Animals teleporting in 1.5?


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Are animals teleporting for anyone else? I was just playing and following a bleeding wolf and it teleported fairly far away multiple times. Then a bear teleported right infront of me and killed me. It could be a freak glitch, I have only really played one game so far. I am on version 1.5 and never had this issue in previous versions.

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it was happening to me a few times before the Steadfast Ranger update. 

I go on about it a bit and you can see the bear do it in this video of mine where I'm trying to lure in the bear with 3 stink bars.

It seemed to happen mostly when I looked away from him, definintely looks like they jump further along their path when you look away, I haven't noticed it all the time though but I have seen it in other peoples videos too.

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I've also had a bear doing some weird stuff when I entered and exited an interior a couple of times with the bear fairly nearby. It looked stuck a few times, at least once its position abrubtly jumped by a few meters. I chalked this up to the game having to decide whether to keep the spawn radius as I exit an interiour or actually simulate the bear outside while I'm in for a few seconds but maybe it's related. I haven't noticed this ever before.

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