Newbie curing questions


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I have 2 basic curing questions:

1-Can items "over cure"?What mean is if you leave items curing for to long do they go bad or something.

2-Do items decure if you transport them out side in your pack?

If your reading this your probably thinking what a noob  and as a matter of fact you would be right since my longest run is 6 days but still going.

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Good questions my friend. It is a worrisome process at times, but no need to strive for "100 % quality hides". You do want to move quickly to an indoor area and don't forget to drop hides and guts in your rush to get sleep/warm. I like to use the locker at trappers to store my cured hides and the steel container under the trapper's bed to store crafted clothes. I don't like to leave cured hides on the floor where they may get walked-on, (not sure if it reduces condition). And the good news; crafted clothes will begin at 100% condition and will stay in good condition if stored in a proper container. Good Luck!

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