Recent update V1.6 - survival mode (spoiler)


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 I decided to visit PV with my long time survivor and see what's happened. Going down from TWM I checked my supplies at the bunker and saw the lost and found crate which contained some of my stuff which I have probably left on the floor. Thanks for that! However I see the meat I had stored on the floor was lost, but o.k. I'm in pilgrim mode so it's not that bad. Then I went in the direction of PV Farmstead. A plane went down at Skeeter's Ridge, the whole area has been a bit remodeled. Found a revolver in the basement there. Do not know if I missed it before. Once I have found the way to the crash site, there were a lot bodies and even more suitcases with clothing. Also a lot nice vegetarian food from board catering. Went on to PV Farmstead and saw what I already feared, all my hoarded meat was gone, but whatever I have new furiture to break down^°

Vegetarian food:


New mysterious plant 😉:


The case was empty for me:


Crash site:



Tomorrow I'm going to try visit the rural crossroads and signal hill.

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Oh, the plane is there in survival too. Interesting. I thought they may only add that in story mode. Not surprising that a plane went down there though. I always thought the area a bit ahead looked like something had cut through it

Other new things:

1.) A new small barn at the farmstead. And you can access the basement from the inside now. The farmstead also has a nice new roof inside that wasn't there before I think (look up when you're upstairs)

2.) A new small cabin near Point of Disagreement

3.) Some fences and road signs leading to Cinder Hills Coal Mine. Not so easy to miss now

4.) The cave at Misty Falls may have a small surprise if they kept the addition from story mode

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Just visited Misty Falls Cave, nice surprise indeed. Thanks for the tip!😀

By the way I have noticed that I can't run game into wolf anymore, at least not in front of Mountaneer's hut in TWMscreen_511c9062-85d7-41b4-ad69-49fe29350c54_hi.thumb.png.1e028e73b15b696dfd6d3a48de3d8261.png


Wolf keeps running after the game throughout the frozen lake and then they finally dissapear after running up the rocky hill on the right side of the second screenshot...Yesterday the wolf also was not able to get the game, they've run up the slope right of the rocky hill and run and run without getting anywhere. I had to help out with the revolver... anyone had similar experience?

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21 hours ago, Serenity said:

4.) The cave at Misty Falls may have a small surprise if they kept the addition from story mode

I discovered that little niche in ep3 but couldn't get behind the waterfall at the end.  In SM, I could and found a revolver and a box of ammo in the pack.

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