Condition Recovery Rate (Custom Mode)

Drifter Man

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When the "At-rest condition recovery rate" is set to "None" in the custom mode, then indeed the character gains no condition when sleeping - regardless of the "Condition recovery rate" setting, i.e. the rate at which the character gains condition when awake. For instance, with the setting

  • At-rest condition recovery rate ... None
  • Condition recovery rate ... Medium

the character gains about 1% per hour when awake and healthy, but nothing during sleep.

My request is to put the minimum recovery rate at rest equal to the rate in effect when awake, so that the player is not penalized for rest with the above setting.

I think that slow recovery rate settings open up new possibilities to experience the game (and even the "Low" setting at rest is too high). Specifically, if rest does not provide special condition benefit, the starvation exploit is eliminated. Unfortunately, the problem I explained above kills the idea, kind of.

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I haven't tried it myself, but might you be able to achieve something close to this by increasing the thirst rate, thereby restricting the amount of sleep you can take at a time and therefore the condition recovery benefit of that sleep? 

I've been playing with At Rest recovery at Low, and 'waking' recovery at None: this gives me (generally) 19% recovery from an 11 hour sleep, which is the maximum I can afford without suffering thirst damage (can't remember exactly, but I think thirst is probably set to Medium). 

By increasing the thirst rate, maybe you'd only be able to get 8 or 9 hours of sleep, and the recovery would be closer to that lost per hour of starvation? 

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11 hours ago, Pillock said:

By increasing the thirst rate, maybe you'd only be able to get 8 or 9 hours of sleep, and the recovery would be closer to that lost per hour of starvation?

That could work, but I would probably prefer a self-imposed sleep limit of 6 hours in a row (with low at-rest recovery rate and medium general recovery rate), which should have the same result of 1%/hour recovery at all times. Only the later hours of sleep result in a higher recovery rate.

A self-imposed sleep limit is easier to keep than no starvation. Sometimes you can get yourself in trouble by not starving, especially if you just can't find enough food early in the game.

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On 3.6.2018 at 10:02 AM, Drifter Man said:

When the "At-rest condition recovery rate" is set to "None" in the custom mode, then indeed the character gains no condition when sleeping - regardless of the "Condition recovery rate" setting, i.e. the rate at which the character gains condition when awake. For instance, with the setting

  • At-rest condition recovery rate ... None
  • Condition recovery rate ... Medium

the character gains about 1% per hour when awake and healthy, but nothing during sleep.

My request is to put the minimum recovery rate at rest equal to the rate in effect when awake, so that the player is not penalized for rest with the above setting.

I think that slow recovery rate settings open up new possibilities to experience the game (and even the "Low" setting at rest is too high). Specifically, if rest does not provide special condition benefit, the starvation exploit is eliminated. Unfortunately, the problem I explained above kills the idea, kind of.

An excellent and very thought-out request! I second this! 

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