Moose challenge


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4 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

By the way of you keep well fed that gives you an extra 5kg of space 11lbs that's usually enough for me but then in broken railroad I got a moose satchel and I had like 10kg of space and I had found a bow in mind the ml hunters blind then made a new one in br

Thanks. I nearly always have the well fed bonus. Just carry too much stuff😁 

Did get a bow already from picnic site cave until it got worn out somehow! Replaced that one and now I need another so I'm going to make a new one later! Not sure why I'm going through so many I hardly use them!🙂

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On 3/8/2022 at 3:50 AM, Leeanda said:

At sunrise I made my way back down to the hut,picking up a few extra birch saplings along the way. I have about 25  so far ,not a bad amount for two maps.  While they are curing I sorted out my gear and some reading until the fog passed a bit.  Thought I'd check to see if the moose was there but sadly not.  So I thought I'd pass time by getting some bow practice in! And boy do I need it!🙂  

No bunnies near the lake and only one deer,but they are on low settings. So I headed to the birch area hoping I could find a wolf  and found one eating a deer!  I rushed the shot a bit because I thought it might run away but got a hit in its hind leg.  I presumed I wouldn't find it again but it turned up on the lake after a few hours.  So I now have three wolf skins towards my coat!  

After harvesting him I decided to check for the moose again and this time he was there! 

I crept towards it as much as I could  and fired! 

Got a hit right on his nose! He ran off  and I watched the light as he zigzagged up and down the hills and mounds of snow! Gotta say it's pretty funny to watch🙂 

I did have a few more attempts but still no kill! I'm reluctant to use any more shells as they are obviously in short  supply.  

I spent the rest of the morning walking back to PV via the birch forest to check if the moose was there again! He was but it was too exposed an area and he ran off well before I was in decent shooting range!

I'm now back at the farm still waiting for things to cure ,as my next trip will be to Keepers pass north and I want to be fully prepared before going there! 🙂 It's not the friendliest place in Great Bear !

I might have been inclined to keep hitting that moose, but that's just stubborn me.  It's really good to see that this save is generating some opportunities for you.  I do think there is something funky with the animal spawn chance settings in the Custom menu... a cap, possibly or just a bug that causes them to interfere with each other.  I've seen similar results several times... higher numbers on lower settings... particularly with the bear and moose.

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4 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

I might have been inclined to keep hitting that moose, but that's just stubborn me.  It's really good to see that this save is generating some opportunities for you.  I do think there is something funky with the animal spawn chance settings in the Custom menu... a cap, possibly or just a bug that causes them to interfere with each other.  I've seen similar results several times... higher numbers on lower settings... particularly with the bear and moose.

I've noticed it too compared to standard pilgrim. Set on low I always had 3 bears in mystery and PV.  Now I've got 1 bear in mystery and 2 in PV.  Unless the setting info is the wrong way round?. I should also mention I put the t-wolves to low and I haven't had any at all in bleak.

Maybe a small tweak by HTL is needed? 

I would've carried on chasing the moose if I hadn't been so tired ,didn't fancy walking around on the ice in case I couldn't get off it quick enough😁 . Never did like ice baths! 

It is a learning curve  though. I feel very lost without the rifle and the flare gun is pretty new for me too! 

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I spent two and a half days crafting the new bow and  arrows. I only made about 20 but  got a bit of cabin fever so gave up!  I know cabin fever isn't on but I meant me!🙂   Decided to see if there was a bear or moose over by the birch forest area and maybe get some bark too for later.  Sadly the moose didn't show up but the bear did.

Unfortunately I made a mistake and used the flare gun without thinking! I wasted two shells before I realised what I'd done! I hope there are quite a few in Keepers pass!   

I did take a shot with the arrow and it ran off! Thought I'd missed but couldn't find the arrow anywhere!  No blood splats either so I'm not sure what to think! It's not the first time there haven't been any  and I've hit it so I'll have to wait and check the list in the morning!  The weather forced me to head to the barn  for the night but on the way I thought I'd try my luck on a lone wolf. Thinking it was too far away and knowing how bad I am at it ,I just took a random shot and he  just dropped to my amazement!  🙂  yay!!  

Poor thing had the arrow straight down his throat!   I quickly harvested him and headed for the barn as a blizzard  had just started.

I'm now in front of a fire drying off my clothes and cooking the wolf meat . Passing time while the silent blizzard goes on. 

I may heavily regret wasting those flare shells ,but I hope not! 

Tomorrow is a new day and I hope this experience continues for quite a while.  🙂


Must apologise for writing so much but if I don't write these things down as soon as possible I tend to forget exactly what happened when!  One of the perils of getting old I'm afraid!😁

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Please don't apologize -- I enjoy reading all those little details and twists/turns!

(* I am not a very succinct writer myself)

Bummer about the 2 wasted shells ... but nice shot on the wolf there!

I had only the 1 bear in ML (clear-cut area) my last run there, and that was on vanilla Pilgrim.

Decided to try a new random start game and landed in Blackrock (!!!) -- already saw the moose there on the frozen pond just below the Prison, but have no weapons, terrible clothes and little food... will be collecting cat-tails and heading up to the mine area tomorrow.



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10 hours ago, twyn1 said:

Please don't apologize -- I enjoy reading all those little details and twists/turns!

(* I am not a very succinct writer myself)

Bummer about the 2 wasted shells ... but nice shot on the wolf there!

I had only the 1 bear in ML (clear-cut area) my last run there, and that was on vanilla Pilgrim.

Decided to try a new random start game and landed in Blackrock (!!!) -- already saw the moose there on the frozen pond just below the Prison, but have no weapons, terrible clothes and little food... will be collecting cat-tails and heading up to the mine area tomorrow.



Thank you!  You're writing looks great to me! 

Not sure how I got that shot if I'm honest ,could've sworn it was facing sideways !?🤔🙂 

Sympathies on starting there! Not the best place to start but a handy place for the moose spawn though!. Good luck!

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Not much luck this morning. Spent a few days at the barn ,making regular checks for the moose ,but no luck. 

I did want to try and get the bear if I could but it was very skittish today. As were the wolves for some reason!  That and the constant thick foggy snow  forced me to reconsider my plans. I decided to head to Coastal hoping I'd get the moose there but sadly also a no show! No rubbings either!  There are a few wolves near the garage but again running away before I can get anywhere near!  

The only thing I've found a lot of so far is hacksaws! There were two in the transition cave on the way and three in the garage!  Might come in useful if I can get a bear or two to harvest . Might take two of them to desolation when I've finished searching here! 

Only found the one carcass so far ,near the jetty but there were a few feathers for a change! 

I'm now getting ready for bed after doing a spot of reading. Most of my levels are still very low but it's early days yet! 🙂

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Very frustrating afternoon. I spent 6 days in Coastal only to find no shells and apparently no bears either!   I left there and headed to Desolation point on the way hoping to kill a wolf!  There were none. Also found both cars in the transition area (sorry forgot the name of the place ) had books on the floor I couldn't pick up!  There was also a toolbox in desolation I couldn't get either!   I did find yet another hacksaw though!  I've spent two days here so far and no moose,shells or the bear.  And I've yet to see an actual wolf, despite the howling I keep hearing!  I'm now in the trailer planning on searching the mine tomorrow and hopefully getting that bear!  

I should mention that despite having no weapons on that I found an invisible revolver shell in coastal!   

I love this game but sometimes it frustrates me and I hope that some of these issues are fixed in the next update.

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Didn't really get much done this morning. I spent half of it  searching what was left of the map. Did get a spare bow and a broken arrow from Katie's secluded corner but no shells.  I found enough lantern fuel to keep the lighthouse going for a few years though! 😁

The other half I spent chasing the bear around , losing a few arrows in the process!🙂  . At one point he ran under the bridge going in circles near the waterfall for quite a while!  I tried to keep an eye on him from above but lost sight of him cos he was very close to the rocks beneath me.  I kept checking for him for a while but gave up when he didn't appear from under the other side of the bridge!  I harvested the only sapling in desolation and when I turned round the bear was right behind me!🙂  Don't know which one of us got the biggest fright!   He ran off down the beach into the fog so I decided to leave him be.  After a good night's sleep I thought I'd head back to Coastal highway and maybe go on to marsh ridge and Mountain town. There should be a moose at one of those places ,so I think it's my best bet! 

For now though I'm at the Quonset, reading yet another book until it's bed time!  There are only a few small cabins I haven't looted here so I may do that on the way out of town! Hopefully I'll find at least one shell somewhere!  

On a side note ...I did have a special friend in the cave at desolation today. It's the first time I've had one there on pilgrim .  I left him alone with the carcass and corpse for company. 

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I pushed straight through to Mountain town without stopping. 

I looted what buildings there were,for most of them were in ruins . 

There's an awful lot of soda in  not only Milton but everywhere as I haven't needed to boil any  water  on this run .  No moose at the woodlot ,so headed up to the lake and there he was!  I got as close as I could and fired ,hitting him right on his nose again!  I gave chase and got another four shots at him but two bounced off him!  Eventually he ran off over the hill down towards the church area and despite him glowing everywhere I lost him!  

So I thought I'd check if the bear was up at the bridge,my favourite place for taking them down!  All those cars make it so much easier and safer!  I took a few shots ,sure I'd miss him but when I went to look for my arrows  I found several blood splats.   I thought I'd leave him to die while I rested for an hour or so in the car.  While I passed time I could see him going round in circles at high speed!  I was going to get out and finish him off but he decided to turn and walked past me in the car!  After waiting a while I gave up and went to find him, . He'd died at  the other end of the bridge so I took his hide but left the rest! 

I did check the lake area for the moose but no sign of him!  So I'm now camped out in the trailer nearby hoping he'll be there tomorrow! 

My only problem is that I only have 2 flare shells left so the only option left is to get the bear roll made and head to Keepers pass!  

I did waste more flares than I should but I'm having issues with my console . I spent quite a while trying to get it to read the disc but it refused so I had to use my old disc! That took two attempts also,so I fear I may not be able to complete the challenge!  

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This morning I headed back to the lake but the moose wasn't there sadly. So I headed back to town and finished looting the places I'd missed yesterday. I tried Paradise meadows farm but the key wasn't there so I had to leave it. This is the first time I've had this issue and the first outdoor spawn too so I'm wondering if this is why? 

I decided to head down to the lower part of the map to see if the moose would be there but unfortunately not.  Thinking of the bear roll I made my way back to PV via forlorn. The weather has been continuously bad for several days, following me  wherever I go.  

I picked up another two bows I found on the way back and some birch saplings I'd left to cure in the dam trailer. I've got quite a few now and I'm going to need them! Somehow I've lost 7 arrows in the last few days! 

I got back to PV farm just before a blizzard hit. I dropped the bear hide and saplings I'd got and as I'm waiting for them to cure I crafted another 6 arrows. 

I wanted to get a start on the wolf coat too but I don't seem to have any cured guts?  So I think I need to go out later and go hunting. 

For now I'm sitting out the blizzard and getting my firestarting skills up! I've finished all the archery books I had and between them ,crafting arrows and actually shooting some animals I'm nearly level 4. Not bad considering my aim!🙂

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I spent the best part of this afternoon trying to find the moose and either of the bears ,to no avail.  I had three guts in the big barn but I still needed at least another three for the bear roll. After looting the community hall,waiting for a blizzard to pass, I decided I'd have to hunt wolves and rabbits instead.  The wolves were again too skittish and I lost a few arrows before heading to a known rabbit area.  There were only two bunnies there but I got them (after a few bad misses🙂) and headed back to the farm via the small barn . There were a couple of bunnies there and I managed to get them with a lot less misses this time!  I harvested them and left them to cure .  I thought I'd go and have a look for the bear that usually passes the house and it did eventually turn up!   Unfortunately I couldn't get a good shot at it without risking a mauling!  And as we all know I'm a chicken when it comes to bears I  decided to leave him alone 🙂  I really miss that rifle 😁 

Having said that I'm really enjoying using the bow . I've never really needed it before and only used it very occasionally on some of my runs. I think I might replace the revolver with it on my standard pilgrim run from now on.  

I'm now in the farm ,still reading and trying to plan for tomorrow but I find that the best laid plans never seem to happen in this game!🙂

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There IS a lot of soda in Milton!! I have to laugh sometimes when you check out a desk or locker and there's soda, a candy bar, maybe a granola bar and an extra soda on the side too!

Bummer on not getting the Moose with the Flares yet, and also not getting the Paradise Meadows key and the lost arrows. I lost a few arrows on my last long run when I missed a target and they just vanished! I don't know if they went into deep snow, ricocheted crazily or maybe just hit a tree or rock and shattered??


I've been trying to use the bow a lot more, alltho' I tend to chicken out on it with tougher targets. I had the Moose appear on that little Bricklayers pond in BRM but with only 2 arrows and a low skill level, I didn't take the chance. But I definitely choose the bow over the revolver.

After a rather unfortunate Mining Accident (*don't run through poison gas when both overburdened AND exhausted! Duh!), I restarted in Blackrock and stayed for ~40 days, building up my Gunsmithing and other skills and fixing up hatchets, hacksaws and knives in the Workshop.

Have just now moved on to TWM; setting up at Mountaineer's Hut and starting to gather whatever I may find. The wolves have kindly killed 3 deer & 2 rabbits for me already. Mr. Moose is hanging out in the "Wing" field along with his friend, Mr. Bear.

Not sure where I want to go on this run right now.  Go to the Summit? Maybe return to Blackrock to get some of the100% gear and other things I left behind. Or perhaps just pop down into PV for guaranteed arrows, metal and cloth --- & maybe find a better pair of undies too? 🤔

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7 hours ago, twyn1 said:

There IS a lot of soda in Milton!! I have to laugh sometimes when you check out a desk or locker and there's soda, a candy bar, maybe a granola bar and an extra soda on the side too!

Bummer on not getting the Moose with the Flares yet, and also not getting the Paradise Meadows key and the lost arrows. I lost a few arrows on my last long run when I missed a target and they just vanished! I don't know if they went into deep snow, ricocheted crazily or maybe just hit a tree or rock and shattered??


I've been trying to use the bow a lot more, alltho' I tend to chicken out on it with tougher targets. I had the Moose appear on that little Bricklayers pond in BRM but with only 2 arrows and a low skill level, I didn't take the chance. But I definitely choose the bow over the revolver.

After a rather unfortunate Mining Accident (*don't run through poison gas when both overburdened AND exhausted! Duh!), I restarted in Blackrock and stayed for ~40 days, building up my Gunsmithing and other skills and fixing up hatchets, hacksaws and knives in the Workshop.

Have just now moved on to TWM; setting up at Mountaineer's Hut and starting to gather whatever I may find. The wolves have kindly killed 3 deer & 2 rabbits for me already. Mr. Moose is hanging out in the "Wing" field along with his friend, Mr. Bear.

Not sure where I want to go on this run right now.  Go to the Summit? Maybe return to Blackrock to get some of the100% gear and other things I left behind. Or perhaps just pop down into PV for guaranteed arrows, metal and cloth --- & maybe find a better pair of undies too? 🤔

Sorry about the mine!  That's a harsh  place at the best of times. 

Sounds like you're back on track though, so good luck whichever way you go! 

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I spent some of the morning hunting. I got four rabbits and I did shoot a wolf but I lost it after the blood trail disappeared. I spent quite a while looking for it after it'd died but no luck.  I made the rabbit gloves while I was stuck inside because of a blizzard! I was hoping for an aurora or two but I've only had four in 35+ days even though it's on high! .

When the weather cleared up enough I decided to go to TWM to open the last few containers while the bear hide cures. 

I came across the moose on the way and used the last two flare shells hoping to get a kill but no luck! I did have an issue as after the first shot I couldn't reload the gun. I ended up having to go into the inventory to put the bow on that way and then I could switch to the flare gun again! Temporary bug or my controller I'm not sure.  Unfortunately I have no more shells until I get to Keepers pass! 

For now I'm settled in at the mountaineer's hut waiting for yet another blizzard to pass.  Might have a go at the bear while I'm here too!



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4 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

How many days have you gotten by now my record on the switch voyager was 19 days and then died due to wolves when I went to br with only a bow and my the players skill in aim

I'm on day 39 I think!   Last time I notified voyager I was instantly surrounded by wolves as soon as I spawned in!  That was quite a while ago when I didn't really know much about the game.  Didn't last past the first hour!😁

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7 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

impossible voyager  has  24 hour predator. Grace period for you to get a rifle or a few flares

Well it was three years ago so I might be mis remembering some of it! I might've spawned in in bad weather and passed  time ,either way I died very very quickly!  I do remember being on the ice at night with lots of growling around me. 

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3 hours ago, Leeanda said:

I'm on day 39 I think!   Last time I notified voyager I was instantly surrounded by wolves as soon as I spawned in!  That was quite a while ago when I didn't really know much about the game.  Didn't last past the first hour!😁

I'm wondering if you meant stalker. Voyager doesn't have many wolves and they aren't really deadly at all. Stalker on the other hand- Sometimes wonder why I play that difficulty, all those wolves can't help my anxiety 😁

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12 minutes ago, Catlover said:

I'm wondering if you meant stalker. Voyager doesn't have many wolves and they aren't really deadly at all. Stalker on the other hand- Sometimes wonder why I play that difficulty, all those wolves can't help my anxiety 😁

I'm just wondering where the word notified came from in my comment?😁 Wasn't me!! Lol!

No it was definitely voyager!  I chose it cos I thought the name of it meant you had to do something involving travelling somewhere! 😁 Lol.  Never do read things properly 🤣🤣 thought it was a specific challenge or something! 

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Apologies for not writing yesterday. I wasn't well enough to play the game. 

I got cabin fever again and decided to head back to PV to check on the bear hide. Still quite a while to go so checking the maps this morning I noticed that I'd not been to Broken Railroad yet! I had constant fog from the farm until I got  there, where the skies were blue! It's been a while since I've seen that!🙂 

I saw no animals at all on the trek there,not even crows! 

I looted the maintenance shed  and was going to head up to the lodge but the blue skies had been replaced by a blizzard! So I decided to craft some arrowheads while I was there! I managed to make 24 so I'll have plenty for when I get back to PV. 

When the weather cleared I made my way up to the lodge and noticed there were rubbings ,sadly no moose though! I had better luck at the lodge for I found 2 shells ,one on a shelf I've never noticed before and one on the only corpse on the map!  Now I have them all I need is a moose and some luck!🙂 

It's took 13 maps but I finally found some loose shells!  

I'm now at the maintenance shed ,reading up on my harvesting skills and occasionally checking the area for the elusive moose!  I might stay here for a few days and get some bow practice in as I'm  trying to get to level 5 which I've never even come close to before!


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24 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

By the way there are 2 frozen corpses in broken railroad

Should be but I only got the one near the lodge!  Probably the bug! 

Having said that I haven't been down in to the ravine yet! There might be one down there!

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I stayed in the shed for a few days keeping an eye out for the moose but sadly he didn't turn up!  I did go down into the ravine and found a corpse who had 1 shell on him! I also tried to kill the bear but again I missed and couldn't find the arrows anywhere!  I've lost quite a few on this run so I'm glad I've horded the birch saplings and arrowheads! 

I decided to leave and head back to PV farm hoping the bear hide has cured!  I killed a couple of wolves on the way out mainly for the guts so I could make the wolf coat when I got back too!  I did get lucky with the second wolf though as it got stuck in a corner near the tunnel exit to forlorn!  Still took me three arrows though as he kept  running in circles!  How I got to level four is a bit of a mystery to me but I'm not complaining!🙂 

I went through forlorn stopping at Trappers cabin briefly to pick up a few bits! I made a few more arrows too as there was some cured saplings there!  No moose sightings again! 

I ran out of feathers so I went past the known corpse sites picking them up on the way! One of the bodies however had disappeared, near the yellow carriage !  

I'm now at the dam trailer resting for the night before  heading back home to PV!  Hopefully it's only one more sleep til bear roll!🙂

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