Got Food Poisoning at CL5 after Update


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All things considered, I'm hoping it isn't a glitch but maybe a little intentional fine tuning of the mechanic. 
yeah yeah, I know level 5 is supposed to make you "immune" to food poisoning.  But when you say, "I just got food poisoning, eating ruined rabbit meat..."    
Well, then I'm thinking yeah, that kinda makes sense that you just might get sick!  I'm thinking it adds an additional layer of immersion into the game.
Honestly whenever you're eating ruined meat or a low condition can of sardines there oughta be a little risk involved.  Ya can't dodge that bullet all the time, right?

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Silly question perhaps... but are we sure it was cooked rabbit meat? 
...because raw meat will still give us a nearly guaranteed bout of food poisoning every time, and the "hand-holding mechanic" meant to save the player from eating raw meat, only pops up when eating from the radial menu (at least last time I'd tested it).


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2 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

Silly question perhaps... but are we sure it was cooked rabbit meat? 

good point.  I'm gonna go out on a limb though and venture to guess OP cooked it before he ate it and still contracted food poisoning. 
If not, then of course it would make sense that he'd get sick and rightfully so,  I might add.  lol! 

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With Level 5 cooking in a Voyager game I have had food poisoning a few times.  The last time was when I ate some ruined cooked meat.  Before that I think it was due to my carelessly eating some raw meat.  There seems to have been many changes to the deterioration of meat and its effects on your health.  Be careful.

Only eat dubious foods before sleeping. If you get food poisoning you can sleep it off without too much inconvenience.

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