Interloper is easy !


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Recently I was impressed when I read of the unbelievable achievements of some Interloper players.  I was also very sympathetic when I read one comment when someone reported that they were struggling to reach 10 days in Interloper.  So I decided to investigate.

Here is my new Interloper game on Day1.  This is my outfit.



Here is my equipment.



With a start like this I can hardly fail to achieve a 5,000 day Interloper game, if I had the time to play it.  I had a little help from one of the unofficial mods for TLD.


So far I have not been interested in using mods.  They make the game easy, make comparisons of achievements and difficulties meaningless.  I now understand and agree with Hinterland's attitude to mods.

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It's like a custom game, only it also removes the need to find certain stuff.  I don't really undderstand the attitude some players have that modding shouldd be OK, but playing in a custom game is "cheating" when it comes to grinding out feats.

I've seen requests for Hinterlands to add custom settings that enable players to control their starting gear.  It still doesn't change the grind nature of getting feats though.  This character would still have to actually start 1,000 fires, travel 1,000 kms while sprinting 50 of them, spend 20 days outside during blizzards, snaring 100 rabbits, etc... That is, the player still has to spend time in the game to earn them.  In the case of this mod thought, it makes the desire to obtain the feat rather meaningless since the perk it gives is totally unnecessary.  So, for feats, I absolutely have no problem with them staying active for this sort of game.

Achievements, which currently do stay active for custom games, I have no problem with Hinterlands making it such that those can only be obtained with an unmodded and non-custom game setting. 

However, I do still see the comparisons of difficulties already meaningless for this game.  Allowing modding would just re-inforce that meaningless-ness.  Interloper is different than stalker, more difficult in some ways and with certain playstyles than interloper.  In Pilgrim, killing wolves now is nigh on impossible and hunting large game like moose and bear can also be quite difficult since all these animals run the moment they detect the player.   Different custom settings can make the game more difficult in a variety of different ways.  It's not going to happen, but I still say we'd be better off eliminating the standard difficulties altogether.  At least the arguments here over it would have to stop.

Another thing:  Obviously, not supporting modding has not prevented modding from happening either.  What's a dev to do?

Edited by UpUpAway95
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