Valuable Hunting Knife

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So, Raph has mentioned on twitter that a stand alone DLC based on the Franklin expedition is a possibility.  Jumping massively ahead and assuming this happens and is a huge success (and why wouldn't it be?!), what other DLC scenarios would people like to see based on the current game engine?

I'd be well up for a 'golden age of Antarctic exploration' type thing.  You start at the coast with finite supplies, build a base, then pack up some supplies and send a team out to lay depots.  then you over winter (possibly with scientific based side quests/ mini trips), and then send a team to the target destination and back.  you have a rough (but not guaranteed) idea of weather at various times of the year, you can supplement limited 'real world' supplies with fish, seal etc., and can end up with decisions such as whether to ditch an ailing colleague, take the quick route across the icefield to the depot or not, sit out a storm in your tent with dwindling supplies, eat you last dogs and haul your sled the last 100 miles etc.

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Guest jeffpeng

First thing I hear about that Franklin Expedition scenario. I would be pretty thrilled about that. I love "The Terror" despite being one of the hardest shows I ever watched.

Personally I would love to see the entire Aurora story looked at from another angle. Another location, other people, other challenges. I know it's not entirely clear if the Aurora event was global, but assuming it is, why not set concurrent events in like sub-arctic parts of Siberia? Decaying industries from the time of the Soviet Union, abandoned cities, vast forest areas, rich wildlife, an abandoned missle site, and whatever you think about Russias current political stance, it has a rich culture with many things to explore.

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I would be wary of a Franklin Expedition DLC.  I've read 'The Man Who Ate His Boots' by Anthony Brandt and 'Erebus' by Micheal Palin, which are both fine non-fiction accounts.  Now that the wrecks of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror have been located, there's renewed hope for more pieces of the true story to be told eventually.   Another fiction based on those events?  😬  I know.  Why not both?  Okay, but it would be a tough one in my view.  I've not read any twitter stuff, so if I'm way off base assuming it would be fictional, then my bad.  I would of course be open to seeing the results of any attempt.

For my DLC money -" Voyage to the Mainland".   From Great Bear in a crafted/repaired conveyance.  A boat seems a likely choice, but maybe a hot air balloon?   

I've also read 'The Terror' by Dan Simmons which I thought was good fiction, if a bit too long.  I liked the series as well.  The set details of the ships were masterful.

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34 minutes ago, Screenshot Pilgrim said:

For my DLC money -" Voyage to the Mainland".   From Great Bear in a crafted/repaired conveyance.  A boat seems a likely choice, but maybe a hot air balloon?   

Mine would be "Early Release".  A prisoner from the Blackrock transport bus. Yeah, you've done some bad...do you continue, or do you make an attempt to atone?  Could tell Astrid's story in Milton in a little greater detail.  Or perhaps he was towards the front of the bus during the tunnel collapse, and never met Astrid at all.

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assuming that Hinterland like setting things in Canada, and the Franklin DLC goes ahead and does well, this may bring the option to do stuff with more NPCs and also playing about with historic periods...


A DLC where you assume the role of an 18th C voyageur could be really fun- you can choose missions such as delivering cargo, fulfilling quotas of pelts, or trading with indigenous communities etc., or just bumble about collecting loot to trade for basic manmade gear at a nearby factory.  The option to build your own cabin would top it off!

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On 3/12/2020 at 8:24 PM, Valuable Hunting Knife said:

So, Raph has mentioned on twitter that a stand alone DLC based on the Franklin expedition is a possibility.  Jumping massively ahead and assuming this happens and is a huge success (and why wouldn't it be?!), what other DLC scenarios would people like to see based on the current game engine?

I'd be well up for a 'golden age of Antarctic exploration' type thing.  You start at the coast with finite supplies, build a base, then pack up some supplies and send a team out to lay depots.  then you over winter (possibly with scientific based side quests/ mini trips), and then send a team to the target destination and back.  you have a rough (but not guaranteed) idea of weather at various times of the year, you can supplement limited 'real world' supplies with fish, seal etc., and can end up with decisions such as whether to ditch an ailing colleague, take the quick route across the icefield to the depot or not, sit out a storm in your tent with dwindling supplies, eat you last dogs and haul your sled the last 100 miles etc.

btw here's the tweet:

All this reading on the Erebus, watching The Terror, etc. is making me want to do a paid DLC pack for #thelongdark -- brutal survival, arctic exploration, mid-1800s, ship + crew, period dialogue + gear + clothing, crew morale, hidden dangers. Would anyone buy/play this?

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