The Real Life Run


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The Real Life Interloper Run

This is a somewhat dramatized and TLD-ified account of my day-to-day life. Enjoy :).

Day 5500?: It’s cold today. Cold in this freezing world, but it’s only going to get colder. I shower and get ready for school. I don’t eat breakfast because I still have some calories left from last night’s supper. 

Schoolwork until 11 AM. I find a half-dozen cans laying around the recess area.

They are banged up but are still months or years away from expiration. I take four and leave the rest for any other survivors. The kids running around and shrieking… they are not survivors. (That came out wrong, didn’t it?)

Back to doing schoolwork, chemistry is by far the most interesting and challenging class. I like to sit in the corner where I can keep an eye on things. I don’t trust any of them.

Back home from the day’s looting, I craft a tinder plug, reheat week-old stew, and pass time running around in circles and reading until bedtime. It’s too cold to do anything more outside.

Day 5502: It dropped below freezing last night. I nearly got frostbite on my toes. Consequences of being so tall that I don’t fit in the bed. I huddle beside the heater until it’s time to head to school.

It’s freezing outside, colder than I evercan remember it being this time of year. Wearing a single sweater and a single pair of pants isn’t helping any. Still, the sky is clear and the sun is shining. Mag lens weather, if only I had a mag lens. Stupid Interloper loot.

The cans are still in the recess area, but they have decayed to the point where eating them is just inviting food poisoning. I still don’t know what they are, I need to find a can opener to max the calories.

Edited by conanjaguar
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Day 5508: I’m not going to update every day because the entries would just look like “Cold today. Ate cattails. Induced food poisoning. Bed.” I was looting some abandoned buildings yesterday when I found a mag lens and a can opener, as well as a jug of maple syrup! Finally I can crack open those cans and see what they are! I’ve got extra Reishi tea ready just in case they AREN’T food…

Edited by conanjaguar
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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 5521: School is out for the year. Ironic, isn’t it? Even in this frozen world, we can have such frivolous joys as celebrating the end of a semester.

Looking back, not much has happened. Besides the odd kid getting mauled by a bear or that time a moose got his antlers stuck in the jungle gym, or even that time when an aurora happened during the dog show, the days have gone by in a blur. Nearly nothing to loot, nothing to scavenge. All the buildings nearby have been gone over with a fine-toothed comb.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Day 5543:

Food supplies are running low. We’ve had to make soup with meat from parts of animals that sane people wouldn’t even touch: namely, ptarmigan giblets and deer stomach. The trader practically gave the stuff to us for free. Just like those dee-licious MREs, it meets all requirements to be technically considered food. It is very greasy, though… and smelly. It’s sure to attract the critters since we store the kettle outside.

Day 5544

Well, I was right. A possum tried to get into the soup during last night’s aurora. Bloody thing left some nasty claw marks on the sides, but it gave up eventually because it couldn’t get the lid off. Even during an aurora, possums lack the strength and opposable thumbs…

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