Add bones animal statuettes ?


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Some time ago I thought: "What a pity, we can't harvest bones". Then, I searched a utility for bones and I thought of bones statuettes (I'm surprised, "statuette" is a french word^_^). But a logic TLD player doesn't lose time at crafting decorative statuettes, and for the utility of these statuettes, with this dear @SneakySquid, we thought that they could increase the wildlife respawn rate ( and,  for sure, there also are a trophies). Yes it's a little bit mystic but, in TLD, there is Bear Spear, Old Bear that doesn’t shy bullets, Aurora which produce power and Methuselah is mystic too. You can harvest one bone for each carcass. Statuettes require a table of engraving (it's just flat stone). Tables of engraving can be found in a native village, in the region that @SneakySquid is going to make, the region of the first nations. I post the link when he'll have posts his region. We think a challenge involving statuettes will be great in this region. For this challenge, you start in a cave (not explorable) with a lot of little alcoves and you must craft 5 mooses and 5 bears statuettes, 25 wolfs and 25 deers statuettes and 30 rabbits statuettes. The difficulty is the same as Stalker.

Statuette:                                        Craft:                                                           Range:                                Tips:

Rabbit Statuette              1 rabbit bone, 1h, a knife                                  250 meters                    very useful with snares, more effective with 2 near rabbits spots

Deer Statuette                 1 deer bone, 1h30min, a knife                             400 meters                 if you are a good and quiet hunter (bow or rifle), this guarantees you plenty of food

Wolf Statuette                 1 wolf bone, 2h, a knife                                        750 meters                 ideal in interloper, with bow and decoys. But if you quit your safe zone, you can be in risk

Moose Statuette              1 moose bone, 2h30, a knife                             300 meters                    given the rarity of moose and the usefulness of its skin, this statuette is useful

Bear Statuette                 1 bear bone, 3h, a knife                                        15 meters                   you are obliged to put this statuette IN the bear den, but this statuette is great !

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Hello. Been a while.

Sorry guys, but this one is just outright strange. While it is true that there are some mysteries to the Great Bear, none of them are directly affected by the player. And they really shouldnt be... as that would outright kill the immersion, it would feel grossly unnatural. 

First of all, lets discuss the problem with bones. If you add bones into the game, you are opening the game to a range of other different uses for the bones - starting with bone tools and ending with bone marrow soup. While some could benefit the game, some could also just as easily affect the challenge level of the TLD. So I am not a particularly big fan of that, though we could probably try to figure out how to add the bones into the game without adding that negative inpact on the game.

Next, the properties of the statues. Cant be nothing mythical. I see three avenues they could go.

A - they would serve in the game as player-made landmarks for orientation. Which would mean they would also be a marker on the map, too. However, they would degrade like snow shelters, only very, very slowly, and they would have to be repaired.

B - they would be purely decorative. This may sound strange, but... not everything in TLD should always be just about survival - I think the immersion of the game would be increased if the game had some "bad" options too, tasks that waste the time of the survivor without bringing anything useful to the task. Just like in the real life. The decision to waste time on them would be up to player. This would feel more immersive as we would no longer have that feeling our survivor is a trained professional survivalist. Not sure this is, however, the way devs wanna go.

C - native canadian caribou hunting method. Some inuit tribes build statues that represent humans while hunting packs of caribou. The statues were build on ridges around the herd traveling path, and the hunters would scare the cariboues towards them, which were then scared by the statues and herded straight into the path of the real hunters, who were hidden, and could this way get within a spear distance of the caribou. I fully reccomend movie Snow walker (2003) which is really the closest movie to the TLD story line. If you watch the trailer, you can see this method in it at 1:42. (the end of the trailer)


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Guest kristaok

I wouldn't mind having some nice decorative bone statuettes... Idk why though but I keep getting a "Willson" from "Castaway" vibe... I mean Will / Astrid has got to get lonely from time to time out there in the frigid cold...

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9 hours ago, kristaok said:

I wouldn't mind having some nice decorative bone statuettes... Idk why though but I keep getting a "Willson" from "Castaway" vibe... I mean Will / Astrid has got to get lonely from time to time out there in the frigid cold...

I totally agree, it's one of the reasons I post this topic ! :)

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