Connection Map - Help Needed


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You have the connections mostly correct (one omission, noted at the end), but I think the placement for the FT regions is inaccurate. You should bring Forsaken Airfield down a bit and place Sundered Pass roughly where you have the cave system marked right now, with its path connecting to Transfer Pass running sorta inside the boundary set by the Mountain Road trail, and then replace the cave system somewhere between all three FT regions.

Oh, and that omission - you've also left out the connection from Keeper's Pass North to Blackrock. Otherwise, looking good.

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2 hours ago, artmunki said:

You have the connections mostly correct (one omission, noted at the end), but I think the placement for the FT regions is inaccurate. You should bring Forsaken Airfield down a bit and place Sundered Pass roughly where you have the cave system marked right now, with its path connecting to Transfer Pass running sorta inside the boundary set by the Mountain Road trail, and then replace the cave system somewhere between all three FT regions.

Oh, and that omission - you've also left out the connection from Keeper's Pass North to Blackrock. Otherwise, looking good.

Good catch. Miro went bonkers & deleted some of my lines. I'll fix! 



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8 minutes ago, Sherri said:

@artmunki How's this?


Aye, looks about right to me. Not really where I was thinking of for the cave tbh, but your placement actually makes more sense than what I'd pictured - makes it totally clear the the cave system can only be reached from the three FT regions, and that it connects all of them. And y'know what else, that I totally didn't think of before - adding it like a transition region is actually kinda spot on, cuz that's kinda what it is. And its full map size would probably compare with most of the transition regions too, if we could map caves. Extra good thinking!

Now we just gotta wait & see where Perseverance Mills is gonna go, and it'll be all done.  ^_^

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I'm having a really hard time figuring out the position of the Far Range regions relative to each other. No matter what I do I end up with crossed lines. I'm trying to have the lines come out in the approximate location N/S/E/W that the entrance to the region appears on the map. Without an updated map of all of Great Bear... I just don't have a good grasp on the big picture layout.

Feedback welcome!

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8 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

I see what you's the cave system that's throwing it out... Maybe put it just below sundered pass in the middle of all three maps

Ok, then I get this with a crossing line. Not terrible... but I feel like I'm not getting something. lol


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Just now, Sherri said:

Ok, then I get this with a crossing line. Not terrible... but I feel like I'm not getting something. lol


It's definitely the cave messing with us... It's not you...  😊.  Everything looks ok to me though... 

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7 hours ago, Sherri said:

Ok, then I get this with a crossing line. Not terrible... but I feel like I'm not getting something. lol

The solution to your confusion is pretty simple really, and Leeanda nailed it ...

7 hours ago, Leeanda said:

It's definitely the cave messing with us... It's not you...  😊.

The simple part is, your map's 2D, but GBI isn't, and transit caves just make that even more complex. Sure, there are plenty of other internal caves among the many regions of the island, and some of them even provide transitions between other regions, but adding the FT cave system as a transition region in its own right (which I still think is absolutely on the money) is sorta breaking the continuity of the rest of your map's regions, as all of the others are surface regions.

I don't think it's actually a problem with this map as such, but if it's really bothering you, perhaps you could make the connection paths from the cave system like dotted lines or greyed-out or something, to denote that they're subterranean connections. And if you decide to go that way, maybe you could do the same for the other region transitions that go through caves and mines too, so you're consistently giving more information all round. And there's quite a few connections that fit that description when you actually think about it ... FM/BI, MT/HRV, WR/PV, PV/CH, OIC/DP, BRP/TWM, KPs/KPn, and technically one of two connections between TWM/AC. Your map is intentionally simplified anyway, but an indication of the parts of the map that are underground might be just what you need to ease that niggling voice telling you that you're missing something.  ^_^

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