Weather seasons with possible summer mainland expedition


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At least for me, The Long Dark refers to the electronic blackout. It being winter seems like more part of the challenge and mood of the game. So it would be fun if the seasons changed every 80-100 days or so. It would also be fun to be able to research and plan for an expedition to the "mainland", perhaps something only possible in the summer and by sea demanding a lot of both resources and advanced skills? The story mode refers to the shores being sort of the rescue plan for the people after all.

Edited by upnorth
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Though this seems interesting, I do not really agree with your suggestion. 

First, an expedition to the mainland sounds similar to a way of 'winning' the game, and one aspect that many players of TLD like, is the fact that there is no way to win. No matter what, your character is always going to die. 

Second, the season changes would probably mean a lot of hard work for the devs. I wouldn't know, however, having never made a game, though I would expect adding more seasons not being easy. 

Third, also about the seasons. Everything has been made around winter, making everything cold, barren and isolated. Adding in more seasons, I feel, would take the bleak wintery feel, that I expect most players like, and get rid of it by adding in summer and winter.

That being said, I do quite like the idea of seasons and such, but I simply don't think that such changes would suit TLD

Although, this is simply my opinion, and so feel free to take it with a grain of salt! I just thought that I'd share what I thought about it.

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It's a pretty crazy idea for sure, but I like the story driven parts too and not just surviving with control. Perhaps it doesn't have to be in the summer, but if they want a second story after Wintermute it would be pretty cool to play both characters getting home from Perseverance Mills (assuming they survive it) :)

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It is because of the geomagnetic disaster happened that the endless winter is a direct result. How and why it happened is still a mystery.  In order to get to a better climate, you'd have to leave Great Bear Island.  I know it seems like something cool, but I don't personally think this will ever be a part of this game.  Remember: The story mode is not yet finished and we do not know what's coming.  Let them finish the story first, and let the devs come up with what to do next. Perhaps leaving GBI is part of it, perhaps not. We will see.

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If I could pull out my crystal ball...  I think, TLD2 will be a continuation of the story after CH5 of TLD is all wrapped up.

 Since, I’m on it and have no real or official information, allow me speculate wildly!  I’m thinking most of the ideas in this wish list aren’t actually being looked at to implement into TLD; they are primarily for THL2.  Based on nothing but hope, I think seasons and a more complex survival game will be coming next.  And why not?  A deep, complex, non-zombie, non-cannibal survival game would unique and awesome!  If I’m completely wrong, I’ll be hanging out till it’s obvious it is not coming, and play a more immersive, more realistic survival if and when someone else makes it.  Either way, I can’t lose.

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11 hours ago, wilsonaka said:

It is because of the geomagnetic disaster happened that the endless winter is a direct result. How and why it happened is still a mystery.  In order to get to a better climate, you'd have to leave Great Bear Island.  I know it seems like something cool, but I don't personally think this will ever be a part of this game.  Remember: The story mode is not yet finished and we do not know what's coming.  Let them finish the story first, and let the devs come up with what to do next. Perhaps leaving GBI is part of it, perhaps not. We will see.

Interesting, not just knocking out electronics but disturbing the entire magnetic field of Earth? Well, I think the player should be able to figure out what happened somehow. Either by contacting or traveling to the main land. Or being able to go back in time before the event. Go on missions with Mackenzie and Astrid when they were working together.

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