Prompt after eating canned foods


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It would be a very nice quality of life update to give players an item pickup prompt to choose whether they want to keep the can after eating canned foods. I find myself often carrying several empty cans with me because the cans go directly to your backpack after eating canned foods. This would stop that.

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To be honest, I dont agree. From my point of view, it would be better if the recycled can just goes straight into your inventory. But I can see how that would be a matter of perspective. I dont usually eat a lot of canned food, I keep it around for traveling... 

A solution would be if the cans worked similarly to reloading weapons, with casings. The recycled can could just be dropped to the ground after the canned food is eaten. Then it can be picked up, but does not have to be. Provides some immersion to the game as well - some people would litter, others would pick up the cans after them and carry them away. 

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On 2/6/2021 at 2:59 AM, ManicManiac said:

For those who simply don't like having a large number of recycled cans... if we "smash" open cans, after we consume the food inside no recycled can results.  The smashed can is effectively "ruined" and de-spawns.

This option becomes available when we don't have a can opener, axe, or knife in our inventory.

So when we don't want to accumulate a recycled can, we don't have to.


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