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Possible spoilers, don’t read further if you haven’t completed season 3 yet!


i need help with the task in the mines where you replace the fuses to get the elevator working. I swear I’m stuck at 2/3 of the fuses replaced. I cannot figure out how to get all 3! Does anyone have any tips for this part, I’m super confused. Thanks!

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1 hour ago, Bripea said:

Possible spoilers, don’t read further if you haven’t completed season 3 yet!


i need help with the task in the mines where you replace the fuses to get the elevator working. I swear I’m stuck at 2/3 of the fuses replaced. I cannot figure out how to get all 3! Does anyone have any tips for this part, I’m super confused. Thanks!

I had trouble with this too, remember that after you remove the fuses the water near them is "safe" except it's still really cold. Sorry I cant' help any more than that, i was super disoriented as well. 

Edited by MarrowStone
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There's no need to step into the water at all! Just take a good look around. Did you find the Bolt Cutters yet? Also double check all the seemingly dead ends, sometimes you need to crouch or squeeze around a corner to get to the next portion of the tunnel.

Ii took my forever as well, I must have spent 5 flares and two full refuel loads on my lantern to get my bearings and search all the tunnels. I quite enjoyed it, it felt real and slightly claustrophobic. Great atmosphere!

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