Dying without blood loss?


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Blood trail (and tracks) persistence has been a sore point about hunting.  I (in Pilgrim) have shot deer and wolves in Broken Railroad then went determinedly on their trail.  From an initial blood trail, I have seen it peter out unaccountably.  Sometimes the tracks persist, sometimes the blood drops persist, and there were times when both didn't.  The fact that they will just disappear (right in front of my eyes while I am tracking) especially once the animal dies did not help.  If not for Broken Railroad being a rather limited area, around the lake, I might not have found the animal carcass.

But I have not had a wounded animal from the git go not leave a blood spatter and blood trail. At least I don't remember that occurring in recent memory. 

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6 minutes ago, UTC-10 said:

Blood trail (and tracks) persistence has been a sore point about hunting.  I (in Pilgrim) have shot deer and wolves in Broken Railroad then went determinedly on their trail.  From an initial blood trail, I have seen it peter out unaccountably.  Sometimes the tracks persist, sometimes the blood drops persist, and there were times when both didn't.  The fact that they will just disappear (right in front of my eyes while I am tracking) especially once the animal dies did not help.  If not for Broken Railroad being a rather limited area, around the lake, I might not have found the animal carcass.

But I have not had a wounded animal from the git go not leave a blood spatter and blood trail. At least I don't remember that occurring in recent memory. 

I didn't think it was normal, rifle normally leaves a good sized splatter!   And I agree about the trails, so inconsistent.

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3 hours ago, Leeanda said:

I didn't think it was normal, rifle normally leaves a good sized splatter!   And I agree about the trails, so inconsistent.

I play stalker and have noticed that blood and foot tracks tend to disappear in both snowy and windy conditions.  Blood trails do seem to last longer than paw/hoof tracks but both so seem to get blown away or covered in snow during both weather conditions. 

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OK it happened again only this time it had a bit of a twist to it! Took a random shot,apparently hit in head area, it ran off so I went to find blood trail. None and no splatter either! Couldn't find bear so went to maintenance shed slept through blizzard for 12 hours. Went to lake in the morning and saw him wandering about but another blizzard came in so went back inside again. After  about 5-6 hrs  I went back to the lake and found him dead.

Could the weather affect how long it takes to die or has my game gone nuts?

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Your game has gone nuts 😁

I don't  think that bleed-out, at its worst, would last longer than eight hours but that would be only a guess on my part. 

One observation that might help would be to note whether the bear carcass was frozen or still freezing. If the bear spawned and died after the second blizzard, for example, when you came out of shelter, if the carcass was found fairly soon thereafter, it would have been still in the process of freezing.  If it died before you went into shelter, it would have been completely frozen by the time you came out. 

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22 minutes ago, UTC-10 said:

Your game has gone nuts 😁

I don't  think that bleed-out, at its worst, would last longer than eight hours but that would be only a guess on my part. 

One observation that might help would be to note whether the bear carcass was frozen or still freezing. If the bear spawned and died after the second blizzard, for example, when you came out of shelter, if the carcass was found fairly soon thereafter, it would have been still in the process of freezing.  If it died before you went into shelter, it would have been completely frozen by the time you came out. 

Actually not sure if fresh or starting to freeze, but definitely not frozen! I found it more or less straightaway after leaving shed! 

Still unclear why no blood and it took 1.5 days to die though!

Cos I couldn't see it very well  I thought I'd missed but NY son said it definitely was a headshot!

Perplexed is not the word!😁

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Might keep the condition of the carcass - frozen or freezing, if so, how much freezing - in mind as that tells you when the animal died.  Not super important but it will give you an idea of when it died.  This applies to snared rabbits, bleeding out deer and wolves, as well. 

Anyway, the game is messing with your mind.  Take care.  🙂

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14 minutes ago, UTC-10 said:

Might keep the condition of the carcass - frozen or freezing, if so, how much freezing - in mind as that tells you when the animal died.  Not super important but it will give you an idea of when it died.  This applies to snared rabbits, bleeding out deer and wolves, as well. 

Anyway, the game is messing with your mind.  Take care.  🙂

Astrid didn't make it so I shall see what happens on the new save!  Tis a curious thing indeed ! The more I play the weirder it gets!🤔

Many thanks all for info!  And look after yourselves!

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