Hold to Crouch


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I haven't found a way to do this, so perhaps I'm missing something.  But it would be useful for me if the crouch key were "on-Hold" rather than "toggle".

It's specifically annoying when crouched to smite buddies, and you need to un-crouch and sprint to pick up the little ball of fluffy meat before it scampers off.  For whatever reason this is rather stumbling to pull of with the keyboard.

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Crouching is slow enough as it is, and is used on the occasion that you have to go under something, or just simply trying to sneak up to an animal before you shoot it. Crouching is meant for a few seconds of careful movement: by making crouching "toggle", you can abuse it and you use to get out of tricky situations with animals

1 hour ago, NardoLoopa said:

It's specifically annoying when crouched to smite buddies, and you need to un-crouch and sprint to pick up the little ball of fluffy meat before it scampers off. 

If you aim correctly, you wouldn't need to shoot twice ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't really see the reason to refute such a simple request. 

Changing crouch from a toggle to a hold could probably be done via the Steam Big Picture controller settings, however I don't see any reason why Hinterland couldn't just provide this feature via settings themselves.

You can toggle in and out of crouch pretty quickly as is, I don't see any way crouching could be abused as a hold vs how it is now.

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You'll never make everyone happy.  People have been begging for an auto-walk key, so that they don't have to hold W.  If you switch crouch to a hold, people would dislike that too.  (And I'd be one of them.)  On the other hand including a checkbox where if active, crouching must be held, and if inactive it operates as it does current state, I'd be OK with that.

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I read the title and thought to myself; 'I really don't see a reason where that could be handy'
So i checked out the topic and you've got some good points i can't argue with.
You've changed my opinion, it would actually make sense to have that option availible, i can't agree more.


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