Suggestion for additional survival mode items


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I'm enjoying the game. It is very realistic. I have a few suggestions for changes that can be implemented to increase the versatility of the game and allow players to craft a more personalized gaming experience.

Add alcohol as an in-game item. Here are my suggestions for use, effects, etc.

- Alcohol (object design glass bottle) can be discovered and used as a multi-purpose item (unlockable after surviving 72 hours in-game). In real life, alcohol can be consumed, but also used as a disinfectant in an emergency or accelerant. Alcohol also acts as a vasodilator and can make people feel warmer.

- Craftable: alcohol can be used for a new craftable item, the molotov. The molotov can be crafted anywhere as long as the player has .20L of alcohol and 1 bandage (takes 5 minutes to craft). Can be equipped and be thrown like flares or torches and has a medium area of effect (size of an area rug). Player must have a firestarter item in their inventory to ignite molotov before throwing (wind/blizzard conditions will reduce ability to ignite molotovs). Creates a fire outbreak upon impact that lasts for 15 minutes. The fire outbreak will deter animals from approaching, but if the animal or player gets too close, they can receive burn wounds. Can inflict burn wounds on wildlife in or near the AOE and results in 3 degrees of damage.

1: light burns - animal has light burns and becomes scared. Flees momentarily, but may return to attack again (effective range is within 1 meter of AOE zone).

2: stinging burns  - animal has medium burns that  reduce mobility and render it immobile for 1-3 minutes, giving the player the opportunity to escape or inflict a mortal wound on animal (effective range is at the edge of the AOE zone).

3: severe burns - animal has severe burns, which result in immediate death. However, severe burns will give the animal the status effect singed fur, rendering animal pelts unusable and player will not have the option to harvest the pelt, but can still harvest meat and guts (effective range center of AOE zone). 

- First aid: alcohol can be used to disinfection wounds from animal bites, but has a 30% of failure. Alcohol can also be used in place of pain killers to reduce pain. However, when alcohol is used in place of typical first aid items, the player obtains the following status effect:

1.  warming buzz - Player's temperature meter will decay at a lower rate (- 40%) for 1 hour and have reduced onset of frostbite and hypothermia risk for 1 hour. However, the player will also become slightly intoxicated, resulting is reduced mobility and blurred vision for 30 minutes.

- Consumable - alcohol is a consumable item that will slightly decrease your thirst meter, slightly increase your fatigue meter, and have no effect on the hunger meter. Consuming alcohol will give player the warming buzz status effect. Alcohol, if consumed after player has ingested a moldy food item (or a food item with 30% or lower decay rate) will give the player a 40% chance to obtain the status effect sterilizing agent, which will reduce the chance of acquiring the food poisoning affliction by 100% (has no affect if player already has food poisoning affliction).

Add a compass as an in-game item. The compass can serve as a navigation item (unlockable after surviving 120 hours). Here are my suggestions for use.

The compass is a tool that will help players navigate through the game once they have been able to make detailed maps via surveying. The compass tool, when equipped, will add a small compass needle icon to the HUD. The player, if they have surveyed and created a map, can open their map and set a map marker to any discovered location on the map. Then the compass icon will have a red needle point in the direction of the marked location. This will help players navigate through blizzards or at night, when visibility is lowest and allow them to conserve lighting resources. The compass should have a low decay rate, as they normally do not experience a lot of wear and tear in real life, but in turn, be an item that can't be repaired to increase item condition. The compass can be equipped at night if moonlight is present, but can't be equipped during an aurora event, as there would be magnetic interference. The compass also can't be equipped in dark, unlit spaces such as caves or trailers.

Edited by panda_gamer87
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Just now, panda_gamer87 said:

- Alcohol (object design glass bottle) can be discovered and used as a multi-purpose item (unlockable after surviving 72 hours in-game). In real life, alcohol can be consumed, but also used as a disinfectant in an emergency or accelerant. Alcohol also acts as a vasodilator and can make people feel warmer.

it has been discussed a million times :) , alcohol dont make you feel warmer etc etc... people dont want it in the game and we have plenty of things to dinsinfect out wounds... it think that heal an infection would be less painful than making it disapear with "drinkable alcohol" as you describe it.

the cocktail molotov though i would apreciate it but it should be craftable out of alcohol we already have in the game it is not useful to add useless items.

the thing about unlocking things after a certain amout of day is not a the long dark thing every items are available at anytime and it always have been. also adding a compass would get you to always look at your compass to know where you are and not look at the world (as i did with maps while i started playing) and i dont think it has its place in the game as it is an exploration game... besides that the compass wouldnt event work as the world has suffered from many geomagnetic storms.

Edited by oplli
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18 hours ago, oplli said:

it has been discussed a million times :) , alcohol dont make you feel warmer etc etc... people dont want it in the game and we have plenty of things to dinsinfect out wounds... it think that heal an infection would be less painful than making it disapear with "drinkable alcohol" as you describe it.

the cocktail molotov though i would apreciate it but it should be craftable out of alcohol we already have in the game it is not useful to add useless items.

the thing about unlocking things after a certain amout of day is not a the long dark thing every items are available at anytime and it always have been. also adding a compass would get you to always look at your compass to know where you are and not look at the world (as i did with maps while i started playing) and i dont think it has its place in the game as it is an exploration game... besides that the compass wouldnt event work as the world has suffered from many geomagnetic storms.

The disinfectant found in the game (basically peroxide) is indeed flammable. Alcohol containing compounds, whether it be ethyl, methyl, or isopropyl alcohol are flammable, but wouldn't produce the intense temperatures you'd need for a successful and powerful molotov bomb. It would be unreasonable  (if you were going for accuracy) to have a molotov bomb be a craftable item with just peroxide. Other survival games on the market do have molotov craftables, but they require liquor (not peroxide) to craft the item. It would reduce the realism of the game to make a molotov bomb craftable with peroxide.

The game already has disinfectants, so yes it is redundant to place alcohol in-game and allow it to be used as  a first aid item. However, the purpose of allowing alcohol to be used as a first aid item would be to introduce the new status effects that I mentioned. Whether or not alcohol actually makes you feel warmer isn't the issue. Essentially, we are talking about the placebo effect induced by consuming  alcohol. I made this suggestion, simply to aid a radical element to the game. 

Frankly, even if there are a lot of players are opposed to adding alcohol as an in-game item, there are players who support it. Players who oppose it could simply refrain from collecting alcohol and using it. But to then say you want to craft a molotov, but use peroxide instead of alcohol is an oxy moron. Peroxide has a 3% alcohol content and is mostly water. Most liquors have a 50% or higher alcohol content.  

Also, I didn't suggest the compass idea because I want players to become lazy and not enjoy the landscape. The game has a beautifully crafted environment. Of course people should enjoy it. The developers put a lot of work into making it. However, as I pointed out in my previous post, the compass icon on the HUD would help players when traveling at night or during blizzards. Also, as stated previously,  the compass would become more applicable if the player has done a lot of surveying and created detailed maps (wouldn't prevent players from examining the world) since in order to use the compass, they have to have a map with specified points.

Also, the compass would work in-game. Otherwise it doesn't make sense that planes can fly in story mode, but will crash during an aurora event. Why can planes fly at all if the Earth's magnetic fields are so unstable? The only reason the plane crashed is because it encountered an aurora event, so the compass idea is logical. Also, that's why I suggested the compass wouldn't be usable during an aurora event. There must be some timeframe when there is a stable magnetic field.

The suggestion I made about the items being unlockable after a certain period was only to counteract the fact that the 2 suggested items are so versatile. It is only a suggestion. The items could be available anytime just like other items. 

Edited by panda_gamer87
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