Maybe I'm just weird and old fashioned but...


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There seem to be an awful lot of people who want to complete the game perfectly with all the things you can possibly get. And since issues are stopping them they're getting upset at not doing a perfectly completed run on their first attempt.

On the other hand personally I just wanted to play the episodes as well as I could while learning the game for myself knowing that I would blow things and miss side quests and not get a 100 percent completed run on my first attempt.

I just wanted to experience the story, play through it, enjoy it and get to the end feeling satisfied. Which I did.

I also have restarted the whole thing with more knowledge of how certain aspects work with the opportunity to possibly complete more  side quests, gain more trust and find more blueprints.

I just don't get the appeal of not finishing a game by myself and relying on other players help to find things for a complete run. I'd rather have an in the end very good, 100 percent solo, incomplete run of Wintermute.

But maybe I'm just weird and old fashioned.

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I always play games blind at first as well. Then replay it if the game was fun enough to want to replay and then do the completionist game the second time. I played Wintermute blind as well. I only asked for help when the game bugged out as in the bear quest and aurora for the dam quest. But I just couldn't figure those things out.

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I'm not a completionist by nature, and I know deep down that there are certain achievements in The Long Dark that I will never be able to master, so the pressure's off so to speak in 100 percenting TLD. I am trying to find all the caches though, and I think the game strikes a good balance in giving you enough information.

The only time I spoilt myself in Wintermute was when I was feeling anxious and just had to check a Let's Play to see if Fluffy was inside the dam in Wintermute, because although I've over hundred and fifty hours logged in this game* I still am terrified every bloody time I hear those wolves growl and bark. That sound design is just too good. So I wanted to be forewarned, as laundry bills aren't cheap. 

* [Only Cities: Skylines surpasses it, a game where I can happily spend a week trying to make the perfect leafy redbrick Pennsylvanian small-town highstreet.]


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I like playing non-linear open world games as a single player for the exploration and to take it all in as I go. I usually turn off the music to hear the background sounds.  I "cheat" (You Tube or forums) when I'm very stuck and frustrated because some linear roadblock has thrown a stick in my spokes that shouldn't make sense....but that's not old fashioned, that's savoring the atmosphere. I never "gun and run" games, or try to "beat it" as fast as I can.  Some games take me 8 months to complete.....I work too.

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