How dirty is your monitor screen?


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I had to laugh at myself the other day whilst playing  in survival mode.  I was walking along the tracks in ML heading back to camp office from FM, as I kept noticing these far away looking dark spots doting the landscape.  It was difficult to discern what I was looking at, was it a wolf?  was it a rock?  Some new part of the landscape that I haven't seen yet?   Maybe it was the lighting and the grey overcast morning being depicted was contributing to my visual confusion?


wasn't until I got to the open area by camp office and suddenly the sun came out and the world was brighter and the glare was dazzling.  I stopped to blink my eyes as the sheer sudden brightness on my monitor blinded me to the point my eyes actually hurt from the glare.  

that's when I noticed that the "black spots" in the landscape were actually bits of dirt and dust that had accumulated on face of my monitor's screen...


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42 minutes ago, MrWolf said:

Ha, yes, many times I've wondered what on earth is that thing in the distance moving over the landscape so quickly then I realize it's something on my monitor.  

right?  suddenly the trio of spots that looked like a roving wolf pack have miraculously disappeared!

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