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Have well over 1500 hours in the game, have not played much in quite some time.

Question is.  Did the revolver being added change the rifle spawns? Used to be a rifle in the Radio control tower, seemed like every game. Either there or the farmhouse and you would have a rifle, have started a few games and checked for the rifle and have not found it either place.

Playing custom and do have the rifle availability turned on

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They may have tweaked the balance a little bit, but over all... I don't think they changed the spawns much at all.  I still find way more rifles and revolvers than I could ever possibly need.  :D

Specifically though, all the possible rifle locations are still valid... but as you probably know, it's randomized.  So where you find a rifle in one run, you may not find it there in another run...

Edited by ManicManiac
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From what I've played since the last update I think that the locations a rifle can spawn haven't really changed however they do spawn less frequently to balance the additional revolver spawns. Some common locations where a rifle may spawn may also contain a revolver spawn so a revolver may spawn instead.

It can certainly be frustrating in the early game when you've got your rifle but 5 boxes or revolver rounds.

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