Better mapping + show position on map


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I tried mapping again after the update but its still super annoying and takes forver.

The area should be bigger when mapping + it would be nice if you could see where you are at on the map. The charakter we play clearly knows where he is while mapping, why not show it us? 

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That's what Polaroids are for - they can reveal about 50% of the region with a single surveying action.

The GPS arrow is already there in Wintermute. It makes sense there because story mode has a lot of handholding to help new players  and the whole map is already revealed to you from the beginning.

But for survival mode? Doesn't make sense when the whole point of the mode is to survive as long as you can, and getting lost is something that you can never experience again once you know the regions like the back of your hand so cherish while it lasts. Besides, what's the point of the arrow when the whole map is just pitch black until you survey it anyway?

Edited by gotmilkanot
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The higher the ground you are on, the more open the viewing space, and you'll map a wider area. Find polaroids  and it will reveal A LOT of the map. In regards to showing position, that is up to you, as the guy without a compass & no GPS system, to figure out. No hand holding; survive. 


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2 hours ago, gotmilkanot said:

Besides, what's the point of the arrow when the whole map is just pitch black until you survey it anyway?

When you map the charakter reveals the exact position on the pitch black map, which means he clearly knows where he is right now. Why hide this information from us? 


25 minutes ago, SirSharper said:

The higher the ground you are on, the more open the viewing space, and you'll map a wider area. 

The area is still small. Try the outlook on CH, the revealed area is super small even if its the highest spot on the map. 

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6 minutes ago, hipsu555 said:

When you map the charakter reveals the exact position on the pitch black map, which means he clearly knows where he is right now. Why hide this information from us? 


The area is still small. Try the outlook on CH, the revealed area is super small even if its the highest spot on the map. 

It's not an issue i think should be addressed. (opinion of course) 

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43 minutes ago, hipsu555 said:

When you map the charakter reveals the exact position on the pitch black map, which means he clearly knows where he is right now. Why hide this information from us? 


The area is still small. Try the outlook on CH, the revealed area is super small even if its the highest spot on the map. 

You just gave a solution to your own problem - don't know where you are? Just do a mapping action and it'll reveal your current location. Keep a charcoal or two if you do get lost frequently.

Again, that's what Polaroids are for. If you have the polaroid for Abandoned Lookout Vista in CH, you can almost reveal the entire CH in one single mapping action. You may say you still need to find the polaroid in the first place - yes, you do. That's the solution to your issue and you gotta accept that you're not always going to be spoon fed.

Edited by gotmilkanot
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1 hour ago, gotmilkanot said:

You just gave a solution to your own problem - don't know where you are? Just do a mapping action and it'll reveal your current location. Keep a charcoal or two if you do get lost frequently.

I have 250+ hours in the game and know all maps. I just want to make the map more useful, especially for new players.
Even after the update the map dosnt get used much (see survey in steamforum), if it actually shows the position this would help alot. 

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I'm with @SirSharper and @gotmilkanot,

I am not in favor of the idea at all (for reasons I've also mentioned in previous threads): 

On 4/11/2020 at 11:53 PM, ManicManiac said:

I find that if referenced properly, the current charcoal maps are both accurate and very useful.  I don't see anything "ambiguous" about it at all.
I don't think we need a "GPS" marker hand holding players to tell them their precise location or provide them with grid coordinates! :D

I'd argue, those kinds of things would be horrible for the Survival Sandbox experience.   The "GPS" tag that magically floating around our map in Story Mode is bad enough in my opinion.  I wouldn't want any such thing to be implemented in Survival.  I say the charcoal maps (and associated mechanics - by and large) are fine as is.

On 5/9/2020 at 2:53 AM, ManicManiac said:

I don't think "GPS-like" map markers or a compass are needed at all in this game, and I prefer the challenge that comes inherent from having to learn to orient one's self without those kinds of things.

On 1/27/2020 at 4:36 AM, ManicManiac said:

GPS marker... that's available in story mode, but that's not something that was ever intended to be in the sandbox.  Getting lost and learning to navigate to find your way is part of that experience.

So when folks say "better mapping," it kind of sounds like what is really being asked for is an easy map that's just provided for the player and a GeoLoc tag...  I think that would take away so much of what makes this game wonderful.  Navigation is not complicated in this game, it just requires the player to pay attention to their surroundings (and I'd say that's kind of a core theme of the game itself).

No thank you, I am not in favor of this idea.

The Fearless Navigator update, already made mapping a lot easier and added more features to the mapping functions/mechanics... without compromising the need for the player to have to pay attention to their surroundings and to learn/use only the most basic orienteering principles. 


57 minutes ago, hipsu555 said:

I have 250+ hours in the game

:D  Since you brought it up...   I have about 1,500 hours in the game.

I'm not sure what the point of bringing that up was.
I don't think it has any bearing on the topic being discussed (I also don't I think it's an effective way to try and justify an idea).

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I don't really have any strong feelings about the mapping system in TLD. I wish it were somehow, for me, worth using though. It's just a part of the game I never interact with because it never has a payoff for me. I don't know how this could be solved though.

I think what might be interesting is if the whole map was just visible right from the start. Would I use it then? If the answer is yes then the current system could be saved....but if not then the map as it is is just useless for me, at least with how the game is currently.

Perhaps if resources were more scarce maps might be more beneficial? I know they point out resources but if you have enough anyways then it doesn't matter if you miss that one deer carcass.


Anyways I am not the one who is working on the game so I will stop there.

Edited by odizzido
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