“Time Capsule” bodies/cairns


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I have been thinking a lot lately about Subnautica’s Time Capsule mechanic. For the unfamiliar, when you beat the game, you get to put 8 spaces of items into a “Time Capsule” that can spawn in ANY other playthrough by any other player. It adds a quasi-multiplayer touch to the game.

Anyway, it would be neat if we could do something like this in TLD. Those little SV caches are just begging to be Time Capsuled, but they already have a purpose. So… when you die, you can choose to add your corpse to a central database of corpses (or place a cairn on the map), up to six of which will spawn in another player’s playthrough depending on difficulty. Of course, this assumes that the dead player is online at the time of death, and that other players are online when a when they start a new run, generating corpses with the rest of the loot table.

Anyway, you may place up to two kg of items in your corpse/cairn, as well as a screenshot and a short note. Naturally if an Interloper player finds rifles and ammo in a corpse/cairn early game, then that would be unbalanced, so the game would filter out from the mix any corpses/cairns that have weapons that cannot spawn in your difficulty. But I’m not gonna lie, the effort to find these corpses/cairns would probably be excuse enough to let, say, climbing socks or a balaclava spawn in them.

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