New Fishing : Allow use of Red indicator locations of Suitable Ice and Fishing Lures


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Consider 1) allow chopping a hole in the ice for New Fishing even when indicator is red and 2) require that a fishing lure would have to be used for such a hole in the ice.  

Too many locations have suitable ice except the game indicator remains red and there is no green anywhere.  Fishing lures have no particular use (that I know of) that justifies the effort to make one at a higher cost in materials compared to ordinary fishing tackle.  Other than flavor.  

Under these circumstances, using a bare fishing lure gets the lower class fish (no special ones) for the location such as white fish or trout and those would tend to be of the smaller size of those classes.  Baiting a simple fishing lure then generated the normal range of lower class fish (can get the larger ones).  Baiting one of the more "sophisticated" lures gets a normal chance of fish catch. 

The expanded capacity to fish gets balanced by a need for bait and a more costly (in terms of materials) to craft fishing lure.  

At least this would allow fishing in more locations where suitable ice was located but nowhere was any of it really suitable for New Fishing.  

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I did something I haven't done in a very long time.  I broke through weak ice (I was hitting the wrong key not the run like heck key) and got soaked from the waist down and hypothermia.  

Being soaked up to my waist implies that the water under the ice (Forlorn Muskeg near the Muskeg Overlook corner) implies several feet of water under the ice.  That should allow, of course from not weak ice portions, for New Fishing holes to be made.  The fish that can be caught would be of the smaller size for say whitefish, no bass, no specials except as designated.  

On consideration and a quick review of how the indicator seems to work, the color the New Fishing graphic can take should be expanded slightly to RED meaning not deep enough, YELLOW meaning marginal so poor fishing and fish type and size, and GREEN meaning adequate so normal fishing results.  

Anywhere there is suitable ice, given how the mechanic currently is set up, there should or has to be at least some YELLOW or GREEN (in this expanded mode or GREEN in its current setup) else why the heck would anyone bother and be rather disappointed and why would Hinterland waste its time putting in suitable ice that cannot be used at all? 

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5 hours ago, UTC-10 said:

Being soaked up to my waist implies that the water under the ice (Forlorn Muskeg near the Muskeg Overlook corner) implies several feet of water under the ice.  That should allow, of course from not weak ice portions, for New Fishing holes to be made.  The fish that can be caught would be of the smaller size for say whitefish, no bass, no specials except as designated.  

You likely wouldn't find much fish in areas like that at all due to the low oxygen levels in the water because of how stagnant it is. There might be a small fish population near hat creek, but once you get out into the muskeg, it'd be dead. Especially with all the nasty runoff from the railroad tracks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought about this some more.  

Change the way New Fishing (fishing holes) work.  ANY suitable ice would allow for a fishing hole.  The color of the indicator - red, yellow (new), and green - indicates the prospects for fishing.  

Red means poor fishing with higher chance of losing the fishing tackle (say equivalent to Level 1 ice fishing, 8% chance).  Only get the first tier fish - whitefish, trout - from this hole, none of second tier - bass or salmon, none of the new "fish". Might even be a slower than normal rate for fish biting.  

Yellow (new) means moderately better fishing with better chance of not losing the fishing tackle (say equivalent to Level 3 ice fishing, 4%?).  Can get first and second tier fish (maybe somewhat less chance), none of the new "fish".  

Green means ordinary fishing (fishing tackle loss at say equivalent to Level 5 ice fishing, 1% chance).  All applicable fish types would be available.  

If the survivor has less ice fishing skill than noted for red/yellow/green the survivor's skill level would be the applicable one.  

Tipups, lures and bait can be used although I do not know what the use of lures and bait (other than for white fish getting consistently bigger ones) would be for (what effect they might otherwise have).  

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  • 1 month later...

It sounds like you're suggesting a new feature for fishing that involves using a red indicator to highlight suitable ice and fishing lures UAE locations. This could be a helpful addition to fishing technology, especially in ice fishing scenarios where knowing the best spots can significantly improve the chances of a successful catch. Here's how such a feature might work:

Red Indicator for Suitable Ice Locations:

The red indicator could highlight areas on the ice where it's deemed safe for fishing. This could take into account factors like ice thickness, stability, and absence of hazards.
Real-time data on ice conditions could be integrated into the fishing technology, allowing anglers to make informed decisions about where to set up their equipment.
Red Indicator for Suitable Fishing Lures:

The technology could analyze factors like water temperature, depth, and the presence of specific fish species to suggest suitable fishing lures.
An intuitive interface could provide recommendations based on the current fishing conditions, helping anglers choose the most effective lures for their target species.
Integration with GPS or Mapping Systems:

The feature could be integrated with GPS or mapping systems to provide a visual representation of suitable areas for fishing on the ice. Anglers could see marked locations directly on their devices.
User Customization:

Users might have the option to customize the parameters for the red indicators based on their preferences and experience. This could include adjusting the sensitivity of the ice safety indicator or specifying the type of fish they are targeting.
Alerts and Notifications:

The technology could provide real-time alerts or notifications if conditions change, such as ice stability decreasing or the presence of suitable fish moving to a different depth.

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