so late in the evening and the weather turning bad... it was no time to try to play Hide and Seek with this bear.  I'll have to come back tomorrow.

I was right about the bad vibes I was getting from the weather...  I had to keep to the road in order to feel my way back to the hilltop Trailer.

I'll have to hole-up here for the night... but that was the plan anyway. :D 


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Either the storm from yesterday is still raging... or Mountain Town is in the grips of a back-to-back set of blizzards.  In either case, it looks like I may be stuck for another day.  I'll just have to wait and see.


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The storm finally blew itself out around noon...


While trying to prospect the vehicles on the Spruce Falls Bridge... it was also time to play Hide and Seek with the Spruce Falls Bear. :D


There were also some good finds to be found on the bridge.



Also, some nice things in a lockbox I'd found (thanks to a note I'd found a couple of days beforehand).




There wasn't much daylight left... I'd have to head back to stash the gear and supplies I found around Spruce Falls.  Fortunately, I know of a very nice foot path back (no need for a second round of hide and seek :D).
I'd end up spending another night at the hilltop Trailer.

Tomorrow, I head out for Hushed River Valley.

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I spent a while this morning doing a through sort & stow.  I made sure that I dropped off anything extra I could to save on some weight (to include Barb's Rifle and ammo).  I knew I wouldn't need them in Hushed River Valley.  I did keep all the Go! Energy drinks I had on hand... I was going to use them to just power up any and all climbing ropes I find I need to scurry up. :D 

Ideally, I'd like to keep this visit short... but I will still take care not to press my luck too far. 🤭
Also... I realized that I never did get back to the Credit Union to check on that Safe.  I will have to remember to stop by there on the way back out.



There wasn't much to find in this cave system.  However, even with just the coal alone, it will mean that I'll get to treat myself to many hours of very cozy campfires during my stay in Hushed River Valley. :D 


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Alright... first things, first.
I needed to ascertain the whereabouts of the fabled Mysterious Signal Fire...


Ah nuts... It's a little bit hard to make out, but the Mysterious Signal Fire is burning on the other side of the Valley.  This won't make my stay in Hushed River Valley any harder really... but this does mean that it will take more time. 🤔

Here is where I was kind of hoping the Signal Fire would be... up on the same shelf as Lonely Cave.


Well, since I'm already here... I may as well head up there anyway.  Lonely Cave will make a good place to spend the first night in Hushed River Valley. :D


Of course, as I was goating my way down to the bottom of the rope (in the interests of saving time)... I sprained my ankle.  So my efforts to save a few minutes' walk, instead cost me four hours. :D  Serves me right, I suppose.


I can't help but stop for a few minutes and take in the majesty of the gorgeous view. :) 

Looks like there's no wolves skulking around up here today... that's lucky.

Indeed, the way was clear.  It took me a few extra minutes to talk back the long way around... but I had just re-learned my lesson about goating a minor shortcut for no good reason. :D 

Drat... every time I come to Hushed River Vally, I always forget I need to bring a hatchet.  While it's true that I can goat my way up and over, it does mean I'd probably be stuck on the other side.  I have to come back here some other time.  Besides, what I'm really looking for isn't here this time anyway.

For now, I will forgo exploring the Ice Caves.  I'll save those for another time.

Hmm... I had spotted crows off in the distance to the right.  "Where I hear crows... I goes."




Rats... again reminded that I really do need to bring a hatchet when I come here.

No mater... again if we employ a little creative goating, we can "climb" up over the brush.  In this instance, it's not an issue if I can't get back over them from the other side. ;) 

And here it is, Lonely Cave.



I'll come back in a little bit though... there's something else here that I'd like to check out first.

Down below, I can see a snow shelter and an abandoned campsite.  I'll see to that tomorrow.


For right now, though... it looks like I have a bunker to search.
Good grief... the cruel jokes in this place. :D 
Empty... but for a pair of wool socks and painkillers.  Oh well... I wasn't depending on this cache at all anyway. :) 

Back at Lonely Cave, I decided to get cozy for the night and get a warm fire going.

I did a little cooking, prepped some more drinking water to bolster my supply... and even left a few things for this unfortunate soul to hold on to.  Sort of a thank you gift for letting me spend the night, I suppose you could say.

I found a nice spot to cozy up on and slept soundly through the night.

Tomorrow I need to head back down, find a good spot to drop off some things to establish a primary encampment... and see about finding the three specific things that I came here for.

Woodwright's Bow
Ranger Stew recipe card
and most of all... a Moose Hide Satchel.

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As I mentioned last night... I've opted to goat back down and check out the abandoned campsite I'd spotted near Cloudtop Falls.

There just across this fallen tree bridge... there's a nice slope I could shimmy down and get back to the cave system leading back to Mountain Town.  This is also the same level as the trail over to Cloudtop Falls.

Worth noting from yesterday... I see was could indeed goat back over the brush barrier (if I really needed to - but I don't).

Cloudtop Falls just ahead.  There off to the right will lead to a rather nice overlook.

I wanted to scout a little farther ahead before I went back to prospect the Abandoned Campsite.

Overlooking Stairsteps Lake... it really felt as the though the weather was threatening a blizzard.  I sat there a moment thinking about it.

Thankfully, by the time I double backed and made my way down to the abandoned campsite... the weather had cleared surprisingly fast.  I gathered up everything I could (including taking the time to break down the snow shelter).

20240622160255_1.thumb.jpg.428b2942b807b8f132eb2220e1853fcd.jpgI went back up and across via the overlook I'd scouted...  There below just beyond Stairsteps Lake is the cave that I've chosen for a primary encampment.

As I made my way down... I did stop off to get a closer look at Stairsteps Lake.

Also went to check out my chosen cave... however, there were other places I wanted to prospect before I got settled for the evening.

Just as before... with a little clever goating, I can usually surmount the thick brush barriers.  At least until I can find a hatchet. :D 

I managed to get up to the top of the area just above Reclusive Falls.

There I found another Abandoned Campsite.  Also of note... I've been lucky enough to find a cooking pot at both of these abandoned campsites, I will not have any problems bolstering my water supply now. :D 

Further down below, a fallen tree bridge leads across to come rock spires.  However, I didn't find anything of note on them.

Now it was just time to get back to my primary encampment and get situated for the evening.

Tomorrow... I'd like to get more of this side of the valley explored before I head deeper into the region.

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Feels like I've been laid up for a week!  :D
Time to get a move on...

I really need to try and finish prospecting this side of the valley.

Woodwright's Bow
Stalker's Pie Recipe Card (I had been mistakenly referring to Ranger Stew - which is the one I'd found in Ash Canyon)

However, even more importantly... I need to find a Hatchet! :D 
There are some scrub brush barriers in this region that I must have a hatchet to clear.

I'd managed to get an early start...
I wanted to stick close to the ridgeline overlooking the Hushed River.  I was also keen to keep a sharp ear/eye out for crows...  I'd be heading off to the left, I definitely hear crows off in the distance.

Passing by the first of a couple of opportunities to get down to the Hushed River below... moving on.



Alright... that's one to checkoff today's priorities list. :) 


It occurred to me that all this time I've been running around with no means to disinfect a wound. :D 
I quickly plucked the Old Man's Beard Lichen from this tree and continued on.

There ahead was one of the spots I wanted to search...

However, when I got there, I found that once again... I needed a Hatchet! 😖  There was no reasonable way to goat around this particular obstruction.  Moving on...

Some decent food and a sewing kit... but really nothing else of note.

I got about as close as I dared... 

Another good reason to find a Hatchet...




20240629173014_1.thumb.jpg.12c31b468aec09b03f49c42f499432c8.jpgAnother checked off the day's priorities list. :) 





20240629174021_1.thumb.jpg.ebeac2b2ea98242f20e179889ba1be52.jpgAnd... Jackpot!  Finally.  :D 


20240629175646_1.thumb.jpg.37bc0b85d6e32c7239c5d230a0200964.jpgThere on the other side of the valley... there's the Mysterious Signal Fire.  I have a couple more spots I want to check on today... but tomorrow, I want to make a hard push to get the Signal Fire.

I backtracked to this footpath (taking route following the ridgeline this time).

I used the Hatchet to clear out the Scrub Brush, exposing a crawlspace...



I will have to think about what route I want to take tomorrow... for now though, I needed to head back.20240629180107_1.thumb.jpg.88001321ce07fc5fc0765f9971f46956.jpg


Got back to Valley View Point... this time with a Hatchet. :D 
Some decent clothing items stuffed into the old ammo can... but not really anything of note.

I took a few minutes to do a little recon of a few avenues of approach for that Signal Fire in the distance... 🤔

As I made my way back to my Primary Encampment... the weather took a rather fast and hard turn.

Fortunately, I was able to get back to the Cave near Stairsteps Lake.
I will do a thorough sort & stow in the morning.
I slugged down three soda's and slept soundly thought the night.

Today... was a really good day. :D 

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I got a relatively early start and did a quick sort and stow.  Last night, I'd decided on what I hoped would be the quickest route to the Mysterious Signal Fire on the other side of the valley...


I used this fallen tree to get down to Hushed River.

I quickly made my way a little further down river to find the nearby climbing rope.

I did have to be mindful of wolves nearby when I got to this frozen pond just beyond an Ice Cave entrance.

I needed to down a Go! Energy drink to make it up the next climb to Mammoth Falls.

The weather was getting rougher... it felt like it was threatening a blizzard.  Got to get a move on.

Stopped my Mammoth Falls...

Then made my way onward to hack through a scrub brush barrier.
I could have goated over this one... but the hatchet you not only let me more easily get back out, but also give me quite a few sticks in case I needed a campfire later.

There ahead was my goal.

Should the weather continue to worsen... or if a blizzard does hit, I can take cover the Ice Cave entrance just to the right of this waterfall.

I reached the Signal Fire in really good time... it's only just before noon.  This route only took me about three hours (in-game time) to reach my objective.  Time to start prospecting.  The first thing I grabbed was the Moose Hide Satchel (goal for the day achieved). :D 


Usually if I find some cooked meat... I like to just eat it on the spot.
However, even though it was still fairly fresh (all things considered), I was struck with food poisoning.  I quickly took some antibiotics.
Ha! Of course, I'd find another Hatchet up here.  :D 

Sure enough... just as I was making my way back the wind was kicking up something fierce.  Rather than risk getting caught out in a blizzard while wrestling with food poisoning, I decided to switch to plan "B" and take cover in the entrance to the Ice Cave.




I decided to bed down for 10-hours straight away, just as I did... a blizzard struck with full force.

Tomorrow, I'll work on heading out to get as far as I can towards making it over to Broken Railroad (by way of Milton Basin and Forlorn Muskeg).

It's time to get ready for my first expedition into the Far Territory...

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Even though I bedded down way to early, the storm thankfully blew itself out while I was trying to recover from the food poisoning.  Even though I'd managed to sleep through the worst of it, I was still in rough shape.  The immediate concern, however, I had to focus on getting out of Hushed River Valley.

Because I'd gone to bed so early... it was also still well before dawn.  My "day" was going to have to start out as a Night Hike. :D 
I opted to just backtrack along the same route I'd used to get up to Mammoth Falls.  When I got down the second climb... (although hard to make out in dimmed starlight) I found a wolf prowling down on the Hushed River, skulking around right in front of fallen tree I'd planned to use to get back out again.

I was feeling a bit impatient... so I used several stones to distract and then drive the wolf off, so I could pass with impunity.


I'd made it back to the Cave near Stairsteps Lake (my primary encampment) and did a thorough sort & stow.

By the time I was on my way again, the sun was starting to rise.
I also caught the trail of a bear...

Thankfully the bear had been an early riser too, and I found myself trailing behind well far enough to continue on without worry.



Sunrise was gorgeous as I was making my way out of Hushed River Valley.



It was still early morning by the time I'd gotten to the Hilltop Trailer in Mountain Town.  I decided to stop off to pick up the extra food I'd left behind, as well as Barb's Rifle.

I decided I would spend the second part of the day making my back across the Spruce Falls Bridge and take the long way back around to Milton, by way of the Jackrabbit Transport plane crash site and around to the Radio Tower overlooking Grey Mother's House.

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After double checking my pack to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything... I set about finish the rest of the day's route.

Ended up having to play Hide and Seek again with the Spruce Falls Bear. :D 





Oh, yes please. :)  I've been debating about whether or not to bring a knife on the upcoming expedition... or just rely on finding one when I get to the Far Territory.  This might be a good candidate... but I will have to think about it some more.




Shucks... I was hoping I might have a decent change to find a second Expedition Parka, Snowpants, or Leather Gauntlets.  Oh well... moving on. :D 

Ha! I knew it.  I thought I'd heard a wolf up this way earlier... but when I was approaching (crouched just in case) this wolf had been deviously silent.  As I slowly crawled by... eventually I spotted it.  So, the excruciatingly slow crawl was justified. :D 










On the way back up... I had to deal with that wolf again.  This time I pitched a stone to divert it to wandering farther away while I slowly crawled by.

I do really love a violet/purple evening sky... 🥰

However, just as I was making my way back to Milton proper... the weather had taken a startling turn for the worse.

I decided I would bed down at Grey Mother's house for the night, and do a thorough sort & stow in the morning.


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Today, just a simple goal in mind... get to Paradise Meadows Farm.

It's hard to make out... but there ahead through the fog I could just make out the outline of Paradise Meadows Farm.

I have a feeling I'll need that rope to get down to Milton Basin tomorrow.  I'll have to remember to pick that up later.

20240706223103_1.thumb.jpg.b544e715315998741c54c4276617c8f5.jpgThere wasn't much to be found in the barn.









I spent the rest of the day searching the farmhouse, do a thorough sort & stow, prepped some drinking water, and caught up on some canned foods to cook.

The wind was kicking up outside, but I didn't even bother to poke my head out to check.
I treated myself to the trout, as well as an Energy Bar, and bag of Ketchup Chips... crawled in bed, and slept like a rock for 10 hours.  :D 

Tomorrow, I'll head for Milton Basin on the way to Forlorn Muskeg.

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Ugh... today was a long day. :D 

The first part of the day began with a start a bit earlier than usual... but that waking early would turn out to be very justified.



Nice... but I do already have one handy.  I've leave this behind in the nearby cave... I imagine future me will appreciate it. :) 

More supplies to get stowed away... moving on.





Wolves ahead... looks like they were skulking around near the way out to Forlorn Muskeg.  ...Duly noted.


Since I'd prospected most of the key area's I wanted to check down here in the basin... I figured it was time to head back to the nearby cave for a quick sort & stow.



I'm never unhappy to find a bottle of clean drinking water. :D 

As has been the custom on this run... in order to keep my food/carry weight situation under control, I dropped off anything below 20% or above 39% condition.  Otherwise, I find I end up running heavy keeping a little too much food on hand. :D  I feel like it better serves me better if I leave more behind than I take with me and trust I will find more as I roam.  If not, I can still hunt/forage...

It took me a little more than half the day... but I was finally heading for Forlorn Muskeg.


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For the second part of the day... I wanted to get at least as far as the Poacher's Camp.





I decided to forgo the Cave that would lead back around to the falls... instead I decided just to go straight there instead.

The wind was kicking up really badly even as I was making my way down Hat Creek.  My pack was already running heavy, and the going was very slow (to say the least).

Every meter crawling headlong into the heavy winds was agonizingly slow. 😖  Especially considering I had to take a roundabout path to make it across the Muskeg to the Railroad tracks.

Off in the distance... that is a bear.  Not unexpected, but duly noted.



I decided this was going to be the best spot for me to stash Woodwright's bow and some other gear I'd already decided not to try and haul with me into the Far Territory.  The idea would be to collect them up again on the way back out.

I was already thoroughly exhausted before I'd even gotten to the Railroad tracks.  The Poacher's Camp was already the place I'd wanted to bed down for the night.

The weather, on the other hand, had decided to take a rather drastic turn for the worse.  It felt like it was most certainly threatening a blizzard... so it looked like it would be wiser to just rest in a series of short naps tonight. 


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The storm finally broke.  I only had to stay hunkered down for a couple of hours.  I figured that since I was here, I decided to also go prospect around the Old Spence Family Homestead.




It was time to get a move on...
Always glad to find a bow and an arrow or two.  I'm just sorry it had to be under these circumstances...

The crows had also tipped me off to this sad final destination for this soul.  I wonder if she had been traveling with the other fella.


I ate the venison immediately... it went along way to helping me keep my strength up for the day.

It wasn't long before I'd spotted the Hight Blind.



20240710205905_1.thumb.jpg.d7864295b50af316565640029bde1aab.jpgThat's nearly 4 liters of lantern fuel! :D

I did have to get low... there were at least three wolves prowling around.
I also took the time to low crawl out to see if those crows were circling over another unfortunate soul.
Nope, it was just a felled doe.  ...moving on.

Nearly there, I could just make out the Old Spence Family Homestead there ahead.
I could also hear more than one set of mournful howls... 😟


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I kept low and slowly made my way closer to the Old Spence place...










So far, I'd spotted at least four wolves skulking around near the Old Spence Family Homestead.  I'd need to be very cautious.

I was more than a bit concerned about the crows circling behind the small barn.
As I slowly crawled closer... I could swear I head snarling and chewing. 😖

I knew I'd heard growls nearby... 20240710211955_1.thumb.jpg.15c87ff09e34e4c861b79a8f31a2c6ed.jpg



Hopefully this one will rejoin the pack rather than continue prowling around the barn.  Even so, I'd keep low.




I took a moment to do a quick sort & stow and dropped off the good condition food before crawling around the outside of the barn.

Found a safe that was obstructed by crates from the other side... 


I managed to reach the dial through the gap in the wall. :D

I decided to also prospect around the nearby hillside.
Where it not for hearing the very faint sound of paws lightly crunching in the fresh snow... I'd have been blindsided!  You can see where our paths very nearly crossed. :D 


Drat... empty.  Oh well, moving on.

After not really finding anything of note the nearby area... I decided I would get settled, do a final sort & stow, and get ready to bed down for the night.


First though, I'd found size able amount of scrap metal.
I hadn't really been paying attention to the condition of my can opener, and it was getting a bit shabby.
It cost me two pieces of scrap metal... and I opted not to use the Quality Tools I'd found.
After about an hour and a half, I'd managed to get the can opener back into good shape. :) 
It would have been better if I had simply traded it out for one of the other can openers I'd found and stashed away... but this is what I get for not paying close attention to my gear. :D 

It took a while to get the non-essentials stowed away.
I have to admit I don't like the thought of leaving behind the Mukluks (I do really love the Mukluks)... but the Insulate Boots I was already wearing just better for what I need right now.  For the upcoming expedition, it seems wiser to prize insulation and wind proofing over all other considerations.

Tomorrow, I'll head out for Broken Railroad... to begin final preparations for my first expedition into The Far Territory.

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I must have overslept a bit... by the time was done shorting through my pack again, it was nearly noon!
I really had to get a move on.

Not only were the wolves out in force... but that's a bear farther out behind them.  Duly Noted.  🤔

I wanted to make a quick stop back at the Poacher's Camp to drop off a few more things that I'd like quick access to on the way back out.

With that done... it was time to make a "bee-line" for Broken Railroad.
However, seemed I would be slowed down waiting on a bear crossing.

Apparently, this bear likes to follow the tracks for far longer that I would have thought.  It was rather tense and terrifying... 😖

Eventually, I felt it wiser to venture out on the treacherous ice as far as I dared and let the bear amble on ahead again.  I felt a lot better once I was trailing behind and could better keep an eye on it.

Broken Railroad ahead...
There ahead (The Maintenance Yard) is where I'd like to hunker down for the night... however, I suspect wolves.  Trouble is, I have not heard any howls from that way yet.  I thought about it for a minute or two, but ultimately I decided it was wiser not to trust it.




Sure enough... I spotted at least four wolves down in the Maintenance Yard below. :D 

It took some careful and patient low crawling (and one pitched stone to distract a wolf prowling a tight perimeter around the building), but I eventually made it to the back door of the Maintenance Shed.

I'll spend the entire day here tomorrow... to make my final preparations.


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The maintenances yard is one of those places designed to keep things hidden from view,like the Quonset ..  very easy to lose sight of things with all those lumps and bumps.....sneaky Devs😁

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Posted (edited)

At last, it's time for me to make a final sort & stow before starting my first real expedition into the Far Territory.  However, while I'm here in the Maintenance Shed, I'd also search through the place to see if I can find anything else to add to my loadout/kit.

I count at least four wolves out in the Maintenance Yard today...  Here's hoping they move on tomorrow.  It would be nice not to have to stealth my way back out of here tomorrow, but in either case I've got it handled. :D 




All-in-all, a rather relaxing day.  I had managed to find a few really nice things to add to my pack, but most of it I think would serve me better stashed here for later.

I decided I'd treat myself and double my ration for the night. :D 
I have enough food on hand that can afford a little wasteful eating.
Besides, tomorrow I start my expedition... I'll need to be sure I'm at "full strength."


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