Feedback: Less wolves


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@Vince 49  I'll repeat myself too.  You don't need em.*  If a player wants them anyway, even just as a badge of achievement, then they can pay their dues in one of the preset difficulties.  You can get them all in one long game I think.**  Feats are allowed to be used in custom games once you have them, so - thanks for that AND custom settings, Hinterland.  

*Except Fire Master - It's worth however many hours you have to spend in whatever difficulty you have to use to get it.

** The downside (maybe) is, if a player isn't willing to have a go in at least one long trip through the Dark, then...🤷‍♂️

Edited by Screenshot Pilgrim
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On 7/12/2020 at 9:28 PM, ManicManiac said:

If a wolf does detect me and begins stalking me, (first and foremost) it's important for me to keep just keep a cool head.  I've found that I can let a wolf stalk me clear across a map without too much trouble.  If I'm not encumbered I can usually stay a fair clip ahead of the wolf for as long as I need to (even without running - since that will just cause the wolf to run in order to try and keep up with you) until I can find a way to shake it or duck into a shelter for cover.

This past year I finally caught wise to this! I noticed, even in stalker or hard-ish custom modes, if you calmly just keep moving and are in good condition you can make it a long way without the wolf actually attacking. This has saved me a lot of hassle. 

Also, it might be a bit cheap, but when I got a wolf following me and it's a ways back to shelter, if possible I'll carefully jump down some difficult terrain and then book it at the bottom. That usually shakes them.

Good list btw! Very helpful stuff in there!

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