Only be able to drop food with high Calorie.


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Everyone always say that wolf are now difficult to deal with because they are to fast and smart now. But no, i think they are easy to deal with. I always keep 3 or 4 pieces of meat that value about 20 calories, mean it s worth nothing and in reality they dont bigger than a nail, yet everytime a wolf spot me i just drop 20 calories meat so that he will leave me alone. That doesnt make any sense, i think this is a way of cheating too. So yes this need to be change, my suggestion is that make only able to drop a piece of meat that value more, like 100 calo or 200 calo, 200 calo will do it, equal to a socola bar. And pls dont make tea droppable.

I even go playing with wolf with some meats like this. LOL

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YOU think they are easy to deal with, some others prefer to avoid confrontation with the beasties.

Also, if you think dropping small chunks of meat as way of a distraction, that is your choice, so you choose not to drop meat lower than 100 calories, please do not make the rest of us conform to your playstyle. all of us have different methods of dealing with wolves, and constraining it to fit your playstyle just limits the rest of us.

All objects are droppable, and should remain so.

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I respect your opinion. But i m not talking about play style, i m talking about the possibility, between can or cannot. Like shot wolf, throw flare, drop high calo meat, drop low calo meat,... which is the most be benefit? Alot of player will use this method to their benefit, and it s not possible in real life, like dropping a 20 calo of meat to stop a wolf Psst. I agree with you that all item can be drop, it go without saying, just make it so that when press button 4 any food with calo lower than 200 is NOT drop, or make wolf not reaction to anything with calo below 200, should make a image change to those foods so that player will know.

P/s: Really, with this kind of play, wolfs are now very easily to "toy" with. I havent get attacked by wolf for a while now.

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I'm not sure I agree with this. See, you want to keep your high calorie stuff for yourself. Wolves don't care about calories so long as it smells and tastes good. You don't see a wolf stop in the middle of the snow, pull a weighing scales and calculator out of its arse and say "nope, the calorific content of this decoy is too low, I shall resume the pursuit".

If you want difficulty, play Stalker mode. Wolves are not meant to be all consuming monsters that relentlessly follow you to the end of oblivion. They act as a preventitive measure of you getting too sure about yourself.

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I do get it. But you are under the impression that you are physically THROWING the meat at the wolf. Instead of preventing us from dropping the meat, allow the length of time the wolf is distracted to be dependent on the mass of the food.

I dont really get what you just post. Are you talking about the different of strength about throwing or dropping the meat? Can you explain this part? And about the length of time the wolf is distracted is true, i dont disagree with it.

But it seem like you still dont get what i mean. Okay, image a hungry wolf, he doesnt eat for days, then he see you, a big piece of meat, you look delicious, normally he doesnt attack human but if he is too hungry then he will. So he coming at you with full speed, you are so scare, forget to bring your rifle and flare with you, have to drop meat to distract him so you can get away. You bring out a piece of meat that "big as a nail", drop it and run. Will the wolf notice? NO. If you want to distract him, at least drop something big enough to him to see or something worthy.

P/s: i went down town with about 10 pieces, playing chase with 3 wolfs at once, of sc they do the chasing, i go around town for 3 round, still won. That was super fun. Wolf are now just friendly dog. That is why this part need to be changed.

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The whole point of decoys is to distract the wolf while you can get away. A 20 calorie lump of meat does not mean it is "the size of a nail" as you describe it.

Wolves don't care about whether or not something is "worthy". They smell something to eat, they eat it.

If it is a big lump of food (say it is 1kg) then they will take 5 minutes to eat it completely.

if it is a small piece, say that it is 0.1Kg (100g) that is still large enough to briefly distract him.

Meat decays, and so it loses its calorific content, but its size and weight does not change. Calories do not equate size.

A 100g steak is about this size: tuna-steak1.jpg

that is hardly "The size of a nail".

And so what? you drop a piece of food that is no large enough to distract the wolf for long, it just snaps it up and continues chasing you. Preventing you from dropping small pieces of meat would lead to a build up of useless scraps in your inventory.

Thecurrent system works fine. Wolves shouldn't be a constant threat ALL the time, and they are not "a friendly dog" as you describe them. they still kill no matter how much you "play" with them. And I suggest you save your food for the long run, rather than feeding the wolves.

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It would be nice if the 'size' of the piece dropped would determine the time the wolf is distracted. But that would lead to the question: how do you determine what piece to drop? As dropping a decoy needs to be done quickly without having to go through the motions of opening an interface to select the piece to be dropped, this is an important aspect.

It may be simpler to just have the engine drop a piece of meat and be done with it. Personally, I don't care about the size of the meat, but I do care about it's condition! I don't want to drop my 99% 1kg piece if I'm also carrying a 50% .75kg piece.

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EternityTide: I am sorry but it sense like i cant understand anything you said anymore. Maybe we misunderstanding each other, so i done with this topic. Sorry for wasting your time.

My last question for you is: "How big you think 20 calories are?"

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I think traceyle has a valid point. Howeverrrr...

I think the decoy requiring to have a certain weight (or caloric value) would be difficult to understand for many players. Sometimes dropping a decoy would distract the wolf, sometimes it would not. That would leave people mystified. We should remember that even using the decoy method at all is something maybe only advanced players do (or so I would imagine). I think the mechanic needs to retain a certain simplicity to remain understandable for everyone. Just my 2 cents.

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I think that the decoy should just drop. whether or not it is effective should not be determined by whether the game allows you to drop it or not, it just means that you have a decreased chance of distracting the wolf.

As the devs have said the game will not hold your hand. If you mistakingly drop a 20 calorie decoy that doesn't distract the wolf, that's your own mistake, the game shouldn't prevent you from making mistakes.

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