I finally got mauled !


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Yay! I got mauled again!😁 

After a pretty uneventful afternoon  I finally got to the mountaineer's hut. 

Arrived in a very thick fog and spent some time reading a sewing book! Good idea  too! I needed to do a few repairs sooner than expected! 

With 5 minutes of playing time left I thought I'd head towards the birch area  ,when I heard growling . Looking round I saw a wolf eating a deer on the other side of the lake!  Not sure why it was growing when I wasn't particularly close to it but it looked promising! 

I walked toward it circling round slightly so as not to meet it head on! 

I got to within 6feet maybe when it turned. For a split second I thought it'd flee but instead it charged!   It was a very short struggle ! 

I took hardly any damage on the bar and needed no medicine either! 

I was wondering why until I checked my clothing!  My boots scarf,expo coat took about 13% damage. My bunny gloves took about 10% but my snow pants took 32% damage!  That seemed pretty high to me but I'm not that experienced with wolf attacks (yet!😁) .  

So for now I'm fixing up my gear and getting ready to settle down for the night!  Hope there's an aurora , not only to watch but to test the wolves as well!  

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I'm also kind of thinking that this experiment has just about reached its end! There doesn't seem much left to try!  I'll make the wolf coat and maybe try the moose cloak . After that  there's nothing more to do! 

I'll keep you posted but less often than I do now!

Edited by Leeanda
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Congratulations on another successful mauling 🎉🎉🍻 Quite a few wolves around that area, forever a deer or two being munched on. I've always shot them dead from a long distance because I'm overly paranoid of going anywhere near them 😱 Sounds like he enjoyed your snow pants, perhaps you'd spilled some peach juice down them at some point 🤔 Wolves love their peaches 💪

Bet they also look quite fashionable with tears in, perhaps you can start a new clothing trend? Wolfenfeatures' ears perked up to the point he almost singed them with his crimpers.

Any glimpses of the white wolf? Asking for a friend 🐺

And don't stop now, I'm enjoying your tales from Great Bear Island 😻

Edited by Matt Lomax
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20 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

I'm also kind of thinking that this experiment has just about reached its end! There doesn't seem much left to try!  I'll make the wolf coat and maybe try the moose cloak . After that  there's nothing more to do! 

I'll keep you posted but less often than I do now!

Job well done!!!  Intereesting thread to read as well.

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17 minutes ago, Matt Lomax said:

Congratulations on another successful mauling 🎉🎉🍻 Quite a few wolves around that area, forever a deer or two being munched on. I've always shot them dead from a long distance because I'm overly paranoid of going anywhere near them 😱 Sounds like he enjoyed your snow pants, perhaps you'd spilled some peach juice down them at some point 🤔 Wolves love their peaches 💪

Bet they also look quite fashionable with tears in, perhaps you can start a new clothing trend? Wolfenfeatures' ears perked up to the point he almost singed them with his crimpers.

Any glimpses of the white wolf? Asking for a friend 🐺

And don't stop now, I'm enjoying your tales from Great Bear Island 😻

Thanks! Can't beat a good mauling on a snowy winters night! Who needs pants when it's a balmy  -8c😂

I can image it's not that easy on the harder difficulties! There always seems to be a few round that lake!. 

Perhaps gizmo and Mr Wolfenstein can go into Business together?😃 

Sorry friend but the white wolf is curing at pv farm!😭

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1 minute ago, Leeanda said:

Thanks! Can't beat a good mauling on a snowy winters night! Who needs pants when it's a balmy  -8c😂

I can image it's not that easy on the harder difficulties! There always seems to be a few round that lake!. 

Perhaps gizmo and Mr Wolfenstein can go into Business together?😃 

Sorry friend but the white wolf is curing at pv farm!😭

Indeed, that's always been my excuse 💪😄 And you can't, um, judge a man in those temperatures ... Just saying 😬😄

I play on custom so I've no idea what it's comparable to. I just go with it and hope for the best 🤦

Haha! I would propose the business venture but he's playing 'Cry Wolf' on repeat and howling ... He didn't take the white wolf thing very well 😭

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🤣🤣🤣🤣 if it's any consolation, I'll be using that hide to see if I can get mauled ! Hopefully  it'll work!  

Well considering how long your run is you seem to be going with it very well! 😃 

And I never judge a man by his measure! So to speak!😃

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1 minute ago, Leeanda said:

🤣🤣🤣🤣 if it's any consolation, I'll be using that hide to see if I can get mauled ! Hopefully  it'll work!  

Well considering how long your run is you seem to be going with it very well! 😃 

And I never judge a man by his measure! So to speak!😃

Haha! You'll have to drop some fresh meat to lure the bearded warriors in then hassle them whilst they're munching 💪 Though they may be more terrified of you after taking down the ghost wolf 🐺

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25 minutes ago, Matt Lomax said:

Haha! You'll have to drop some fresh meat to lure the bearded warriors in then hassle them whilst they're munching 💪 Though they may be more terrified of you after taking down the ghost wolf 🐺


Actually I thought about doing that! I used to drop meat on an old custom run to stop them disappearing on me!  Then sit in a good sniper position and wait! Takes a while but it worked! 

Whether it still does or not I don't know! Might give it a try tomorrow! 

It might even work better if we could lug deer carcasses around and drop them where we want!

 I should be the terrified one! They have really stinky breath!😃

Edited by Leeanda
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1 hour ago, Leeanda said:


Actually I thought about doing that! I used to drop meat on an old custom run to stop them disappearing on me!  Then sit in a good sniper position and wait! Takes a while but it worked! 

Whether it still does or not I don't know! Might give it a try tomorrow! 

It might even work better if we could lug deer carcasses around and drop them where we want!

 I should be the terrified one! They have really stinky breath!😃

Worth a shot, pardon the pun. Let me know if it works. Haven't tried it myself for yonks.

Wheelbarrows, that's what we need to stick deer in. Could tie a wolf to the front and use it as a sled when not loaded with carcasses 💪😄

And stop smooching with the pooches ... Failing that, breath mints 🐺

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1 minute ago, Matt Lomax said:

Worth a shot, pardon the pun. Let me know if it works. Haven't tried it myself for yonks.

Wheelbarrows, that's what we need to stick deer in. Could tie a wolf to the front and use it as a sled when not loaded with carcasses 💪😄

And stop smooching with the pooches ... Failing that, breath mints 🐺

There are lots of wheelbarrows lying around , pity we just can't use them !they'd come in very handy! Deer,sticks, dog food,fish, even feathers!😀 

Lol! Those wolves  owe us for all the pants they've ripped! Least they could do is pull the sled!

I can just imagine a wolf sucking a mint! 😂

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4 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

There are lots of wheelbarrows lying around , pity we just can't use them !they'd come in very handy! Deer,sticks, dog food,fish, even feathers!😀 

Lol! Those wolves  owe us for all the pants they've ripped! Least they could do is pull the sled!

I can just imagine a wolf sucking a mint! 😂

Haha well they're already having cigarettes so why not breath mints! 

Edit, as a master t-wolf musher, I can say they are a pain with pulling sleds, constantly running after deer and anything that moves. Not worth the hassle, though a normal wolf may be more well behaved?

Edited by Catlover
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3 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

There are lots of wheelbarrows lying around , pity we just can't use them !they'd come in very handy! Deer,sticks, dog food,fish, even feathers!😀 

Lol! Those wolves  owe us for all the pants they've ripped! Least they could do is pull the sled!

I can just imagine a wolf sucking a mint! 😂

Definitely, be able to push my baldy bear biking buddies around when they get a puncture. Would be cool, though, using stuff like that practically.

Wolfenfeatures loves mints, forever crunching them whilst sorting his ruffles 😄

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7 minutes ago, Matt Lomax said:

Definitely, be able to push my baldy bear biking buddies around when they get a puncture. Would be cool, though, using stuff like that practically.

Wolfenfeatures loves mints, forever crunching them whilst sorting his ruffles 😄

I know! So many useful things lying around that in reality could probably be used to escape the island! 

Cue Mcgyver or the A team!☺ 

Wolfie wants a kiss then?😀

13 minutes ago, Catlover said:

Haha well they're already having cigarettes so why not breath mints! 

Edit, as a master t-wolf musher, I can say they are a pain with pulling sleds, constantly running after deer and anything that moves. Not worth the hassle, though a normal wolf may be more well behaved?

Lol!  Those t wolves are kinda erratic ! I should know I've spent ages chasing the dopey things!

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Well 1 out of  3 attempts succeeded!🙂  Back in the birch area  in TWM thought I'd try my luck! The first two attempts were unsuccessful, but I think I was too far to the side of it! However on the third try I thought it was going to run off so I was a little bit slower to react.  

Took very little damage , surprisingly. No medicine again! But my clothes took a bit of a beating!  30% damage to the gloves and moose satchel! 20% to the scarf and expo coat ,35% to boots and  50% to the snow pants.  Had to shoot some rabbits for the hides and I needed some bow practice anyway!  Then I noticed the bow was going to break soon so went up to the transition cave area to look for maple saplings as I'd seen them there on other runs!  When I got back to the hut I found the wolf from yesterday practically lying outside the door. Lucky as food supplies were running low!  Now I'm just passing time waiting for things to cure and the weather to clear! There's a moose I need to kill  too!  Purely for the food and hide of course!😁

Edited by Leeanda
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Some pretty hefty damage, they clearly enjoy chomping on your clothing. Good work with the mauling though, and how considerate it chose to die outside the hut. Very thoughtful 🐺 Helps not having to lug bags of meat about, despite that it can be a decent workout. Wolfy's Keep Fit Classes for Women are also worth attending 💪

They really do enjoy munching snow pants 🤔

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6 minutes ago, Matt Lomax said:

Some pretty hefty damage, they clearly enjoy chomping on your clothing. Good work with the mauling though, and how considerate it chose to die outside the hut. Very thoughtful 🐺 Helps not having to lug bags of meat about, despite that it can be a decent workout. Wolfy's Keep Fit Classes for Women are also worth attending 💪

They really do enjoy munching snow pants 🤔

They really are addicted to snow pants ! Must be my new meaty scented wash powder! 🙂   Wouldn't mind but I'd just mended everything too!  Got to kill quite a few bunnies too ,to keep up with all the damage they're getting! Poor bunnies. 

Think I might need those classes! Everything can outrun me ,even the corpses can vanish in the blink of an eye.😁

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1 minute ago, Leeanda said:

They really are addicted to snow pants ! Must be my new meaty scented wash powder! 🙂   Wouldn't mind but I'd just mended everything too!  Got to kill quite a few bunnies too ,to keep up with all the damage they're getting! Poor bunnies. 

Think I might need those classes! Everything can outrun me ,even the corpses can vanish in the blink of an eye.😁

Haha! Typical, isn't it? I know how it is having all animal clothing, forever hunting to repair them. My snares get a lot of use 💪

😂 Worth popping in to see Wolfenfeatures in his pink leotard and headband 😻 Wonder where the corpses wander off to? Might be a pub we have yet to discover packed to the rafters with the undead. 👍

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10 minutes ago, Matt Lomax said:

Haha! Typical, isn't it? I know how it is having all animal clothing, forever hunting to repair them. My snares get a lot of use 💪

😂 Worth popping in to see Wolfenfeatures in his pink leotard and headband 😻 Wonder where the corpses wander off to? Might be a pub we have yet to discover packed to the rafters with the undead. 👍

Haha well that would be a lovely sight 🤔😂

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