What's your longest bow shot that hit it's target


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I was out on the ice on Coastal Highway to do a little fishing in the shack that sits across the way from Misanthrope's and the bear den
when out saunters this bear.  Just so happens that I had crafted a new bow and about 2 dozen arrows so I decided to see if I could hit 
him from the doorway of the shack.   I had to adjust my aim by increasing the arc of each shot and kinda leading my target 
but finally on my 9th shot I managed to get ranged in and I finally landed a hit.    For me that's gotta be my longest bow shots ever.
I'm guessing the distance might be close to 150 meters more or less?

What's your longest bow shot?


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I had an amazing shot with bow & arrow in my very early days of TLD.  I was on the bridge near the dam in ML and there was a moose on the river down below and a long way off.  I fired one arrow and killed it.  If I was in the same situation again I would dismiss it as an impossible shot.  I would not have had level 5 Bow skill, probably much lower.  I was so new to the game I didn't appreciate how lucky I was.  Nowadays it is not uncommon for me to waste 5 arrows on much near moose and not get a kill.

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Outstanding story @peteloud, isn't it funny how we can get lucky sometimes with an incredible bow shot and not realize how truly magnificent that shot was until much later?  I often wish I recorded my gameplay more often just so that I could replay those magical moments because some of them are truly unbelieveable.

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I was once standing on the enclosed porch of the farmhouse in PV when off in the distance I saw the bear slowly walking thru the orchard towards 
Molly's barn.  I opened the door and decided to take a shot. 
It was definitely a long distance shot and as luck would have it I ended up hitting the bear
right in the butt!  

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  • 2 weeks later...

From the hill above the pond (near the spot where a backpack can spawn but a little closer to the pond) to a point more than halfway across the pond itself... I first shot a moose on the nose and he didn't detect me and ran (thankfully) instead of attacking me.  He was running across the pond heading towards the huntinng blind when I reloaded a second shot and dropped him.  I won't say it exactly hit where I aimed though... I was aiming/leading his head and it caught him in his back left leg.  I was totally shocked that the game apparently gave me a critical hit (or else my first shot did so much damage that he had little health left).

Edited by UpUpAway95
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